


:naughty: :naughty:
*The aforementioned opinions are that as a MEMBER and not as a moderator and do not reflect the opinions of this forum...sort of...:lol:
You crack me up,but don't tell anyone...;)
Bad monkeys!!!!

Bad monkeys!!!!

A young gal that babysits my kids knows those boy's. Turns out they are the ones that were snagging above the deadline last year after the season closed. I will be calling the popo this evening probably.
Smack down!

Smack down!

Kodiak said:
A young gal that babysits my kids knows those boy's. Turns out they are the ones that were snagging above the deadline last year after the season closed. I will be calling the popo this evening probably.

Well,those lil turds! Seriously,we all know we would love to smack them around til they cried like little girls,but nowadays that is frowned on.
Something for you to consider...a lot of the local news channels are doing stories on the fishing situation;having open discussions etc. You could call any or all of them and explain what is going on and see if they would be interested in doing a story. Maybe meet you down there (blindfolded if it is a honey-hole) and film the whole thing. Just a way to get our side out and show that we are responsible and protecting our fish from idiots...
Be safe.
Smolt Killers

Smolt Killers

Call OSP and ask for a cop named Marshall. He will call you back and respond to the problem. Unfortunately the season is open.
sumone i kno wood dig a hole, put in fertilizer, then plant a tree on top................................................:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:......................................:cool::cool::cool:


grampa ron said:
Call OSP and ask for a cop named Marshall. He will call you back and respond to the problem. Unfortunately the season is open.

I double, triple, quadruple checked the regs and called ODFW, trout season on santiams doesn't open until the 23rd of may. ODFW said they would keep an eye on it, but should i happen to see it feel free to call..I asked about them becoming river nutrients and they said for the time being I should hold OFF:think:. However they moved the dead line up river 100yrds on my favorite springer/summer steelie hole....fishys gonna get spanked now!!!!
Run far!!!

Run far!!!

Never seen kids run home so fast in all my life LOL!!!! Just happened to run into a trooper on the way to see if the helper monkies were whoopen on smolt. So we went down there and sure enough 5 little monkies sitting on the rocks throwing power bait. We sat and watched explained what was going. He said why don't you go down and tell them to leave so I did. While I was walking down there the cop crossed the bridge and stayed out of sight. I told them to pack it and head home. The smart alic one said " I'll just tell them I'm fishing for steelhead". I said fine nows your chance. BUSTED!!!! Got there names and address confinscated rods, took car keys and said they would be sopping by to chat with parents..this is the best part ..and said now run home. he walked up to the bike trail and they were sitting there arguing about whos fault it was as he packed thier gear up to his truck when he got up there. Looked at them and said "I said run , you are standing, who do I take to jail first?" They ran:lol::clap::dance: Being in the boonies has its advantages. He took the car keys and rods back to parents and sited all the kids...even the one that wasn't fishin. Serves them right..lil' bastards.
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Hahaha, sweet justice!!!
Great story ! Hopefully these kids will learn from their mistake. If not they'll be in Prison soon enough :-). Good job bro !!
That is absolutely awesome!! I love to finally hear when someone is caught and punished for messing with our delicate fish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Good job staying with it!
:clap:Haha gotta love it when the snaggers and law breakers get whats comin.
That is awesome to hear. I DESPISE law breakers, especially when it comes to our resources like this.

Only thing that would have been better were if it could have been recorded on video.. :).
Good job! Maybe you saved a few fish for us to catch when they are worth fishing for. Stupid kids.
I love it!! Great job :clap: :clap:
Due Justice

Due Justice

Just love how some juveniles like to mouth off knowing adults can't slap it shut for them. :mad: Wish the trooper had towed & impounded the car(s) to go along with the citations. Disadvantages to being in the boonies too. No phone signal to turn in poachers.:( Although the camera I always carry does take movies too! , picture is worth 1000 words, movie = 10,000 ;)
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He scared thhe tar out of em. They are young and they got apretty good scare, maybe they will pay attention. The social enviornment most of them come from have the same type of mentality. A lot of guys up here think it's ok. Some of the locals are peeved about the whole thing...we should just let them be they're just kids...that kinda crap. It's taken years to get the deadline on that hole moved up and a lot of policing from the guys that fish it, willing to put others in check. We wont be giving it up for a bunch of kids and snaggers. It will be interesting this year to see what happens. They established the deadline because of an older generation would go wayyy over board with the snagging at this spot...the fish stack 3-4 fish thick and 20-30 yrds deep..pretty much all the way across the middle 2/3rds of the river.
Kodiak, I applaud your actions. This is "our" resource; state wide not just for those who happen to live in close proximity to any giver water way. Apathy on the part of local residences is no excuse to bend or break laws designed to protect our dwindling natural resource.

Damn the torpedoes your doing the right thing!

I hope others will rally to help protect the children... The children of fish we all hope to catch when they return again as adults!


they moved the deadline on the N Santiam up?

kudos for bustin those guys....
Kodiak, I applaud you. Standing up for whats right. Even better to see you have so much support.:clap::clap::clap:
I've called OSP twice already on the South Santiam on people who were targeting smolt. And I informed a youngster of what a smolt was the other day too. I'm not putting up with it this year. It's our future runs at stake.

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