Cb clippers

Man we get enough traffic down here, why publicize our little streams?

I did the same thing your doing. I caught fish wanted to share the cool experience with others. I posted pics of the spot, and it didn't take long before my spot was over run with people from all over.

I'll gladly give anyone the hows and whens, but never the wheres:naughty:
There are plenty to go around. I thought that is what this forum was for? Info? Have you never used the forum to go to someone else's homewater? Fact is those coastal streams are no secret. Anyone knows that when the bigger rivers blow up be prepared for some crowds from all over.
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hawgcaller said:
There are plenty to go around. I thought that is what this forum was for? Info? Have you never used the forum to go to someone else's homewater? Fact is those coastal streams are no secret. Anyone knows that when the bigger rivers blow up be prepared for some crowds from all over.

True that! I've been fishing most of my life, but it was mostly AFTER I moved out of Oregon as a kid. Now that I'm back, I've got a whole lotta learning to do and this forum has helped me with a huge amount of information. I promise I'm not going to catch all the fish if you hip me to a good spot or technique, and probably wont even be at the hole for more than a few hours. I've got plenty calling me away from the river in real life and I cherish any time on the water.


Great looking fish. All I can say that most of the coastal rivers have some fresh fish in them now and they are biting pretty good. Me and a buddy were down in the coos bay area river system;) and caught fish yesterday. The internet can definetly change the crowds on a specific river if great reports are given. I had to join this forum because I have been looking for a while and would like to help someone else out with some reports.
LOL, I Seen that coming. I don't think I gave directions or even said what fork I was fishing. However like hawgcaller said there are PLENTY to go around an MANY places to fish. I know it gets crowded up there that's why I get up early to lock down a spot, not as early as some there have been people getting up there at 3:30am to lock it up. Bottom line I don't think its a secret that our "little streams" get lots of fish an lots of people. I plan on fishing where other people on this awesome forum have posted reports about so I don't think sharing experiences is a problem at all.
couldn't have said it better myself.
hawgcaller said:
There are plenty to go around. I thought that is what this forum was for? Info? Have you never used the forum to go to someone else's homewater? Fact is those coastal streams are no secret. Anyone knows that when the bigger rivers blow up be prepared for some crowds from all over.

No actually I haven't. I go to the river and explore for myself, I look on the maps for hatcheries, and start around there. I am happy to try and make new fishing buddies in other areas and maybe they will show me some spots. I am also always happy to discuss techniques and give advice on how to do things. I learned my lesson though and I don't even list a river system very often on my reports. I have been around the internet on various websites for quite awhile and this is how it always starts. It doesn't take long before people recognize your spot, word spreads, and you have folks from all over showing up and running you out of your spot. I don't mean to sound like a jerk, just BTDT enough to know how it goes.
Just so everyone know, don't go fish the coos! It really sucks, no fish there. Also, the coquille is even worse. Sorry to jam your holes up man. Anyone can go look on the net for tips but if you dont tell where the tips are working at what good is the report? Don't mean to sound like a jerk but like gloomis said he didn't say exactly where. You can't expect people to not take pictures and post them just to make you happy. And good idea, start at the hatchery and if that doesn't pay off look for anything that is not private and looks fishy. good luck
whoops accidentally double posted sorry.lol
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hawgcaller said:
Just so everyone know, don't go fish the coos! It really sucks, no fish there. Also, the coquille is even worse. Sorry to jam your holes up man. Anyone can go look on the net for tips but if you dont tell where the tips are working at what good is the report? Don't mean to sound like a jerk but like gloomis said he didn't say exactly where. You can't expect people to not take pictures and post them just to make you happy. And good idea, start at the hatchery and if that doesn't pay off look for anything that is not private and looks fishy. good luck

Steelhead are steelhead, no matter what river they are on they will always hold in the same type of water under the same conditions. my uncle and I caught plenty of steelhead long before the internet was around to tell us every little detail of when, where and how. People need to learn how to do something themselves, if your tight with somebody down here give them a call and ask how the fishing is.

Also pics are great, you can easily blur the background or take the pics so that people can't tell which river your on, but when the title is CB clippers and you put up a picture of the hole it is pretty easy to tell which one it is on. Thats my .02 and as this is still america you can do whatever you want.
Man that must be your favorite hole. If someone can tell where I am on the river by my pics then they already know the spot and I really ain't telling them spit. If someone scouts the river looking for that spot just by the pic then they will find just as good of holes or better elsewhere.
i dont know where it is........
shawn...have you caught any fish in there...just be happy......

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