Coho silver salmon above Willamette Falls

Roger that sentiment, Kodiak. C & R only for me.
That fish I caught at Mill City while you were there was my first of the year, which is why I didn't throw it back.
Kodiak said:
And killing your hope for a good fishery in the future will help that?...patients. Look at the jack counts for this year. They are significantly lower than last year. That means next years run will not be nearly as large. ODFW is using anglers to target and eliminate a run that could provide potential for years of great fishing by giving you large limits in the hopes you all will go bonk crazy and kill these fish....Don't Be used as a pawn to satisfy ODorks plans to keep your streams infertile. These fish will spawn and die and feed winter steelhead and spring chinook smolts through the winter and give you better runs over the next few years. ODFW gets more money by keeping these fish numbers low, and you will keep getting screwed. Make them work for a living and things will get better.

I don't dissagree. I promise I won't catch any fish out here anyhow...
masmith said:
Anyone catching anything from the bank, or at the dock on Rogers Landing?
no one was fishing from the dock, it is a good 2 mile boat ride until you get to the yamhill
bigfootfish said:
Well! I just figured out how to get to the mouths of Crabtree and Thomas Creeks by foot. Both flow into the South Santiam about a halfmile apart. These two creeks are destinations for the Coho, and since both Thomas and Crabtree are low with an inch, perhaps, of water flowin' 'tween the pools, some heavy rains(MAYBE ON THE WAY!) are in order. Meanwhile, the coho will be pooling at those creek's mouths waiting for creek rise!
So i have been looking at how to get to the mouth of Crabtree creek does Freitag Rd. go clear to the river ?
As of the 5th, over 16k Coho over the falls!! Dayum, that's a lot.
Yesterday, I launched out of Buena Vista and headed upstream. Fished most of the day at the confluence of the Santiam/Willie. Nada. Fish finder did mark a few fish going by.
On the way back to the take out, I was zig zagging the river, looking for the fish. Got right up close to the bank at one point, in about 8ft. of water when the fish finder went berserk. I anchored and threw out everything but the proverbial kitchen sink. Nada. The current right there was consistent and lazy, not like the Santiam.
Going back Thursday and Friday, and this time I WON'T forget the bait. Maybe tossing some herring and/or roe might entice them to bite. Also gonna try fishing like at the Salmon, with corkies and a bit of yarn.
when fishing for coho ( on the willamette/yamhill) what would be better to use, a blue fox or a wiggle wart and how much weight should i use?


Frietag Rd. deadends in a farm. You could ask them. I was on the other side of the South Santiam. Yesterday I secured permission from the landowner who owns the farmland leading up to the mouth of Thomas Creek, where it flows into the South Santiam, on the west side of Thomas Creek. Thomas Creek flows into the South about a 1/4 downstream from the mouth of Crabtree Creek. Both flow into the South on the East side of the South. So I walked in the 1/2 mile along this overgrown forest road, seeing fresh deer sign like crazy. Spooked two fat does on the river. Ended walking underneath the wooden poled high power lines, three lines. Wooden poles, not towers. Really deep hole smack underneath where the powerlines stretch across the South.
Wormosa, I never use weight with a Blue Fow but I would try those wiggle warts since someone posted earlier that they're working up by Newberg. I've never tried them yet so I don't know if you should use weights.
Anyway, fished the mouth of Thomas till dark. Got there too late to hike upriver the 1/4 mile to the mouth of Crabtree. Got 4 or 5 good solid strikes but hooking eluded me until I caught a big chub.:lol:
Anyone wanting to keep an eye on the river flows go the the best site, the USGS river page at:

USGS Real-Time Data for Oregon_ Streamflow

There are indeed a heck of a lot of Silvers over W. Falls. More to follow. Wish they would update the count sooner. The rain that's coming should help!
Oh. Here's a link to Google Maps showing the area I was at yesterday:

Google Maps

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wormosa said:
when fishing for coho ( on the willamette/yamhill) what would be better to use, a blue fox or a wiggle wart and how much weight should i use?

I would say that how much weight needed depends on the current. At the Santiam/Willie confluence, I had to use as much as a 6 oz. cannonball to keep it down.
I dunno about the Yamhill/Willie spot, but I had issues with salad gunking up my stuff.
Weedy willamette?

Weedy willamette?

It is weedy up there I hear. Not a problem upstream, as I'm sure you know. I always take along some Thousand Island, or some Catalina. Yum!
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thanks bigfootfish i am heading out that way tomorrow to do some scouting around greens bridge to see if i can find some fish
Coho on the Santiam

Coho on the Santiam

The ODFW just posted sighs at Greens Bridge, down below by the "boatramp", barring foot traffic up and downstream. Sucks. How they can get away with it when below the highwater mark is suppossed to be public right-of-way?
By the way, the count is now over 17 thousand past W. Falls.

rainman said:
I would say that how much weight needed depends on the current. At the Santiam/Willie confluence, I had to use as much as a 6 oz. cannonball to keep it down.
I dunno about the Yamhill/Willie spot, but I had issues with salad gunking up my stuff.
i used 2 oz last time i went and it seemed to stay down, but that was a different set up is why i asked...
bigfootfish said:
Frietag Rd. deadends in a farm. You could ask them. I was on the other side of the South Santiam. Yesterday I secured permission from the landowner who owns the farmland leading up to the mouth of Thomas Creek, where it flows into the South Santiam, on the west side of Thomas Creek. Thomas Creek flows into the South about a 1/4 downstream from the mouth of Crabtree Creek. Both flow into the South on the East side of the South. So I walked in the 1/2 mile along this overgrown forest road, seeing fresh deer sign like crazy. Spooked two fat does on the river. Ended walking underneath the wooden poled high power lines, three lines. Wooden poles, not towers. Really deep hole smack underneath where the powerlines stretch across the South.
Wormosa, I never use weight with a Blue Fow but I would try those wiggle warts since someone posted earlier that they're working up by Newberg. I've never tried them yet so I don't know if you should use weights.
Anyway, fished the mouth of Thomas till dark. Got there too late to hike upriver the 1/4 mile to the mouth of Crabtree. Got 4 or 5 good solid strikes but hooking eluded me until I caught a big chub.:lol:
Anyone wanting to keep an eye on the river flows go the the best site, the USGS river page at:

USGS Real-Time Data for Oregon_ Streamflow

There are indeed a heck of a lot of Silvers over W. Falls. More to follow. Wish they would update the count sooner. The rain that's coming should help!
Oh. Here's a link to Google Maps showing the area I was at yesterday:

Google Maps


thanks bff i will try it first with no weights, when i was there sunday, i kept looking at the people who were catching fish and saw no weight...
Steelhead while Cohohoing

Steelhead while Cohohoing

What a day. Got off work early, went to Greens Brdge, about 5:15 pm and parked on the Linn County side, walked across the bridge, upstream side first, studying the water as I went. I do a lot of recon sometimes. Anyway, as I walked back across the bridge, west to east, I noticed a fairly deep pool just to the west of a new small island, it being maybe 80' long and around 8 to 9 feet wide? The water wells up from the deepness and creates a "window" now and then. Over about a 15 minute period I counted about 20 bright flashes from larger fish which would turn upwards on their sides so the sun would catch them. Small school of Coho? That's what I thought.
However, upon parking beneath the bridge I discovered I couldn't wade with just my calf-high rubber boots out close enough to the fish to cast. I would be otherwise trying to cast over the island. I don't have any waders for deeper water 'cause the makers of such don't make 'em in size 16. So I go downstream about 20 steps, cast and hook a nice big steelhead who immediately shoots about 4 feet out of the water and throws out my lure. Had it on for about 3 seconds. Darn. I'll keep trying. The numbers over W. Falls is encouraging.

bigfootfish said:
What a day. Got off work early, went to Greens Brdge, about 5:15 pm and parked on the Linn County side, walked across the bridge, upstream side first, studying the water as I went. I do a lot of recon sometimes. Anyway, as I walked back across the bridge, west to east, I noticed a fairly deep pool just to the west of a new small island, it being maybe 80' long and around 8 to 9 feet wide? The water wells up from the deepness and creates a "window" now and then. Over about a 15 minute period I counted about 20 bright flashes from larger fish which would turn upwards on their sides so the sun would catch them. Small school of Coho? That's what I thought.
However, upon parking beneath the bridge I discovered I couldn't wade with just my calf-high rubber boots out close enough to the fish to cast. I would be otherwise trying to cast over the island. I don't have any waders for deeper water 'cause the makers of such don't make 'em in size 16. So I go downstream about 20 steps, cast and hook a nice big steelhead who immediately shoots about 4 feet out of the water and throws out my lure. Had it on for about 3 seconds. Darn. I'll keep trying. The numbers over W. Falls is encouraging.


good luck in getting one, if you do we want pics !!
Coho on the Santiam

Coho on the Santiam

Thanks Wormosa,
I carry a 5 megapixel cam with me fishing. Wish I'd had the video going when that Steelie ICBMed my lure yesterday.

your welcome, i am going to the willamette/yamhill and i will be better equipped this week-end ( right lures) and i will be bringing the camera as well and hopefully getting some pics of some coho's...
I went to greens bridge today for about an hour. Tried little cleo's and blue foxes and didn't get anything. I saw some guys in a drift boat who were goin down towards jefferson cuz a guy at bi mart said they were stacked there. But I didn't see anything. After that I went and checked out a creek that looked promising on google maps and I caught nothing but squaw fish.. Lame!!! Will try agian nxt week.
anyone hear if they are pushing through the Yamhill yet??
Tualitin & Yamhill Rivers

Tualitin & Yamhill Rivers

Well. Lots of rain mostly west of I-5. The upper Tualitin and S. Yamhill came up each over a foot recently, dropped some and now are on the rise again. Hmmmmmm. The Cascade's just have not gotten much...yet. More wet systems on the way, hopefully. You can Coho fish up to Rock Creek on the S. Yamhill, then nada from that point upstream. Anyone been up that far yet? If so, seen anything?
And YES!! Get them kids fishing. Go to my members page and check out my granddaughter holding a nice Summer Steelie in my album.


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