Black or Cop car Panther Martins work very well on the upper reaches.. closer to the mouth you can pick up Bass and the rest of the warm water fish with almost any of the traditional methods... I have used plastic worms both Carolina and Texas rigged to pick up the Bass. 3 - 4# size are there, but need a little work to entice the bite. On the unfortunate side of things, we humans have managed to screw the ecosystems by dumping the 'house hold pet' into the watershed. Many of these are able to adapt and are reproducing, tainting the warmer lower waters... on a brighter side, when we get some 'real cold weather' through and the water temps drop, they die off. I caught a really nice Koi out of the waters of Rock Creek just North of the Valley Memorial Cemetery. The pond there holds some 'shout out' Carp along with almost every other fish you can imagine (I think people release their 'pets' there). Good luck with the fishing!
Dairy, McKay, Rock and others all have the same fishery and methods, along with the Tualatin River. There are some tackle busters in the Tualatin if you're lucky.