Finneus is really ticked !

Thuggin4Life said:
Head south on 42nd street in springfield. turn left at the roundabout. turn right at the sign that says clearwater park and follow all the way to the river. parks looks nothing like it used to. its kinda crazy now standing there and trying to remember how it was.

Unfortunately the new look hasnt changed the age old problems there!
I can safely say that I've had to deal with my fair share of police, both in a professional manner and a personal. It is really frustrating when what you see as an urgent and scarey situation, is treated like you have a mental illness of some sort. A lot of officers out there have really forgotten about fair judgement and actually enforcing the laws. They're content to sit on their haunches and go for the easy work. Here's the problem. We're anglers. Not all of us are those polite people that just let things fact most of us would be in the water on our way to open a can of whoop @**. Then, if we do that, we're the ones that get into trouble. I feel that shooting someone might be a little harsh, but I promise you this..... If someone put my children or family in any kind of danger like that.... There's no cop in the world that's going to be able to pull me OFF of the person. My suggestion...... next time you go down there, have a couple of friends numbers who live near by and give them a call..... Pretty sure they'll show up before the police do. Even if my friends never touched the kids, they'd never throw another rock at a person again.
Yup. And Mike's big. I wouldn't throw anything at him or his family much less a rock!
autofisher said:
I can safely say that I've had to deal with my fair share of police, both in a professional manner and a personal. It is really frustrating when what you see as an urgent and scarey situation, is treated like you have a mental illness of some sort. A lot of officers out there have really forgotten about fair judgement and actually enforcing the laws. They're content to sit on their haunches and go for the easy work. Here's the problem. We're anglers. Not all of us are those polite people that just let things fact most of us would be in the water on our way to open a can of whoop @**. Then, if we do that, we're the ones that get into trouble. I feel that shooting someone might be a little harsh, but I promise you this..... If someone put my children or family in any kind of danger like that.... There's no cop in the world that's going to be able to pull me OFF of the person. My suggestion...... next time you go down there, have a couple of friends numbers who live near by and give them a call..... Pretty sure they'll show up before the police do. Even if my friends never touched the kids, they'd never throw another rock at a person again.

great advice thought about goin back and checkin for that particular group with a couple of very scarry buddys have the little punks dance a bit if ya know what I mean just hate to waste anyones time not knowing whether or not they will be there!
FP you and all of us know that "scum" builds up in the same place every year!!!
nwkiller said:
FP you and all of us know that "scum" builds up in the same place every year!!!

Very true !!!

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