Finally a Cabela's much closer to home

OnTheFly said:
It was a straight forward statement but could have been taken differently. It was just a play on words. I will not repeat it without her permission.

As far as Cabelas, personally I have never been to one so I am curious if they carry decent fly tying material. Personally again, I prefer the small Ma and Pa fly shops.

im sure they carry a lot of fly tying material, but like everything else its probably overpriced. Brian
I hear you on that!!! I'm kinda happy that there is one that will be there so close but on the other hand why Oregon City? I wonder if they will get the ok from the city? it sounds like a few people may be peeved about it going there maybe. Me I'm unsure.

It seems a few months ago it was Wilsonville. I guess we will find out sooner or later when that bridge is crossed.
capblack said:
they may not have much fly materials, but they sure have a great selection of jogging suits. at around $100. I hate Dicks, I must have went in there 10 times since they opened, and i havent bought a thing. Go to wholesale sports, they have a great selection of fishing gear at a decent price. Brian

Yeah, I agree. I think Dicks is into fashion not fish'in.
dont get to excited. Cosco did the same thing to us in McMinnville 4 years ago now. They joined the chamber of comerce and everything. I havent eat'n a Costco dog in Mac yet!
I've been to the cabelas in sydney nebraska, also been to the bass pro in springfield mo. Both are more of a tourist attraction than a store. The cabelas in sydney has like a hundred lot full rv park so that should say what kinda store its going to be. If they do have a certain item you may need. It will be over priced and then you get to deal with all the tourist.

I live just above ther I can see it from my house. Even at that I could careless what they build. They could turn it back into the dump it used to be. I don't have any thing against a cbelas at all going in there. But for those who haven't been to one its not like just any other sporting goods store.
I personally can't understand why anyone would be upset about a large store of any type opening anywhere in this economy. Think about the contracting and construction jobs alone...that will certainly put food on someone's table at least short term, as far as the big picture...I worked minimum wage jobs when minimum wage was $4.35 an hour and managed to keep a roof over my head and feed my two kids so I'm sure there are quite a few people who will appreciate several hundred full and part time retail positions coming to the area.
BobbiDollPDX said:
I personally can't understand why anyone would be upset about a large store of any type opening anywhere in this economy. Think about the contracting and construction jobs alone...that will certainly put food on someone's table at least short term, as far as the big picture...I worked minimum wage jobs when minimum wage was $4.35 an hour and managed to keep a roof over my head and feed my two kids so I'm sure there are quite a few people who will appreciate several hundred full and part time retail positions coming to the area.

True but it's a double edged sword. Kreugers Lumber, a small mom and pop hardware store closed it's doors after 94 years of business soon after the Home Depot opened.
Ive been to three of the cabellas and they are exactly what you would expect them to be, yes they carry a lot of fly material.. but impossible for them to compete with what that stuff is sold for online... they have the best entry level flyrod combo's in one location on earth... but the downfall is the employees.. those that can.. do...those that can't... teach.. and those that can't spell... work at cabellas, the only thing worse is the glitter sniper at the orvis store... hell, mabe they could put the orvis store in the parking lot next to a duckworth dealer... ooooh heaven on earth! come on lets all run down there and screw up our debt to income ratio! ( cabellas is a healthy store for oregon.. I think? )
OnTheFly said:
True but it's a double edged sword. Kreugers Lumber, a small mom and pop hardware store closed it's doors after 94 years of business soon after the Home Depot opened.

yeah, so did the kreugers kids have to sell the family mansion now that the average joe can afford to buy the materials to build a dog house?... Ive spent my whole life in one horse towns... and the ma an pa kettles screw the town until someone comes in and competes... and then they bury their poorly ran businesses under an american flag..... and yes Jim... ive been drinking.
halibuthitman said:
yeah, so did the kreugers kids have to sell the family mansion now that the average joe can afford to buy the materials to build a dog house?... Ive spent my whole life in one horse towns... and the ma an pa kettles screw the town until someone comes in and competes... and then they bury their poorly ran businesses under an american flag..... and yes Jim... ive been drinking.

lol.I don't think the Kreugers had a mansion but I do believe you are in your best form as we speak.:D
One of these days you and I will open a bottle of Big 'J' and we'll throw the cap away.
in a cabin on the mighty Met my friend.... Im just pre-tuning for gettin up at 5 and driving to eastern oregon to sit in a room with a bunch of people who don't fish... can you believe that...? I think they just sit around and worry about money.. too bad.. an armani suit could never feel as good as wet waders and deet..
Cabelas, for me, will be a good Dicks replacement. I'll still be doing most of my tackle buying from local shops, but when it comes down to outdoor/camping gear, clothing, etc, then I'll be at Cabelas. When traveling out of town, I'll be going to Cabelas to get the gear I need, because they'll stock gear no one in Oregon would need unless they're leaving town...
yea but the ma and pa store also didn't get the TAX exemptions for starting their shop either...i know here in salem the city pays for home depot and walmarts streets to get into the store,parking lots,and tax jim said they were in business for 94 years that to me constitutes a nice guess is the owner of cabellas has several with ya jim i love the small stores,,they actually know what their talking about when you walk in the door.
The major difference between a locally-owned business and a larger chain is in how the money recirculates through town. If you were to spend $100 in either of these two options and then track where their profit goes, the locally-owned business generally recirculates 7x the money back into the local economy. You can all figure where that other profit goes when spent at a chain store.

And yes, I will shop at chain stores for some larger-dollar purchases. But I will happily spend a little more at Ollie Damons, or the Reel Tackle Shop, or the Estacada Tackle Shop, or..... You get the idea!
And now that I think about it, did The Reel Tackle Shop in Sandy recently go out of business?
jeffcycles said:
The major difference between a locally-owned business and a larger chain is in how the money recirculates through town. If you were to spend $100 in either of these two options and then track where their profit goes, the locally-owned business generally recirculates 7x the money back into the local economy. You can all figure where that other profit goes when spent at a chain store.

And yes, I will shop at chain stores for some larger-dollar purchases. But I will happily spend a little more at Ollie Damons, or the Reel Tackle Shop, or the Estacada Tackle Shop, or..... You get the idea!
thats a good point you got there but sometimes local litle tackle shops sell more expencive than bigger stores!!!
jeffcycles said:
The major difference between a locally-owned business and a larger chain is in how the money recirculates through town. If you were to spend $100 in either of these two options and then track where their profit goes, the locally-owned business generally recirculates 7x the money back into the local economy. You can all figure where that other profit goes when spent at a chain store.

And yes, I will shop at chain stores for some larger-dollar purchases. But I will happily spend a little more at Ollie Damons, or the Reel Tackle Shop, or the Estacada Tackle Shop, or..... You get the idea!

Hey jeffcycles. you hit the nail right on the head. Twenty dollars can circulate through a small town all day. For example: touist spends 20 bucks at the gas station, gas station owner spends the same 20 at the hardware store for tools, hardware guy buys 20 dollars in donuts then the donut shop owner goes out and buys 20 bucks worth of gas back at the station.
I do agree with all of you..its nice to buy from a friend or local, but in my expirence stand alone micro economies always fail, every town needs a Boss Hog,......or a Republican... God needs the Devil..
Sorry, I'm still voting for more jobs. Mom and Pop hardware stores aren't going to put Oregonians back to work and people who aren't working are going to have to shop at larger chains in order to save money.

Once we get some money back in the state, then more people will have the choice of whether to shop with their hearts or their wallets.

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