derby? near florance......tahkenitch, you in?

fishndad said:
well guys the weather has been crap.....I hope the weather gets better soon or the derby is gonna be tuff

The weather the way it is will postpone the spawn! We may want to postpone it for a month. Post spawn actually may be better!
well i think its a little early to tell.......ill give it a lil longer to see if the weather is gonna change soon!
hi! new to the forum. I have been itching to fish Tahkenitch for a while now, it looks amazing and I've heard great stories. I'd love to meet up with you folks and give it a shot. Anyone have a bass boat and need a stern fisherman? My boat may not make it hahaha. Count me in though

good fishin

jayfatal said:
hi! new to the forum. I have been itching to fish Tahkenitch for a while now, it looks amazing and I've heard great stories. I'd love to meet up with you folks and give it a shot. Anyone have a bass boat and need a stern fisherman? My boat may not make it hahaha. Count me in though

good fishin


well i think there is a gentleman that will be joining us who will have an extra seat! i have a single seat pontoon, so mine isn't exactly fitting lol. buty ill be more then happy to add you to the list of people coming
Ebryone nned to be aware that there is going to be major road constuction on 126 either above or below Walton. I heard they will be working 7 days a week and to expect 20-30 min delays. Better leave early. Good Luck, Dan:)
qwapaw said:
Ebryone nned to be aware that there is going to be major road constuction on 126 either above or below Walton. I heard they will be working 7 days a week and to expect 20-30 min delays. Better leave early. Good Luck, Dan:)
It's after walton, they're working on the bridge over the siuslaw at the whittaker creek turn off.
well it looks like after tommorow were gonna have weather in the seventys! woohoo
I just found out that an old military buddy will be coming at the end of the month, so if we have it on the weekend of the 30-31st I can't make it!
11 days folks! its about that time! excited to say the least, everyone who needs help or directions etc let me know! oh and everyone who is coming let me know so i know how many people to keep a look out for.
fishndad said:
11 days folks! its about that time! excited to say the least, everyone who needs help or directions etc let me know! oh and everyone who is coming let me know so i know how many people to keep a look out for.

Is it writen in stone for the 30th??

I just found out that he may not come until the 31st, I may still be able to make it!

What time to meet? It's fishable by 5:30AM now!

Are there any plans at all, like a lunch get together or anything like that?
BassinFever said:
Is it writen in stone for the 30th??

I just found out that he may not come until the 31st, I may still be able to make it!

What time to meet? It's fishable by 5:30AM now!

Are there any plans at all, like a lunch get together or anything like that?

yep the 30th id like to be there by 6 am and we could have a lunch at noon! it should be a great day all the water around here is starting to warm up so fish on boys and girls just let me know who all is coming
If anyone from the Eugene/Springfield area wants to carpool, let me know. I could fit a pontoon or a tube in the bed of my truck. If anyone wants to ride together that'd be great.....may need someone to keep me awake on the drive hahaha

I am gonna try to get my buddy to take his 13ft with a 6hp motor on it but i am not sure if he wants to go though.
Man I hope I can make it, I still need to hear from the people that are suppose to show up this weekend if they are coming Saturday or Sunday! I forgot to get there Cell # before they left!

I hope to find out something by tomorrow!

How many are figuring on coming!
im not sure! its been a back and fourth situation........ i think ill make another thread so i can get everyones attention! this one can be deleted mods if neccesary

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