Fin clipped vs. wild steelhead.

Fin clipped vs. wild steelhead.

  • I would like there to be more hatchery steelhead availible for harvest.

    Votes: 18 45.0%
  • Doesn't matter to me. I just enjoy catching steelhead.

    Votes: 13 32.5%
  • The hatcheries should be taken out.

    Votes: 9 22.5%

  • Total voters
Take out all the hatchery "tards" so that the genetics of native fish will remain strong. I believe that all hatchery fish should be REMOVED from the gene pool if "captured". I'm glad that we are allowed to retain 2 fish per day but I'm not in it just for the meat! The "tug is the drug for me"! I do not believe that we need to increase the hatchery populations in rivers, because this will only harm the genetics by having tards crossbreeding with the natives. Hatchery fish server their purpose, for those that can't feed their family any other way (not tryin to be an a$$), but the repercussions of only having hatchery fish runs will be decimating. The Native Steelhead will cease to exist, if it hasn't already. :(
steelhead_slayer said:
A picture is good enough for me. A big native would keep a smile on my face for weeks

I agree. Eating a fish that you catch will last you 2 maybe 3 days. A photo will last a life time. Its all about memories for me. Like today, spent 5 hours fishing in the rain. Didn't hook one fish...but it was the highlight of my week.
FlyBum said:
Hatchery fish server their purpose, for those that can't feed their family any other way

Hell of an expensive way to feed a family!!
Remove the hatcheries and use the funds to rebuild wild runs that could be harvested responsibility for generations. It might take a rough 5-10 years but I bet the runs could recover huge and sooner than we are currently see them recover.
I bet if they remove the hatchery fish it would be way less funds to rebuild anything!
The majority of angling license fees fund go to hatcheries anyway.. at least the federal, Indian, and lottery dollars wouldn't get watered down and go completely to restoration and enhancement .. and all the conservation groups could stop burning funds lobbying and use them towards actual restoration projects
OnTheFly said:
I am running into more and more steelhead fishermen that get so depressed after not catching a hatchery fish to take home after a good day on the river. So much so it's to the point where disgruntled fishermen will actually cut the adipose off the fish themselves. Really?:confused:

Is it that important to be able to take one home or are you just as satisfied simply catching a fine chromer whether it's a hatchery or not?

Couple of thoughts here. First is if you try the 'clip the fin' bit and "The Man," he being an Oregon State Police officer 99% of the time, you ARE IN DEEP DO-DO! That's the first thing they look at most of the year. The most being here on the Rogue during the winter. You can retain up to 5 Native winter fish. (Don't quote me as I'd have to look this up, but only one in possession at a time?)

Interesting difference in 'attitude' on who keeps what and when even if you could. Vast majority of fly fishermen will toss a native back EVEN IF they could legally keep same. Gear Guys? Into the truck it goes. Interesting mind set that separates the two?
The question above of 'where does the money come from and where does it go' caught my attention. Pain where one sits to get 'real time' data but this was an interesting read (even if it may be a bit dated). Was staggering to read how much 'extra money' Fishing/Hunting generates in local communities vs what gets spent on what.
eggs said:
The majority of angling license fees fund go to hatcheries anyway..

I was curious about this and found the data below in the 11-13 ODFW adopted budget files here:

ODFW 11-13 available revenue: $354M (only $7M of this is coming from Oregon General Fund, half as much as in the previous 2year plan)

Adopted spending plan: $320M (from this: $163M is for Fishing, $62M is for Hunting)

Revenue comes from 4 Funds: General ($7M), Lottery ($6M), Other ($231M), and Federal ($110M)

"Other Fund" revenue: $102.5M (44%) is coming from our sport Angler and Hunting licenses/tags....

4 areas of spending for Fish Division: Propagation (hatcheries): $50M, Natural Production: $77M (:D), Marine: $17M, Interjurisdictional: $19M.

This image from the "Fish Propagation" PDF- it breaks down where the hatchery money comes from:

With 27% coming from "Other Fund", and 44% of that fund coming from our license/tags, I calculate the Hatchery program is roughly 12% funded by our license/tag money ($6M of the $102.5M coming in used for hatcheries.).

Additional info in the above image, it appears most of the funding for the hatchery programs is coming in from various hydropower/dam/restoration funds with some of that being matched by our money. All good in my opinion.
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Uhh guess I stand corrected.. I will make sure do a 30 minute fact check before making a midnight and several beer post that was more about a point than statistics.

Sorry for the ignorant post on my part.
eggs said:
Uhh guess I stand corrected.. I will make sure do a 30 minute fact check before making a midnight and several beer post that was more about a point than statistics.

Sorry for the ignorant post on my part.
Don't be sorry. Remember, you and I have solved most of the worlds problems many times over in just one night of binge drinking at fish camp. Screw the facts, these guys don't have a clue.:D
OnTheFly said:
Don't be sorry. Remember, you and I have solved most of the worlds problems many times over in just one night of binge drinking at fish camp. Screw the facts, these guys don't have a clue.:D

I will drink to that and its only 9am.
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I like steelhead...All steelhead...Hatcheries,brooders,nates,big or small......

I must confess though,when the fish gets close and the looking starts,I feel a sense of elation when I see a clip....
eggs said:
I will drink to that and its only 9am.

the day is young, perhaps a young whiskey, I am thinking of having some Chatoe Rogue Oregon Single Malt Whisky...(which is excellent IMHO).

Cheers, roger
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eggs said:
Uhh guess I stand corrected.. I will make sure do a 30 minute fact check before making a midnight and several beer post that was more about a point than statistics.

Sorry for the ignorant post on my part.

TOO FUNNY BY HALF! Welcome to my world; amazing what you can/CAN NOT find on Google unless you put in just the 'correct words' in the search function. But this bit tickled my fancy, Columbia River dam mitigation(s)? "Additional info in the above image, it appears most of the funding for the hatchery programs is coming in from various hydropower/dam/restoration funds with some of that being matched by our money. All good in my opinion."
eggs said:
Remove the hatcheries and use the funds to rebuild wild runs that could be harvested responsibility for generations. It might take a rough 5-10 years but I bet the runs could recover huge and sooner than we are currently see them recover.

It sounds good in theory but that is whats been going on in Washington for about 15 to 20 years and the runs are in no better shape than they were when hatchery fish were removed! The problem with declining fish stocks are more involved than just hatchery fish.
fredaevans said:
Interesting difference in 'attitude' on who keeps what and when even if you could. Vast majority of fly fishermen will toss a native back EVEN IF they could legally keep same. Gear Guys? Into the truck it goes. Interesting mind set that separates the two?

I am all for releasing native steelhead. I mostly gear fish and think there is no need to bonk beautiful, native fish when there are so many hatchery fish to harvest!
steelhead_stalkers said:
It sounds good in theory but that is whats been going on in Washington for about 15 to 20 years and the runs are in no better shape than they were when hatchery fish were removed! The problem with declining fish stocks are more involved than just hatchery fish.

I agree the current model for recovery would not work..

I think if you had a 100% statewide funding of the restoration, things would be way better than if right now. Right now if a river is "wild" the hatchery is removed and off the budget, most restoration is left to the privite parties of that watershed or maybe the assistance of a bigger group like TU, but still nothing compared to the state, federal, and hydro fees that could be routed to fix "wild" rivers.
Since this is my third winter steelhead season without landing one on the bank I have to go for the side of fishing as an excuse to get out of the house and spend the day in nature. A decent compromise would to be to stop stocking rivers with native runs. It might reduce the fishing pressure on certain rivers if the meat fisherman knew there was no chance to keep one, they would naturally migrate to keeper rivers.
There are rivers in Oregon that produce no hatchery fish. The runs are strong and you can fish them but you must release everything....except a stray hatchery if you catch one. These rivers get very little pressure because you stand almost no chance of taking one home. Fine by me, I'd rather catch fish and release them all than compete with a million other anglers to take 1 fish home. Since I give away 50% of the meat I catch anyway, I just don't have the need for that much fish in my freezer.

I do have to say though, I agree with Santiam338.....if I'm fishing to keep fish I get excited to see a non-nate on the line.
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