Fall Chinooks are finally showing up!

Got a call from a guide buddy working B10 w/ clients. 1000 boats on the water and an average of 3 fish per rod. The chinook are coming as well as the Cohos in huge numbers
3 fish per rod... dang... but can't keep until sep 1st!
ODFW has no clue

ODFW has no clue

I'm fairly certain ODFW has NO CLUE what to expect from this season. Last year on the coast the fish moved in late and ran upriver fairly quick. People thought it was bad numbers. The numbers were there, the fish were on big spinners and big herring (we fished black labels the size of 14 inch kokanee). Some of the oldtimers tell me that when there is a LOT of baitfish in the ocean sometimes the fish won't come in. My guess is this year we are going to see more and bigger fish than last year with a mess of five year fish.
My cousin is a biologist for odfw and thinks the managment is over-reacting to Cali's bad run this year based on last years jack count, which is very inacurate. I think they need to sit back, relax and let us catch our fish.
Holy Omg!!!

Holy Omg!!!

WOOOOOAH we just BLEW last year out of the way easily!!! 14000 YESTERDAY!!! ITS NOT EVEN MID SEASON YET!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are already at the LAST 10 YEAR AVERAGE!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Well.... bad thing is they might be gone by september 1st...
I gotta post this in morer threads! :lol:
Kodiak, thanks for the tip dude. I was going to try throwing spinners out there even if you told me to plunk some bait, so that is good for me as i don't have any plunking gear, and was not about to buy any, being a broke joke. I can work spinners pretty damn well now, actually catching regularly, and it has given me a ton of confidence, and swinging them is now my new favorite method for terminal.
Teach me master Arctic Amoeba... :D
I am no master man...I just have been putting in my time at the water. Learn the drifts at various river flows, and don't get hung up on a certain rig. Throw a variety and see what the fish prefer you presenting...My bset friend can jig like nobodys business, and always catches fish, but every day we go out, I never get anything, and he will land them on weird off color patterns, or something meant for a different species. Point is get good at drifting what works for you, because that bank has been paying divedendss.
Hummmmmm.. the force is strong in this one!
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Yeah you betcha! :D Ten bucks that tomorrow is gonna be like 15-17 thousand! :D And ten bucks that most salmon will be out by september 1st...:(:D:(:D
FishSchooler said:
Yeah you betcha! :D Ten bucks that tomorrow is gonna be like 15-17 thousand! :D And ten bucks that most salmon will be out by september 1st...:(:D:(:D

You seem pretty hellbent on not fishing for Chinook until September 1st.:think: Do you only fish out on the Columbia? The Clackamas is open for fin-clipped hatchery Steelhead & Chinook year round.;) And the Sandy is 'nook fishable from like the 1st of February until Halloween. If you want to fish for them don't wait until Sept. Fish now.
Ooops... I loses 10 bucks... :lol: 11 thousand...
Well, parents think that only the columbiahas fish........... WRONG........... Well, sounds like Ill have to use cchinooks rig if I dont go to the clackamas... Cchinook does say he caught 4 30+pounders up there last year and a bunch of others.
How do you fish the clack for falls anyway? can't plunk... Spinners? Bobber-eggs? Plugs?
Don't plunk on the Clackamas, the Riverbed is definitely not plunkable... Swing spinners, and drift bait, no float, just learn how to side drift essentially, from the bank...
Spinners and side driftin, got it. Thanks. I probably wont be headin to that corner again, what other places along the clack are good? Mouth is popular people say.
O.df.w = A Bad Joke

O.df.w = A Bad Joke

now they are saying they might close the Columbia early , I guess 2 wks. is to much for us - next year Washington will get my money instead of those miserable incompetent fools in Salem


YAYHOO! Im going on september first probably! Spinners it is cchinook and I thank you for the tips and the rig info, I hope they do get me! oh man, I can't even think of me holdin a 20 pound nook! Any more tips would be gladly be appreciated!
dont forget to take a picture !
Oh heck, I probably will take video of my fight! :D
Want to get out there. Where to go?

Want to get out there. Where to go?

Long story short. I moved to Oregon from the Midwest for a job 3 years ago. I grew up on freshwater Bass, Walleye, Pike etc in Wisconsin/Illinois. So salmon fishing is foreign to me. (I know there are salmon in the great lakes I just never fished it :) )

Well, I just got back from a family fishing trip up on the Kenai Peninsula in AK. For the first time, I found myself salmon fishing the lower Kenai river with spinners, tying on Roe, wearing waders, and drifting the swift Kenai currents near Soldotna. I fought a 16 lb silver and landed it and now I am HOOKED.

So now I'm back in Oregon trying to figure out where to go and try my luck on the Chinook fall run. I've gotten a quite a bit of info talking to some people and am trying to make sense if it, not to mention decipher the rules and regulations.

I was told the chinook run is only on the coastal rivers? Is there a place close to Portland to try for a Chinook? Any help would be great. Thanks!
Pretty much anywhere you can find running water within 45 minutes of Portland(Clack., Will., Sandy, Columbia and most of their tributaries) that ends up in the ocean somehow is going to be holding somekind of salmon :pray: :pray: :pray: in the next 1 to 3 months. Most noteable the Columbia fall Chinook run that opens Monday. Find a spot off the side of the road that looks like someone might fish there, and youll probably catch a fish. This time of year its not too hard to find a hot spot!! can't miss 56 people plunkin (or throwin spinners for that matter:lol:) 70 feet of bank!! Likewise in a boat. Look for the row of 20-30 boats lined up or scout boat ramps in the a.m..

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