Clackamas @ Riverside/Summer STEEL

I don't use corkies normally or spin n glos,dad, and my friends all do but all they do is provide positive bouyancy. My weight is determined when I get to the water...I add split shot until I start pinging the bottom, then take one or two off depending on waters speed and the composition of rocks on the bottom. Just buy some sharp hooks in a size 1 to keep it uber simple. You can catch both steelhead, and nook on that size of hook. I tie leaders for steelhead, and chinook with different sized hooks, but it won't take much away from your rig if you get as big as 1/0. Although I don't think I've ever fished for steelhead with anything bigger than size 1 hooks.
Do you use drift bobbers? I think I am so pumped for the next one cause all these tips you gave me Im going to start tying leaders now! :lol::cool:;):dance::clap:
THANKS THANKS THANKS TANKS!!! Oops, not tanks... :lol::lol:
I do for deeper runs, especially where the bottom is full of 10 ft. diameter boulders, and not your run of the mill, river cookies.
Heres a tandem egg loop I tied a moment ago, I kinda made the other hook a little to close to the main, but oh well. The spong there is to serve as a little bouyancy, and a little splash of colors, and a scent holder, cause spong holds scent very well! Just gotta put the rig with my eggs over night and wabam! The sponge will hold the scent for a loooooong time! Also the leader line Im using and 2 of my plunking leaders.
Ill edit and put them in once I get the attachments to work... :think: They keep saying error... Ill do it with photobucket.

Theres the tandem egg loop leader with the sponge.
Theres my leader line
Heres 2 of my plunking rigs.
If you want to learn the tandem egg loop if you dont know, I will be glad to share. :)
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Dude you are on the right track. Rigs look fine, don't worry about your side drifter hooks being too close, as none of mine ever turn out the same, some end up being 2 inches away from each other, almost a mooching rig, and others are right up tight with the other hook...I have nailed fish on the tighter, and looser ones, so you should be good. Leader is probably fine, but i have no experience with that brand, so can't say for sure if it is good quality. I use Berkleys Big Game line on a real heavy sturgeon pole, and used to run it on my Salmonn reels. Berkley does make O.K. lines, so I'm sure it is going to work. Now the trick is to get your bait presented at the right depth, with the right amount of natural tumble through the water... Remember what a lot of us here say, the first one takes a lifetime, and practice dude.
Mmmkkk!!! Should I bait both hooks or just the first one?:D:D:D
I kinda think that stren isn't too bad, I was able to lift one side of our 15 lb dumbells that I never use with a 10 lb test and a dual trilene xtra twist knot... (made it up myself):D The color is awesome its not blue, not clear, but a lavender or, just like a real pretty purple, but it almost disappears in water!
Ok so now I have to ask where is Riverside?
End of Evelyn st. in Clackamas, behind the Safeway Bakeries.
bigdog said:
Ok so now I have to ask where is Riverside?

On the riverside. :lol:
Sorry if that doesn't help, I couldnt resist.:lol:
yeah i figured someone would say that lol
pics are gone , can anyone put em back on ?
The ones under my post? Those were just pics of my rigs. I will put them back on if you dying for me to. ;):D
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thats what im saying lets hear the good secrets on how to get the fish
Fish the head of the riffles for te Steel, and right behind them the Coho are goin to start milling about after the next rain...There are some hos in the river right now, but they are few and far between...Give yourselves 2 weeks, it should pick up. And bead body spinners are producing Jack Chinook, and Coho drivebys...
Ok so I found riverside though I'm affraid to say I don't think the fish have found it yet. Saw a bunch of big sucker fish swimming around or at least thats what I was tould they were. I do have to say looks like a nice place and looks like a lot of nice holes from what I can see.
So what about high rocks? I didn't make it over there but would think they would be there before riverside sence it is first in the line. Any input there would be great.
bigdog said:
Ok so I found riverside though I'm affraid to say I don't think the fish have found it yet. Saw a bunch of big sucker fish swimming around or at least thats what I was tould they were.

:naughty:If those guys were fishin, those werent "big sucker fish"!!!:shock::lol::lol:;)
No they are not suckers...They are common carp. Have become a problem down low on the Clack. Riverside has two bank fishable sections. The riffle above the park, and the hole at its head. The rest are Pikeminnow carpets.
yeah no one was fishing they were the carp. I got to go to the concrete things sticking out of the watter. Would have been nice to know that the dang thing comes to life at time before it made me jump out of my skin.
Anyways didn't see much in the line of fish while I was there besides the carp. Tried to hook in to them to do my part in pest control but didn't have any luck with that either. So what about high rocks?
ArcticAmoeba said:
No they are not suckers...They are common carp. Have become a problem down low on the Clack. Riverside has two bank fishable sections. The riffle above the park, and the hole at its head. The rest are Pikeminnow carpets.

What in the wourld is a pikeminnow?

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