Thanks man! Riverside is one of my most prodctive, publically accessible, Winter Steel drifts. Haha, no waders huh? It is gonna be hard to fish for a while, as the water is going to be quite a bit higher than the Summer months. But craigslist has wader listings often enough, and the ones i am wearin in those pictures were 10 dollars. 5 bucks for the fuel to get out there, and 5 bones for the skins. If your neighbors are in need of any type of assistance, with literally anything, from replacing light bulbs, to doin christmas tree removal is a nice way to earn a few extra bucks. When I was your age, that is how I rolled. Cheap, cheap. Used gear, hand-me-down tackle. And nightcrawlers, because a quart of cured eggs is astonishingly brutal. But you could technically fish that upper drift, without waders. If you get run downstream it will become a little bit of a chore, but you could do it. Try it out sometime, see if it looks like someplace you could lift your rod, and clear the shrubbery when you get a wiley down stream planer.