
I was taught that if you can afford to replace the borrowed item, you might as well buy one before it is an issue.

The rod isn't worth the loss of a good friendship.
nwkiller said:
if you hand some one a rod that has 15 pound line on it but the rod is rated for 12 and they end up breaking it, should they pay for it, or should it be your problem because u threw on the heavy test and didn't mention to go super easy.

if You are handed a rod that has 15 pound line on it but rated for 12 nd you break it should you pay for it???

lets hear it!

I would have to believe your rod had to be defective or previosly fractured. In my experience I use 50 pound braided XP on my lamiglas XMG50 and its line rating is 8-15 and I have hooked and landed several fish with it. Ive even landed a 61" sturgeon and I cranked the drag tight and put the screws to it. I wouldnt recommend it or use it for a "sturgeon rod" but my point being if the rod that got broke was rated to 12 you shouldnt have to go easy just because the line was 15. Im not sure what brand of rod you are using. Im assuming its not under warranty because your wondering about replacement cost. My only advice would be whoever ends up paying for it would be to ad a little more cash and upgrade to a rod with a warranty. you definatly get what ya pay for.
I would only loan a rod out to someone I trust, and if something happens to it then o well. On the same token, if someone loaned me a rod and it broke then I'd take it upon myself to replace it. I guess what it really comes down to is that frienships are much more valuable than a fishing rod and when you chose your friends wisely then a broken fishing rod will never be an issue.
The one question I should have asked. In the original post it was said "if you hand a rod to someone" now if this was the case I'm taking it as the two were fishing together and one was handing a fish to the other. If this is the case then the original owner has the option to see how it was actually broke. Because I still stand firm to my original post. I dont think the line that was only three pounds heavier than the rating is what broke the rod. if the guy who loaned the rod out was not there and it was loaned out. I would have to think the guy who broke it is trying to make up an excuse of why the rod was returned broke. If it was me who borrowed a rod and it broke I would replace it at my cost no matter what the circumstance. And the last thing I would do is blame it on the guy who was decent enough to loan it to me just because the line was three pounds heavier than the rating.
nwkiller said:
if you hand some one a rod that has 15 pound line on it but the rod is rated for 12 and they end up breaking it, should they pay for it, or should it be your problem because u threw on the heavy test and didn't mention to go super easy.

if You are handed a rod that has 15 pound line on it but rated for 12 nd you break it should you pay for it???

lets hear it!

I don't use line over rated for my rods because I don't want to break my gear. If you set your rod up like that it's your burden, not the person you handed your rod to.

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