Coastal success

So when you grill the head, split, is there any additional cleaning to be done? Anyone have any pictures of the process or final product?

This sounds amazing. I usually make stock out of my carcass' but i can only use so much before they just get tossed.

As mentioned above, I too am a firm believer in utilizing the harvest to its potential

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I love the little cheek nuggets, they are my best reason for cooking the heads instead of saving them for crab bait...roger
I have a huge favor to ask the moderators and other membersof this forum. I acknowledge that the original thread topic has beensidetracked, and it isn’t my intention to “highjack” this thread – my apologiesto the original poster and other members who have to endure this, but Ihonestly think this issue is important enough to warrant just one more post toclear the air. A member misinterpreted a recent post by me as being racist, andwas understandably upset by that. I feel horrible for being accused of beingracist and all can be cleared up with one post’s worth of communication, Ithink. So as an investment in the social cohesion of this online community, Iask that one last post be allowed to prevent any residual stigma that could endup following me unnecessarily here. Members are already posting about (perceived)racism, which never existed on this thread. One moderator has already addressed“personal or racial insults”, when no racism took place. Even another poster ofAsian heritage acknowledged that there was no racism.
The poster that was upset really seems to me like a veryfriendly and informative person. I have to assume that he may have had a badday, or didn’t read my full post before reacting emotionally. We’re all human.I just want to smooth things out by telling you a little about me (as itpertains to any perceived racism).
I’m 41 years old, just so that you know that I’m not a 13year old internet troll trying to stir things up. I’m half Japanese and halfCaucasian. I can fully relate to both cultures. I work full time and attendclasses part time… my major is Sociology and ethnic studies, which means I’mtaught to compare and contrast cultures without being judgmental. I’m thepresident of one cultural non-profit in the county and on the board ofdirectors for another cultural non-profit. This is all volunteer hours topromote cultural diversity in our area. I was trained at work to facilitate “Diversityand Inclusion” workshops for coworkers.
I share this verypersonal information to you all to demonstrate that I am not a racist person. Ionly made reference to a very real social norm in Asia that encourages the useof the entire fish, while in other counties (Europe and United States) this isconsidered unusual. There were no racial slurs or hate involved. This is morethan a racist stereotype; it’s a legitimate cultural practice. It was importantto me to explain myself because I’ve been reading this forum for years, butonly recently decided to start my account and share my experiences withcommunity because I thought it’d be a great group to belong to. You see in thenews all the time how a person can be accused and tried for a crime. Eventhough they are proven 100% innocent, a stigma can continue to follow them andaffect their social lives and reputation. Please don’t allow this to happen tome.
I promise this is the last post I’ll make on this. And now…back to fish J
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I'm not sure how everyone else does it, but I pull the gills and all of the other "organs" out of the skull and just throw the head, fins and skeleton into a pot and boil it for an hour. I read a couple of recipes for "salmon chowder" that I'm dying to try out! Then my garden gets all of the leftovers (after I eat all of the soft flesh from the head, as RogerDoger pointed out). :)
ZenAntiHero3374 said:
I have a huge favor to ask the moderators and other membersof this forum. I acknowledge that the original thread topic has beensidetracked, and it isn’t my intention to “highjack” this thread – my apologiesto the original poster and other members who have to endure this, but Ihonestly think this issue is important enough to warrant just one more post toclear the air. A member misinterpreted a recent post by me as being racist, andwas understandably upset by that. I feel horrible for being accused of beingracist and all can be cleared up with one post’s worth of communication, Ithink. So as an investment in the social cohesion of this online community, Iask that one last post be allowed to prevent any residual stigma that could endup following me unnecessarily here. Members are already posting about (perceived)racism, which never existed on this thread. One moderator has already addressed“personal or racial insults”, when no racism took place. Even another poster ofAsian heritage acknowledged that there was no racism.
The poster that was upset really seems to me like a veryfriendly and informative person. I have to assume that he may have had a badday, or didn’t read my full post before reacting emotionally. We’re all human.I just want to smooth things out by telling you a little about me (as itpertains to any perceived racism).
I’m 41 years old, just so that you know that I’m not a 13year old internet troll trying to stir things up. I’m half Japanese and halfCaucasian. I can fully relate to both cultures. I work full time and attendclasses part time… my major is Sociology and ethnic studies, which means I’mtaught to compare and contrast cultures without being judgmental. I’m thepresident of one cultural non-profit in the county and on the board ofdirectors for another cultural non-profit. This is all volunteer hours topromote cultural diversity in our area. I was trained at work to facilitate “Diversityand Inclusion” workshops for coworkers.
I share this verypersonal information to you all to demonstrate that I am not a racist person. Ionly made reference to a very real social norm in Asia that encourages the useof the entire fish, while in other counties (Europe and United States) this isconsidered unusual. There were no racial slurs or hate involved. This is morethan a racist stereotype; it’s a legitimate cultural practice. It was importantto me to explain myself because I’ve been reading this forum for years, butonly recently decided to start my account and share my experiences withcommunity because I thought it’d be a great group to belong to. You see in thenews all the time how a person can be accused and tried for a crime. Eventhough they are proven 100% innocent, a stigma can continue to follow them andaffect their social lives and reputation. Please don’t allow this to happen tome.
I promise this is the last post I’ll make on this. And now…back to fish J
Glad you decided to become a member of OFF Zen. As the originator of the thread, you are cool with me and I look forward to reading your posts.
Thats a fat silver Todd Nice!
JeannaJigs said:
Alright this thread rapidly derailed, please get back on topic without any further personal or racial insults.

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Sorry but I didn't get the vibe you did. This morning I woke to the news that there were dogs "rescued" from Korea because they were being raised for food. I told Rosemary we had no right telling people what they can eat. I had some Fruit Bat in Nam and thought it was Beef till they told me. I thought asking if the person was Asian was valid. I like hush puppies that may make me a Red Neck. And I would be glad to say "maybe" :0 but I don't think I am.
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I don't know man, I don't think people should eat dogs. There should be some sort of cut-off based on the intellectual capacities of an animal. Cetaceans, primates, canids, hell, I won't eat an octopus for that reason.

Also, salmon fishing, blah blah, salmon fishing. See? Back on topic.
troutmasta said:
Thats a fat silver Todd Nice!
Fat and tasty. Thanks Jeff.
Shaun Solomon said:
I don't know man, I don't think people should eat dogs. There should be some sort of cut-off based on the intellectual capacities of an animal. Cetaceans, primates, canids, hell, I won't eat an octopus for that reason.

Also, salmon fishing, blah blah, salmon fishing. See? Back on topic.

See? No I don't!
Thanks for the encouraging comments, guys.

I couldn't eat a dog... I'd feel too bad for it.

I am eating the salmon roe from that Coho for dinner, however. I wanted to save the skeins for bait, but my GF wanted to try a recipe for salmon egg sashimi (ikura). I let her have the eggs this time. It turned out really good :)

I've learned a lot from this forum since I found it. I'm glad to have this as a resource.

James, any tips on the recipe? The eggs of all other fish that I have tried turn out best fried. Fish eggs are a delicacy back home, and I am a real sucker for it. My wife still talks about some 5 lbs of roe I bought and tried to cook at once 7 years back.

Thread, sorry about the grand hijack...

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Monty, Noriko prepared the eggs this way:

1. She simmered a pot of water, then poured it into a bowl. She soaked the salmon eggs in that a few minutes, stirring it with chopsticks. This loosens the skein sac around the eggs and allows you to remove it.

2. Drain the warm water from the bowl & rinse with cold tap water. Drain the cold water really well. Add a little bit of salt. Eggs should change color just slightly (according to Noriko). I'm guessing that the salt is meant to draw out excess moisture and "solidify" the eggs a little bit. It doesn't seem to be for flavor it you just rinse it off again...

3. Rinse one more time with cold water. Drain well. Put in a container to soak with 3 tblsp of "Somen noodle soup base". This stuff is popular enough that you should be able to find it at any Asian import store (If you're in Beaverton, Uwajimaya will certainly have some). Soak overnight. The eggs should absorb all of the sauce, so nothing to drain.

I had some tonight and it was good! Let me know what you think if you try this.

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ZenAntiHero3374 said:
Thanks for the encouraging comments, guys.

I couldn't eat a dog... I'd feel too bad for it.

I am eating the salmon roe from that Coho for dinner, however. I wanted to save the skeins for bait, but my GF wanted to try a recipe for salmon egg sashimi (ikura). I let her have the eggs this time. It turned out really good :)

I've learned a lot from this forum since I found it. I'm glad to have this as a resource.


I grew up eating Bass roe. But don't think I want to eat Sashimi. I really never thought of eating salmon or steelhead eggs to precious as bait.
ZenAntiHero3374 said:
Thanks for the encouraging comments, guys.

I couldn't eat a dog... I'd feel too bad for it.

I am eating the salmon roe from that Coho for dinner, however. I wanted to save the skeins for bait, but my GF wanted to try a recipe for salmon egg sashimi (ikura). I let her have the eggs this time. It turned out really good :)

I've learned a lot from this forum since I found it. I'm glad to have this as a resource.


I grew up eating Bass roe. But don't think I want to eat Sashimi. I really never thought of eating salmon or steelhead eggs to precious as bait. sorry about this double post have no idea how it happened..............maybe that last shot.
Ahhhh, making mountains out of a moles hill. The liberal way!...... I love the internet! Sorry, back on topic, couldn't resist.
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MrGrumpFish said:
Ahhhh, making mountains out of a moles hill. The liberal way!...... I love the internet! Sorry, back on topic, couldn't resist.

not sure what your talking about?
just saw a Grant's Getaways episode that showed them cooking the parts of the salmon that most throw away. New recipes to try in my near future!!!! Thanks for the ideas guys!
Well, from what I have read here, there has been a misunderstanding by coyo7e wherein he felt a racist remark was being made by ZenAntiHero3374. I have read through the thread 2 or 3 times and can see that the remark, while maybe not politically correct, was not an intentional racist slur directed at anyone. It was a feeble attempt at humor which was lost on some and appreciated by others. Apologies have been made for any perceived slight and seemingly accepted. I don't believe there needs to be any moderator action taken. If anyone has further issues, please feel free to pm me for a more lengthy explanation.
Let's all get back to fishing, sharing our fishing experiences, asking fishing questions and telling whoppers about our biggest fish. Oh, and at least try to stay on track a little more.
Great looking fish Todd! I'm betting you got a tasty meal out of that one. :thumb:
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