Finally got out there

well the last fish i lost was on a micro jig i was useing six pound leader and i was in a nice hole for landing a fish i had all the time in the world to land this fish so i went very easy with this fish nose up in the the curent and i just held it there for a while to where it out but it almost felt like it turned down river witch caused the hook to let loose some how im usually pretty good at landing fish but these springers are killn me hook more i suppose loseing all these battles sucks though but im really not complaining more of a whining deal
halibuthitman said:
I don't know how you are losing em... but one of the best Kenai King fishermen there ever was told me this advice for gearfishing... tension without pulling... hold the fish to tire them, or lose the drag more and let them pull line to lose steam, kings will be explosive at first.. but will lose steam fast, so hold tension on the hook without pulling the fish.. then they often will just about swim to ya..:cool:

I lose 90% of my fish on the first burst. Yesterday I hooked into a bunch of jumpers and had just a few that kept buttoned after the first or second jump. If they did stay on then it was lights out
the very first fish i hooked this yr was in march on clack it was soooo bright landed it lately just like you said they go ape s*** about 15 to 20 second fight and gone but thats fishing i just need to get over it when i do land them it makes them that much more special you guys are havin a killer yr on that crk thats great i prefer the clack. though ive nailed a few stly's outa that crk
Beautiful fish! Nice job! It was also Nice to meet you. Youngbuck and I met your Dad as he hiked through yesterday morning. Nice Guy, "anyway 10 minutes after he left 5 guys below us where using a huge net with a 12' extended pole to try to catch Springers" blew me away. I am glad the fish were smarter and ran up to our hole. We waited about an hour, ate, and after they settled down were willing to bite without a . I have learned a lot this year, how to change your presentation for each stream and hole. Big is not better. I was told when I 1st started that Bobber and bait was the most effective way to catch fish. I think learning how to change your presentation, run times, reading water, and learning the Steelhead and Salmon habitat is much more effective. Who cares what you use as long as it is effective, legal, and you catch fish. I agree with Metalfisher.
Good job buddy hope to see ya out there again.
Ya the old man was out yesterday and the only one he landed was fouled:rolleyes::naughty:. Too bad him and his buddy didn't go down one more hole. Anyways ya its been really cool to see familiar faces down there for a change.

And yesterday I saw the same guys in a different hole with the net:rolleyes:. It is crazy. I hooked one in their hole within ten casts after I convinced them to stop the net and throwin rocks, they were amazed. Anyways I hope to see ya out there again good luck
Keep an eye out for Schoenborn (state cop). Ya gotta carry a rod, at the very least!

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