Coast Fork Willamette R is getting some chinook

cobias said:
I bet the landowners are going to love this. Another dumb move by odfw. They better increase the flow in summer if they do this...that water gets low and warm. Youll either have a bunch of dead salmon , or a million snaggers trying to trespass on private property. Its a total idiotic move.

And the hatch/wild mixing issue is frankly retarded. The only proof they have that it is bad for wild fish is theoretical. There are more pressing issues to wild fish than the mixing issue. Ocean conditions for one, gill netting, seals , polution, long liners...I think there is a big push to make the Mack one of those semi protected streams. If they cared , they shoudnt have made retention of uncliped steelhead legal ( dont get me started on that , i get foot in mouth ) because it makes it where people can keep wild trout over 24". And a good idea would be to quit planting pellet-heads. They suck up a lot of the food smolts eat.

ODFW is a joke. They are frankly clueless. This pattern started with the bait and dog ban on cougars and bears back in 94. So much for having a college education. They should hire older fishermen and ex game officers like the used to.

With all that said, i know where ill be anchored up in a couple of years ! ; )

Wow, many "older fisherman" are part of the reason things are the way they are now. They didn't have the science back in the day and harvested way too many fish. The rest of your post is "frankly retarded". So I'm not even gonna comment on that. It's obvious you have no idea what you're talking about.
cobias said:
I don't quite get your post ? So you are assuming that the Redsides dont get over 24" ( which they do ) , yet if they do its ok to kill them in order to save those wild rainbows under 24" ????

And the two hatchery fish spawning are supposed to create an inferior run theory is absolute horse####. I would like to see solid proof of it. I have hooked two summer run steelhead that had small reformed adipose fins but I have caught and released some big true wild summers and have seen them caught and released in both the mack and Willy right in front of far back as 89 ! They are there. The problem with the runs is not genes , its people illegally keeping them. It happens all the time. I found a bunch of fileted out salmon carks with adipose fins right below the duck hole on the Mack. I have seen coho kept on the slaw when there was no special retention season. Some people are brazen about it. That's a bigger problem then this so called ' gene mixing '. Especially when the steelhead are not competing with a natural wild run...if they are going to die out ? Let em die out.

This is all a ruse by ODFW and flyfishers to turn the Mackenzie into this pristine fly only stream. Mark my words. I have no problem with even protecting all of the upper river and continuing to make below Hayden fly and lure only for trout...but cutting into the hatchery salmon and steelhead ? NO WAY !

If they really cared and didn't have their head up their ----- they would make stiff punishment for keeping any fish with an adipose fin, they would patrol and crack down on flossers, cut down the ridiculous amount of planter trout they dump in there. But planting the Nooks in the coast fork ? Even people i know that dont fish were scratching their heads on that one.

Hatchery fish will spawn and prosper if they dont get caught or used for egg take. The problem is not the genes, its people killing wild fish because they are pathetic.

I started another thread on this where i put my foot in my mouth and said " why shouldnt i keep them too ? Everyone else does " Anyone that knows me knows im not like that. Everett464 has seen me release wild trout and dark hatchery chinook many times. Its just that the idiocy is so thick sometimes a guy feels like saying screw it.

How hard would it be to just strictly enforce ' No fish with an adipose fin shall be kept' And put severe fines if you do so ?

Oh well. The best i can do is release all uncliped fish and hell even some of the cliped ones when i dont want to mess with them :lol:
hey man, i didn't say redsides dont get over 24 inches, just not a ton of them do. i said nothing about an "inferior run" chill out and don't put words in my mouth.. sorry for ruffling feathers, ill make sure to stay out of this one so you all can tear eachother apart over hatchery chinook.. but i do have a better idea.

1. take boat to popular coastal springer fishery

2. take rod and rig up with size 5 blue fox or bobber and bait..maybe a chartreuse k-fish

3. hook and land a few dime bright 20lb springers, clean them and go home with a smile

4. go home ,put one fish in the freezer and cook the other and eat fish while browsing forum and realize this argument is pointless and move on.
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1. take boat to popular coastal springer fishery

3. hook and land a few dime bright 20lb springers, clean them and go home with a smile

I love this idea,can you make it June?
plumb2fish said:
1. take boat to popular coastal springer fishery

3. hook and land a few dime bright 20lb springers, clean them and go home with a smile

I love this idea,can you make it June?
i wish ..can't wait to hit the tidewater with the fly rod!!
jamisonace said:
Yes, everyone needs to know that the MF Willamette is a terrible river and you all should never, ever, ever fish it! And stay away from the CF in 2014 too or you'll have wasted a perfectly good day of fishing!

You're welcome in advance for this exceptional bit of advice.

:lol::lol::lol: Yeah ! Stay away from that horrible river ! Its always a bit off color , its not scenic , and the fish NEVER bite ! LOL !
Is someone gonna pay me for the extra gas to go to one of these "popular coastal springer fisheries" that are nowhere near Eugene?
The coast fork is still pretty cool in june guys, sure the lower 3 miles is all frog water, but from saginaw upstream is cool enough for them. I expect this fishery to be primarily near the dams. I relish the idea of catching springers in skiny water sounds cool to me. Of course the fish might just sit at the confluenece.... but we will have to wait and see. I have personally caught steelhead in the system in the summer, so why wouldn't the chinook survive?

I am glad that odfw is actually trying to manage the system, they have spent millions on cougar trying to help out the run.
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I don't know how anyone can afford going anywhere. $101 to fill the family cruiser on Sat and $70 today in my truck. I'm starting to think twice about pulling the boat anywhere out of town.

JeannaJigs said:
Is someone gonna pay me for the extra gas to go to one of these "popular coastal springer fisheries" that are nowhere near Eugene?
it costs me 20 bucks to hit the upper part of my two favorite coastal rivers :lol:

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