Early season Hagg Lake trout

fire corn

fire corn

6......12.....whatever, he was a young angler and did better than anyone else that day, yeah same story though, I was at A ramp all day saturday and sunday in the wind and rain, I drive a black lifted toyota tacoma.

Fire corn is a bait sold in the jarred baits section of BI-Mart, Joe's ect... it is kernals of corn marinated in different things that entice fish to bite, it has long been told that trout love yellow corn on a hook. I keep a jar of fire corn handy if for no other reason than to amuse myself with different combos.

speaking of combos, to answer you next question, I have been trying a bunch of "cocktail" combos this year like, red salmon egg and two power eggs with some lunker lotion, or powerbait and a salmon egg and lunker lotion, or under a bobber, two different colored eggs and fire corn. I can't say that any combo is more productive than powerbait or eggs alone as my data is inconclusive with a lack of fish and bites. What I can say is that I have noticed that almost every time a big fish is hooked it is because the bait is out of the ordinary to what is very commonplace with most all trout anglers on the lake.

My theory is to introduce something they have not seen or seldom seen before in hopes that it will trigger a bite.

I was told that the kid got that 30 incher on chartuese powerbait with garlic lunker lotion very close in.

Corn Power bait is a power bait paste bright yellow in color with corn scent, it is usually very productive for me in years past.

Hope this helps.
Good Stuff

Good Stuff

That stuff all sounds like good stuff that trout would love. I have always heard that corn is crazy good to trout but growing up in California I was told it was illegal to fish with corn. I think it had something to do with the trout not being able to digest it and therefore it kills them. Which isn't so bad if you're trying to catch your fish to eat him but I think people would poke holes in a can of corn and drop it under their boat and then drop a hook with corn on it and wait for every trout in the lake to come rushing to their hooks. Then they go home with their limit but like 50 other fish die...at least that is what I was told.

Sounds like I'm going to have to add some bait to my trout collection (which now is one jar of powerbait)...
more good stuff

more good stuff

hahaha LOL. add to your trout suff, one jar of powerbait:lol:

yeah I guess you will, I have a "trout bucket" a 5 gallon pale full of my Hagg lake trout stuff. I have a freezer bag full of all different powerbait and salmon eggs and scents, a tackle box with a dozen or so different types and sizes of hooks, lead, beads, swivels, floats, and of course spinners and jigs. And my trusty bell. That's right I fish with a bell! Lets me know when I got something serious on the end of my line.
I just couldnt get my line tight with a 3/4 oz weight. The people next to me had a 1/4 oz weight and their line would be tighter. Maybe the 10 feet inbetween us changes from sand to rocks.... who knows.
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tight lines??? or not???

tight lines??? or not???

well, it could be a few other things too, like the angle at which you are resting your pole, how much bait and how bouyant that bait it. The idea is that taking up the slack should pull the leader swivel right up to the sliding sinker and the floating bait should keep everything in tight. I fish a 1/4 ounce in nice weather, and 1/2 ounce in windy weather. As another poster stated, it is a good idea to leave a little belly in the line to allow the fish to wander a little and to give you some time to set the hook before the fish notices that he has been tricked. It could also be the size and type of line you fish, I like to use 8lb Izorline for it's bright green/yellow high vis characteristics. I also like original stren 8lb. Heavy line can be moved by wind and or currents, lite lines seem less affected.

one last thing, make sure your reel has zero anti reverse and that it is not backing up a little after you set it down. There is usually a lever on the back of the reel body that you can flip and stop this from happening. I am sure you are well versed with your gear, just thought it was worthy of mention.
Bigger Lure for Bigger Fish?

Bigger Lure for Bigger Fish?

Hey, on a side note, FishTastic, are you the guy that made a comment to me about his spinner? "They say bigger lure for bigger fish." ? If so that was me you were talking too. I wasn't there long. I also wasn't very talkative...didn't like getting rained on. Too cold for me. I'll be in a better mood when I have better weather for fishing.
big lure= big fish.......we hope....

big lure= big fish.......we hope....

haha yeah that was me! I say corny junk like that all the time when fishing. I remember you and your wife began fishing in front of the Sherriff's boat house at boat ramp A then you walked over and fished a soft plastic in the little back water cove where I was casting a rooster tail. I also said, "another gust like that, I might get my rooster tail all the way across". I noticed you were a little less than pleased with the weather that day, but hey we live in Oregon, if you don't like the weather here, just wait 5 minutes! :lol:

I plan to hit that same spot this weekend again. I fish no matter what the weather. I am used to all sorts of bad weather fishing conditions, I take it in stride, for me I would much rather be cold and wet than hot and thirsty in the summer heat.

I am thinking of doing a little recon mission to detroit lake today. Bi-mart has a nice shakespear for $25 and I am trying to figure a way that I can convince my wife that I must have that rod in my collection.

Anyone want to meet up in Detroit, OR.????
Detroit Lake?

Detroit Lake?

Funny you should mention Detroit. I am probably going to be there this Friday night, all Saturday and first half of the day on Sunday. If you go let me know if you have any luck and particularly what the weather is like. My family is going camping up there for the weekend, and we are heading up there if the weather permits. Right now it looks like it is going to be sunny and a little warmer on Saturday and Sunday which means it might just be the perfect time to go!

If we don't go we might go to Hagg, but if not I'm sure we'll be there the first warmer day we can. Maybe we'll see each other again. We both work solid Monday-Friday jobs so all our fishing will be weekend work unless we take a vacation.

My fiance is just starting. Don't know if you noticed but her pole is all pink and black. That was a condition of her starting to fish with me. We had to find a pink pole. Then we had to get pink hooks, pink plastic worms, pink and sparkly powerbait, a pink spinner...I sure hope fish like the color pink. Anyway, that was only her second time fishing in her life. She's more temperamental about the weather than me is mostly why we didn't stay long. Though losing one of my lures kind of sealed the deal for me.

By the way, when loading up with powerbait, eggs, corn, etc, what size and type hooks do you guys use for trout fishing. I bought some size 8 and 6 gamakatsu pre-snelled bait holders that come with like 2-3 feet of line. Perfect as a leader to attach to a swivel. That a good sized hook though? As a kid we used to always use tiny little size 10 hooks for trout. Seemed like lots of them swallowed the hook all the way into their stomach though.
8 & 6 are a good size hook.

It sounds like it's gonna be Reel Nice this Weekend..........................:lol::lol::lol:..........................:cool::cool::cool:

we use to catch lots of crappie with Pink crappie jigs....1/16oz,,,,,,,1/8oz....................if'n i remember rite

Happy fishin'........................:D
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:think: Didn't really notice the pink hardware, just saw the two of you in the chairs fishing in to the weather.

There is a lady from east portland that comes out to fish the dam, we named her the pink lady, she has pink pole, pink line, pink takle, pink box (hubby painted for her:rolleyes:) and she wears lots of pink. Seems to catch her share of fish.

Just got back from Detroit, so nasty over there I did'nt even get out of my truck. Should improve for the weekend. I work m-f also but I live and work in Hillsboro so it is all too easy for me to slip out to the lake daily. I am getting the itch for some steelies on the upper wilson so I may go there this weekend and save Detroit for the Aug OFF derby.

I am going to head up to Barney Reservoir this afternoon, pretty excited about that, it may be a little off the beaten path but the fish are some of the finest quality available. Losing a lure sure sucks, but I have learned to have 2 or more of all of my favorites.

If you go to Hagg this weekend, email me and I will drop by for a visit.

I use mustad ultra point size 6 hooks, and I sometimes use 18-16 VMC triple hooks if they are biting light. I agree that many fish get gut hooked, it's not so bad if you plan to keep the fish, but a little more agony for the fish. Just be fast to set the hook on a bite and should be able to avoid the dreaded gut hook. You can always cut the line and leave the hook with the fish and hopefully the fish will disolve or pass the hook in due time.

The pre rigged leader and hook is an ok approach, I prefer to tie my own with flouro-clear 8lb leader. The stuff is over priced, but so clear I have trouble seeing it to tie so I know the fish are not wary of it. I also like to have the freedom to change leader length on demand.
Got these yesterday out of hagg,biggest one is 20 inches
Nice Haul

Nice Haul

Couple of those would make some very nice eating:clap:. If you don't mind divulging your secrets, where on the lake and with what did you catch these beauties?:think::think::think:
Nice Fish

Nice Fish

Very nice group of fish! I may have to slip out to the lake today and throw a few lures around lunchtime. :lol:
By yourself?

We always want more info! :protest: ;):lol:
1/4 OZ KASTMASTER those are just some of the fish. i go out there a few times a week and do great. you just dont need all that crap on your line to troll. i caught that 20 incher on a 5 ft ugly stick.....:clap: good times
You got all that in one day and kept it?
two of us:D
That explains it... ;)
Just wanted to make sure... ;)
Heres another bunch from yesterday
Kastmasters are cool, I wonder how well one would do from the bank? I used to kill trout with em but was usually out in the boat....

MJBSN2..... were you banking it?


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