Clackamas springers

I do 30 main braid with 15 lb ultragreen exclusively from here on out

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I've kicked it up to 10# from 8# this year. A little more water this spring.
DrTheopolis said:
I've kicked it up to 10# from 8# this year.

Am I reading you right? You use 8# for winter steel, and only 10# for spring Chinook?
I usually use 8# for chucking spinners. A little more water this year, and I had a spool of 10#. So 10# it is.

For backtrolling, my rod (or I sometimes use my buddy's, since it's a 10', which makes it easier to keep the lines apart) is spooled with 30# hi-vis, with 25# leader. I don't have to cast and retrieve while backtrolling. I use that same setup if I'm on the big water (Willy, Columbia).

And to answer your next question -- it's extremely rare I ever break OFF a springer (did snap OFF a winter about a month ago on 8#, which wasn't my first choice, but it was on the reel. But I hooked it out of a drift boat in fast water, and there was nowhere to get the boat slowed down... stuff happens).

I can't imagine going any heavier for tossing hardware in a trib. But to each their own.
the clack getting a run of keeper springers in April, May and early June is a thing of the past. That run comes in late June, early July now. And what really sucks is the snaggers in the bowling alley hole are the ones who claim a majority of the fish tagged on the clack in that time frame.THUMBS DOWN!!! obviously the native stock hasn't skipped a beat. Nice feesh!!!
Where in barton did you go? Or north of it?
Jordy said:
I wish you were right. It was a very long adipose with the back half detached from the body and my finger was slightly under ther fin.

That fish is still swimming. Glad to have those genes in the river. I hooked him at about 9 o'clock through the swing in too shallow and too fast water. After a few headshakes i knew it was either a springer or it was a springer.

After slow headshakes and short, nasty runs in the current he did one very long slow porpoise about 20 feet in front of me to flash me his fin. At that point I gave the drag another crank and ended it, knowing either way i had already won. He was nice enough to lay down for 7 seconds for a quick snap and when i turned him around he kicked hard enough to not only get me wet, but to splash a half gallon of water into my waders.

After a super productions CR season and a fair number of fish in this class I can confidently put this one in the 20+ range.

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Its crazy how the salmon comes so late into the summer, even though they are "spring" salmon. Kind of crazy to think about.

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