Curing eggs

its a good video but it doesn't really talk about additives
Whatever Jeff lol.

Think powdered scents that can be mixed in with cure. Shrimp, tuna, sugar. Just mess with it a little. I keep 3 or 4 different recipes of eggs on me for each trip. Sometimes one will work and the rest wont, the next day that batch might not be the ticket. Salmon are moody. Sulfite is really key though. Can buy it online.
downes157 said:
its a good video but it doesn't really talk about additives
He said in the video you could use the old school method with salt, or use the cure in his vodeo
JeannaJigs said:
Whatever Jeff lol.
Just yankin your chain! You probably cure better eggs than most people I know-

JeannaJigs said:
Sulfite is really key though. Can buy it online.
, They sell it at Fishermans- in big tubs-
burlajohnny said:
He said in the video you could use the old school method with salt, or use the cure in his vodeo
Salt will create a very firm egg. I salt my eggs I'm going to use for springers for back bouncing but I won't use them for coastal fall fish.
Lol jeff, last season I fine tuned my cure and I am confident I finally got it perfectly dialed. Felt like a proper egg doctor lol gave quite a few quarts to friends to try and the results were pretty dang good.
JeannaJigs said:
Lol jeff, last season I fine tuned my cure and I am confident I finally got it perfectly dialed. Felt like a proper egg doctor lol gave quite a few quarts to friends to try and the results were pretty dang good.
I rember reading something about Rose tearing it up with your eggs.
I've got 12 quarts ready for some rain! some are pretty hot-
I'm pretty low since I didn't do any springer fishing this year, didn't get my regular egg hunting in :( I hope to rectify that situation this weekend.
Good Luck! Im sure you'll be fine though-
If you run out youn can drive up to portland and I'll hook you up-
I did buy some emergency rations lol aka 2 quarts of amermans that I doctored upon arrival to my doorstep. I should be good for a bit, I'm confident I will be able to replenish some eggs this weekend.
JeannaJigs said:
Lol jeff, last season I fine tuned my cure and I am confident I finally got it perfectly dialed. Felt like a proper egg doctor lol gave quite a few quarts to friends to try and the results were pretty dang good.

So i have cured 4 large jars of coho eggs with a liquid cure/brine. Can i add to them now that i have already cured them and let them dry and put them in a jar??? thanks for all the tips i probably will keep asking :)
downes157 said:
So i have cured 4 large jars of coho eggs with a liquid cure/brine. Can i add to them now that i have already cured them and let them dry and put them in a jar??? thanks for all the tips i probably will keep asking :)

Once they're cured, you can only sprinkle some scents on them, but the curing is complete. My recommendation is just before you fish them, take out a skein, and sprinkle some scent on it, if you so desire. I would fish them first without any additives, and then get mad scientist as the day progresses. Bloody Tuna powder is a very good addition to cured eggs prior to fishing. Just sprinkle some of that brown nastiness on there a couple minutes before you fish it. There are many powder scents you can get creative with though.
well good luck on getting ur eggs just right. I need to buy that egg cure book just to gain some knowledge but books are expensive. I made up some silver eggs with pautzke fire cure and the kings on the suislaw just blew off my entire small jar in 2 days of fishing so today I bought borax, non iodized salt, got some sugar and gonna skip the jello. Someone gave me silver eggs today. what a hoot!:worthy: I sure needed some. a bi mart employee said that her husband swears by wizard. I just didn't feel like spending 10 bucks on this stuff. I needed the borax and already have the sugar. I also bought yesterday some pro cure krill super gel. gonna get me a hard chomping coastal king

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