Epic day!!!

First off, this is exactly why I really don't like posting pics on the forum. I really don't care If I post here or how many props I get on fish. I posted this thread simply to let everyone know that the bass were biting. It is precisely posts like these that will make me think twice before I post again. If you were fishing for info which clearly you are judging by the way you have meticulously studied my photographs and accused me of fishing private waters with no permission, I think you have gone about it the wrong way and I hope that you use better skills in real life yourself. I decided to reach out and take another member off the forum while my normal fishing partner was out of town and I don't pack a camera, that is jawjackers deal. FP leaves his in the truck and packs a nice one back to the launch if he gets one, not my preference but hey to each his own. It worked well and the fish was released unharmed. As for the photo of me I do have a confession to make, The fish in my right hand I accidentally killed by ripping one of his gills with my hook. I have people at work that will eat them so I figured that would be better than tossing a dead fish back in the lake. the one in my left I caught right at the parking lot as we were leaving so it was a perfect photo op for a double. Had I had my normal fishing partner you would have had a lovely little pic of me and a bass and a bush. Not that I need to explain myself to anyone. There is the info you seek and that will be all.
BlackBass said:
Talk about getting bent out of shape, it was a question and a legitimate one at that. Its not common to see pictures taken of bass at night with tail lights , and a road nearby. Not allot of water in the picture and I'm not quite sure why you would need to keep a bass in a live well when pond hopping.! You could of just mentioned that you took some pictures at dark. This is a public forum and I enjoy talking about fish of any species , therefor I got involved in the conversation. I have no clue why you would talk like this to a complete stranger , hope you choose more affective communication in real life. Just to think I sent you private messages trying to give you tips on building brush piles in your pond, talked about your bluegill die off problems , sure are quick to be a prick with people are are just trying to discuss fishing..Take a nap gramps
you are 1 arrogant jackass,just enjoy the pics,theres no need to ask stupid questions about how people choose to fish.considering YOU never post any reports maybe you should learn to shut your mouth once in a while.
oh man, here we go again.....:lol:
I never had a negative opinion of you , quite the contrary. I just think you came off a wee bit defensive when someone ask you a legitimate question. Enjoy the spring spawn :L

I think some are getting a bit defensive. Way to jump on the bandwagon big steel , always looking at the rear pant pockets of others I presume. I just simply asked a question about a picture that looked odd to me, for a catch and release sport photos at dark with tail lights just look silly, and it looks like my thoughts were correct , a fish was indeed harvested . I would of kept the fish as well if it had died. Hawgcrawler I was not trying to single anyone out for any particular reason, and I know of more then one pond in your area that borders private/county land that is why I mentioned having permission, because I had been ticketed, before getting permission from the farmer.. Public forum = people discussing a range of topics with varying opinions, and differences. If you can't play nice on a computer then ,,,,,,,,, :)
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Look man was gonna PM ya and remove my last few commets but since it started here lets see if we can end it here . I would like to start with an apology I should have done as I know better and done two things wait to reply and replied by PM. I have to admit I took offense and just fired back. With the understanding that you like myself at first did not know that transporting fish was a big deal , with one mention of it here I was basically lambasted and in the end I found out rightfully so. It is not only illegal its like a class C felony with up to 5yrs and 100,000 in fines. I will also agree that most of the comments were in the form of questions. I always try to thank folks for any advise they are willing to give and hope you know that, if not read back through. When it comes to accusations or allegations with me it is purely put up or shut up, if you want to call me out be prepared for me to show up! Being as I am very fortunate and have access / and am caretaker to much private water ,am a devout C&R basser, and follow all fishing regs where they apply the idea of being acussed " which by the way is the same to me whether in the form of a question or not" of harvesting bass to eat , tresspassing , and transporting fish has a way of offending me. When it comes to another member being kind enuff to share their hard earned spots I will always respect them by not discussing locations or tactics in the open forum, which is very different when you have to compete with the masses for them. I am sure if you would just read back about a year or so you would find that I am more than happy to share my private water with like minded conservational bassers. In the end again I would like to apoligize for being a bit bent and hope we can put this behind us / burry the hatchet. Let this be said! from here on out anyone who wants to question what ,where ,when or why I am doing this or that better do it in a private message or I wont even bother to answer, this being as I pretty much only answer to two authoritys the man upstairs and the law. There ya have it Black bass hope this will put an end to us acting like immature brats if not have a good one cause I know I will.
Takes a solid guy to have a response like that! I appreciate the clarification and do understand where you are coming from. I find myself being allot like you just described, but having that attitude at least for me, has back fired more then once. I will keep this short , but feel it necessary to talk about how I learned my lesson. I am fishing one day and meet a real sour apple type of guy on the water. Frustrated with life who knows , I can not for the life of me remember how we got into an exchange of words on the water, but believe me it was not cute. Fast forward three weeks I am applying for a job at a mill pulling chain. I apply get an interview and show up on time, who would of guessed the guy interviewing me was indeed that irrational guy from the fishing hole.
Needless to say he had held a grudge and it cost me a job . Moral of that story is , you never know when you're going to run into that person , or how he may affect your life , when you go off the deep end as I did that day, sometimes it bites you in the ass :)> Thank you for the civility Finneus, Tight lines .
I will take that as apology accepted , now we can get on to more important stuff like fishin ! Oh and just because she reads my stuff I had better clarify and fess up to answering to three authoritys LOL my awesome wife!
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Now shake hands and get back to work, lol. I too apologize for my smart remark, I guess it is the fisherman in me. lol. It is a public forum and we should all try to be a little more sociable. Public means anyone, including children.
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