Decent 1/2 day of fishing...

mgman6000 said:
I thought a forum was to share and help other people but mostly I see a clique here that are all insiders that have been living here for years and have been shown the spots by either friends or family GEEZE I just want to find a stretch of river I can do a little trout fishing on that isn't a big ass river!! I look at the little crappy maps in the guide and then try to put them with google and try to make sense out of the regs which change 5 times on the same river and if I ask I get some jerk giving me a hard time. I really thought Oregonians were going to be nicer people

mgman6000, allow me to offer a belated welcome to the forum. Sharing on this forum is it's finest attribute and as you spend time here, you'll quickly discover; unlike other forums, information and specifics flow here.

Being said, not every member is compelled to complete disclosure and it's not "right" to suggest they are wrong for keeping secrets. I have buddies, with no forum affiliation, who would never forgive me for exposing their honey holes, conversely because public access to rivers is limited, I often make references to such places: I.E. cedar creek, landslide, the money (OFF) hole for example, and those paces are perennially combat fishing zones. Am I to blame for posting such locations on a state wide forum... Perhaps, in some measure I am.

Personally I'm delighted that more folks can get out and enjoy "nature" what I lament is the amount of trash that gets left behind.

Our archives are full of great information, you can search them at your leisure; there are a lot of specifics stored there.

Any clique to "see" here are actually strong friendship that have been forged here on the pages of this forum. It's easy to make friends here, we all share a common interest, enticing fish to the end of our lines!
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mgman6000 & bigsteel your posts are in a style that is opposite of what I would like to see on OFF . I'm giving both of you negative reputation. I hope others will use the reputation tool too, because it really can reduce a number of rude posts on OFF. ;)
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Anatoliy said:
mgman6000 & bigsteel your posts are in a style that is opposite of what I would like to see on OFF . I'm giving both of you negative reputation. I hope others will use the reputation tool too, because it really can reduce a number of rude posts on OFF. ;)

I only made that post because,,,who is he to tell anyone that they have to divulge their location then ramble on about regs,,,,if we wanted to tell our location it would have been in the original post...he turned it into some high school drama filled thread......i owe him nothing and to come here and tell people they are selfish is just wrong..............HE CAN START HIS OWN THREAD IF HE HAS QUESTIONS ABOUT REGS........he has done this 3 times now............I agree my post wasn't in the best taste....i hope my reputaion dont send me to the mental ward
FishFinger said:
mgman6000, allow me to offer a belated welcome to the forum. Sharing on this forum is it's finest attribute and as you spend time here, you'll quickly discover; unlike other forums, information and specifics flow here.

Being said, not every member is compelled to complete disclosure and it's not "right" to suggest they are wrong for keeping secrets. I have buddies, with no forum affiliation, who would never forgive me for exposing their honey holes, conversely because public access to rivers is limited, I often make references to such places: I.E. cedar creek, landslide, the money (OFF) hole for example, and those paces are perennially combat fishing zones. Am I to blame for posting such locations on a state wide forum... Perhaps, in some measure I am.

Personally I'm delighted that more folks can get out and enjoy "nature" what I lament is the amount of trash that gets left behind.

Our archives are full of great information, you can search them at your leisure; there are a lot of specifics stored there.

Any clique to "see" here are actually strong friendship that have been forged here on the pages of this forum. It's easy to make friends here, we all share a common interest, enticing fish to the end of our lines!
Thank you Sir:clap::clap::clap:
bigsteel said:
whats wrong with having friends and showing them your favorite spots??why is it a guy has to post his exact location in a report?Clique,are u serious there is a group of us that fly fish and we share our spots with each other,i learned most my fishing spots by getting out and hiking around and fishing every bit of water there is....its posts like these that make the forum suck,,,,someone shares there day and you come along and **** and moan because they wont tell u what river they were on.this is the 2nd thread you have hijacked complaining about fishing spots and regulations.either get out and fish or just give it up,crying on a fishing forum doesn't gain sympathy from anyone...........tell u what this spring get a hold of me and i will take you to some great trout fishing spots....


bigsteel said:
I only made that post because,,,who is he to tell anyone that they have to divulge their location then ramble on about regs,,,,if we wanted to tell our location it would have been in the original post...he turned it into some high school drama filled thread......i owe him nothing and to come here and tell people they are selfish is just wrong..............HE CAN START HIS OWN THREAD IF HE HAS QUESTIONS ABOUT REGS........he has done this 3 times now............I agree my post wasn't in the best taste....i hope my reputaion dont send me to the mental ward

+1 has so much info listed you can spend literally days checking it out. Now, go play nice before you make Granny grumpy..:lol::lol:
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Raincatcher said: has so much info listed you can spend literally days checking it out. Now, go play nice before you make Granny grumpy..:lol::lol:

Raincatcher said: has so much info listed you can spend literally days checking it out. Now, go play nice before you make Granny grumpy..:lol::lol:

Im dancin on out before i get the 18 wheeler in the wrong place:yay:
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bigsteel said:
Im dancin on out before i get the 18 wheeler in the wrong place:yay:

mgman6000 said:
Where can you find a little river that is legal to fish for trout this time of year? That's the kind of place I like to fish but I thought all the smaller ones were closed to trout fishing this time of year.All I can see is 100 miles south to the McKenzie or over to the Deschutes another 100 miles away.

The way i read this first post by mgman6000, there may be a little ambiguity that he was asking if you were on a river thats OPEN for trout at the moment. Probably coz he likes trout fishing and wants to get out on a river to do some.
I dont see this as a direct request on which river you were actually fishing...
Some replies do seem a little over protective, but please realise that there are quite a few members on here who WILL share and some who WONT, especially honey holes, etc.
The way to deal with this is with gentle respect. If a person says that they dont want to share info about a certain location, please respect that and move on.
There are also some people on here who will look at how many posts and the members past posts to decide if they would share info. Remember that most posts on here can be seen by ANYONE, and there HAVE been cases where someone said 'yeah the fish are in xxxxxx hole on xxxxx river' and that comment turned a quiet spot into a 'party and litter zone'.
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I wasn't asking about a specific hole just what do the regs mean and where do they mean them, I have had some PMs with Bigsteel and we have worked our differences out. So thanks to him. I don't want to cause trouble but I wasn't born here or had others show me the ropes as I did with my kids and friends in the Eastern Sierra and the rules were a lot simpler down there and didn't change over a stretch of water except for a couple of them. For example for the Clackamas

2. River Mill Reservoir up to Cazadero
• Open for adipose fin-clipped trout May 28-Oct. 31, 5 trout per day, 8-inch minimum
• Open for adipose fin-clipped Chinook salmon and adipose fin-clipped steelhead entire
• Use of bait allowed.
• Trout over 20 inches are considered steelhead.
• Open for adipose fin-clipped coho salmon Aug. 1-Oct. 31.
• No angling between markers 400 feet upstream and 100 feet downstream from Faraday
Powerhouse June 16-Oct. 31.
• No angling from the entrance of the fishway/fish trap at Casadero Dam downstream to
yellow deadline markers (approximately 275 feet).
3. Mainstem and tributaries not listed
upstream from Cazadero Dam

OK this one is easy
• For the length of the Three Lynx Powerhouse (111 feet), no angling from a floating
device or from the west shore.
• No limit on size or number of brook or brown trout taken. Catch limits on other trout
species do not apply to brook or brown trout.
4. North Fork Reservoir upstream to
Milepost 32 on Hwy. 224
• Open May 28-Oct. 31.
• Only adipose fin-clipped rainbow trout may be taken, 5 per day except no limit on size or
number of brook or brown trout taken. Catch limits for adipose fin-clipped rainbow trout
do not apply to brook or brown trout.

Does this mean you can fish all year? No mention of a season

5. Oak Grove Fork and tributaries between
yellow markers at upstream
end of Harriet Lake and Timothy Lake
• 2 trout per day, 8-inch minimum length.
• No limit on size or number of brook or brown trout taken. Catch limits on other trout
species do not apply to brook or brown trout.

How about this one, no season mentioned

This is why I'm confused if the general rules apply why mention them in the special regs?
If no season is listed in the rivers specail regs it falls back to regoinal regs..

Take it this way:

State regs are the base for everywhere

Regiona regss are exceptions to the state regs for that area..

Listed rivers are special exception to both state and regional

If a river/creek/lake isn't listed under special regs or if it isn't defined it falls to regional regs.
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I don't why they say the season which is the same for general regs in the special regs on some parts of the river It seems redundant or put the season in all entries under special regs. Guess I'll either have to drive a bit or wait until May.
So in the case you brought up... the clack and all of its tribs it lists states the season and only hatchery trout and brook/brown in river up to mile marker 32 on hwy224 after that it is catch and release only excep on brown and brook trout no limit per zone(regional) regs and season is assumed... harriet lake is open year around for all trout fishing(please release the browns)per lake regs, above the markers it is open during seasion for 2 trout(native or hatchery(they don't plant hatchery they would come from harriet)) and any amount for brook and browns in stream. Oak Grove is above mile marker 32.

Why they state the season some places and not in others I think is due to pressure some areas get they list it to make it easier as some people don't read zone rules first..
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don't make it harder than it is. Read the zone first, any questions look for the body of water under special regs. If not listed then go by zone. Simple.

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