Coos Bay Fishing Reports 2018-2020

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plumbertom said:
About that Rear Light "A" tower.
Do you know what tilted it in such a fashion?
Last time we were out there it wasn't in that condition.
I know last week there were strong winds and rough wave conditions but to tilt it so it seems as if something must have rammed it.

that aid tower was fine when I was there in December, seriously tilted now.
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They said Empire but I could see dunes in the background , probably where the old fish hatchery was
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wow, good job guys. We threw 4 pots in at the Siuslaw crab dock yesterday for a 3 hour soak while we went to find some surf perch, but not a single crab worth measuring. Funny to see 5 or 6 hermit crabs gnawing on our bait, hadn't seen that before.

Only manage to catch 3 perch, surf was a little rough.
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Great post guys. That looks like a lot of fun. I love that your dog goes out with you Roger!

Roger, is that tupperware container in the second GIF just resting there or is it somehow strapped down. I don't see anything but perhaps you have a hook on the front.
Be back out on the bay tomorrow morning 1/30.
Probably start a new report thread after we're back.
plumbertom said:
Be back out on the bay tomorrow morning 1/30.
Probably start a new report thread after we're back.

I got done cleaning/cooking too late to post, Pepper and I were out there Tuesday,

That area back behind the jetty, where you had your pots and I started with mine, was almost a crab free zone, but there were some huge lings on that side of the jetty. I hooked one on my first 4 drifts down that backside, on squid, lost all 4. Twice during the fight my brand new 25# Gamakatsu mooching rig cut clean on a tooth, twice they just came unhooked....

remember last week when I moved my pots across into the main channel as we got closer to slack tide? I found my keeper crabs out there again, in ~20' of water but ran out of time to get a limit, spent too much time looking for big fish. Took home 4 black rockfish (8.5# total, also caught on squid) and 7 crab. Good Luck!

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bass said:
Great post guys. That looks like a lot of fun. I love that your dog goes out with you Roger!

Roger, is that tupperware container in the second GIF just resting there or is it somehow strapped down. I don't see anything but perhaps you have a hook on the front.

ah yes, my 'crab holding cell' where I can stash 2 keepers (and snap the lid on) while the trap is covering the front hatch- the box is bolted down to the gear track (after I climb on board) using a mightybolt and plastic knob like you see in this assortment from YakAttack:

GearTrac™ Hardware Assortment

it's one of those $1 boxes from Freddies that I drilled a hole in (well, several holes so that water will drain), and if you hit is hard enough, it just breaks free and flies out of the way (Pepper tested that safety feature dismounting the yak yesterday because, well, she needed to pee real bad)....
Great report. Still can't get my .... together to get down there.
Have you ever tried the North jetty say midway headed out to sea casting towards the rocks? I know it wouldn't be safe for you and pepper just wonder if I was in my boat and it was calm if I should try.
I have 1 commercial pot and wondered if I should put it out there or if the current would be too strong also.
Whip sure has been quiet need some reports from him.
4labs said:
Great report. Still can't get my .... together to get down there.
Have you ever tried the North jetty say midway headed out to sea casting towards the rocks? I know it wouldn't be safe for you and pepper just wonder if I was in my boat and it was calm if I should try.
I have 1 commercial pot and wondered if I should put it out there or if the current would be too strong also.
Whip sure has been quiet need some reports from him.

I have been down that North Jetty near low slack twice but I never really got into any fish so figured it wasn't worth the effort. In the kayak, big smooth swells are not an issue, you just go up and down, it is the steep ones that start breaking that will roll a kayak if you don't hit them straight on....I've never tried crab pots out there in the CoosBay jaws due to the strong tidal current.

I do notice that lots of the people crabbing seem to like the area just up the bay a 1/4 mile or so, along the west side. I see them run down and jig the jetty, then run up and check their pots. My legs are happier if I keep my pots fairly close to where I'm fishing, on the upside, I've never had one "disappear".
rogerdodger said:
ah yes, my 'crab holding cell' where I can stash 2 keepers (and snap the lid on) while the trap is covering the front hatch- the box is bolted down to the gear track (after I climb on board) using a mightybolt and plastic knob like you see in this assortment from YakAttack:

GearTrac™ Hardware Assortment

it's one of those $1 boxes from Freddies that I drilled a hole in (well, several holes so that water will drain), and if you hit is hard enough, it just breaks free and flies out of the way (Pepper tested that safety feature dismounting the yak yesterday because, well, she needed to pee real bad)....

That makes sense. Don't know it you know it but toilet flange bolts fit perfectly in the tracks and are made of brass. I built stuff for the tracks in my Frontier using them. I can't remember where I got the knobs.
Just a question for you as someone with more experience in the area.
Yesterday we crabbed up river a bit from where we usually do.
We dropped our traps in 25' of water just up bay fro what the nav chart lists as 'rear Light' "B".
The current did drag a couple of our traps about 100 yards or so.
But the round open top trap kept coming up with Clam shells in it. They were too large to get through the bars of the Donaldson traps.
I was wondering if there were so many clam shells that they were being washed over the traps and if that's a natural occurrence or if maybe a processor had dumped them in that area?
I have had those clam shells in my round Promar collapsible trap (mesh covered so they can get through) but only when I tested the east side of the bay. Also only found red rocks over there (and I consider them useless), so I only crab the west side. I suspect the clam shells are just natural debris being pushed by the tide.
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slow crabbing for Pepper and I on May29 in the channel off the submerged jetty, not as many in there are I was expecting, 5 keepers (3 hard, 2 softer but full of meat), I was expecting better. a powerful 27" lingcod made my day, I got him on my first drift down the jetty....cheers, roger



we did get to crash some tasty waves on the way back across the bay, just as the wind was picking up to >10mph....

and she gives '2 paws up' for the chicken strips and waffle basket at DQ...

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Yeah, all I hear is that the crabbing has been pretty slow in the bay near Charleston.
I haven't been out in quite a while due to health problems between my fishing partner, his wife and myself.
This being old has it's drawbacks.
I have a little problem that will be taken care of come Tuesday and then a few days after that, provided all goes well, we should be looking for the right opportunity to get on the water again.
I hope the Crabbing improves.
Have you been to the Siuslaw of late, Roger?
plumbertom said:
Have you been to the Siuslaw of late, Roger?

I have not tried the Slaw yet this year, might give it a try if we get a low wind day but more likely hit CoosBay again or, hopefully, head out of Sunset Bay.
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Good luck with that Sunset Bay launch.
I've considered trying that with my boat jsut not confident that it would go well.
I don't believe my 4x4 diesel would have any problem in the sand, just not sure how the beach launch would work out.
Of course my curiosity about the Slaw is due to it's 1-1/2 hour closer proximity to Eugene.
I just with there was decent rockfishing there.
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Nice Roger...…………..tasty waves indeed

hobster said:
Nice Roger...…………..tasty waves indeed

'people on ludes should not kayak' link:

Looks like we are in for a windy spell for a while
Gulfstream said:
Looks like we are in for a windy spell for a while
I'm guessing it isn't helping the halibut fishing...
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