Crawdad bait?

Bacon oh yes that works great. When I was a young lad we used go down to the creek and tie a piece of bacon on a string. We would the fling it out into the water and wait. Once we saw a crawdad chewing on the bacon we would slowly pull the string and the bacon with the crawdad on it to the bank. Most of the time those crawdads were so interested in the bacon they didn't notice they were going for a ride. When we had enough we would take them home and boil them up. Now we just go to Timmothy lake and put in a trap. Still boil them up and put them on the table good eats!
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My parents have a Koi pond and I rig up a single brown corkie on the mainline, and they will actually fight with just a corkie in their mouth. When they get tired, they just spit it out, and the next one comes up and grabs it.

But my friend has a spring fed pond, that is literally a big hole that a previous owner had dug in the ground. The koffer dammed it up, and created a small one acre-ish pond. It is full of Rainbow, and Kamloops too I believe...It has 15 or 16 Trout over 24" and a whole bunch in the 10- 18 range, and the Bluegill look like a short stack:shock: on its side, with a tail of course. Used to have one Bass in the 4-5 pound neighborhood, but a beaver may have gobbled it. Ponds are great fun and can be very entertaining.
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bait jar

bait jar

So I always took a plastic jar ( mayo or something like that ) drilled about a 1000 tiny holes in it with a drill, then drill one hole in the screw in top and hook some kind of snap to it, push full of any given bait ( mine is fresh fish ) snap to the top of the trap and... woolah 2 day soak on your bait. works awsome on those a-hole dungys who gobble all your bait, but works real nice in baby lobster traps.:):)
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halibuthitman said:
So I always took a plastic jar ( mayo or something like that ) drilled about a 1000 tiny holes in it with a drill, then drill one hole in the screw in top and hook some kind of snap to it, push full of any given bait ( mine is fresh fish ) snap to the top of the trap and... woolah 2 day soak on your bait. works awsome on those a-hole dungys who gobble all your bait, but works real nice in baby lobster traps.:):)

Im gonna be doing this soon on the rogue and some local ponds and lakes. some places the crawdads will only be used for bait of course :D
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We always used chicken necks. It's nice and oily and keeps pretty well after being munched on. We used to buy them from the butcher and then tie a string to them and toss them in the local creeks. We'd then attached a small net to pole and pull up the crawdads after a couple of hours. It was tons of fun as a kid. Later we'd still use chicken or turkey when setting a larger trap. Really I'm sure just about anything would work.
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Cheese works pretty good for bait if the water is clear. It take a lot of water to turn a stream or river muddy but if it does then I would use canned food. The more oil in it the better. I have seen them living under old tires, rocks, wood and just about anything else they can find cover.
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A lot of times i'll put a piece of Nitecrawler on a 1/0 hook, dangle it down ina rocky area. When crawdad grabs worm, yank it ashore into a 5 gallon bucket (half fulla water).:lol::lol::lol:

I catch most at nite in warm weather, using a good spotlight.:cool::cool:
If you get enough of them, they are good in pasta!!! mmmm!! or make some type of crawdad dip, crawdad cakes? lol

I used half a worm on a small hook, put it in the rocks and waited for the big ones to come get is, then i gotta fish him out of the rocks. herring works good to.
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rippin fish lips said:
If you get enough of them, they are good in pasta!!! mmmm!! or make some type of crawdad dip, crawdad cakes? lol

I used half a worm on a small hook, put it in the rocks and waited for the big ones to come get is, then i gotta fish him out of the rocks. herring works good to.

With my 500,000 candlepower spotlight i see the crawdads, i just dangle the worm by them, they grab it, yank em in. :lol::lol::lol:

Some nites when i've been catfishin' i have caught about 100 crawdads, or more.:cool:
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