Catfish fishing around Eugene

thank you all for the broad range of knowledge that you have given me on catfish, i have caught one since i asked the original question, thanks again!:D:clap::clap::clap::pray::D:cool:
I'd just like to add, that although I haven't caught many catfish in Oregon, I've caught hundreds of all sizes in the Midwest.

One of the pieces of advice I always see, and that I have to always speak up on is the use of "stink bait" and rotten things for catfish. Contrary to what you hear, catfish will like a fresh meal if they can get one. They will hit 'stink Bait", but you will catch many more fish on a fresh bait.

In fact i have a couple of spoons in my tackle box that came from the biggest flathead I ever saw caught. He was 50 pounds, and was wearing all these spoons in his lip when he was caught. They guy who caught him tossed the old spoons on the ground, and I snatched them figuring the flathead liked them, and so will his brothers. The point here is the catfish was going after what it thought was live bait.

I use chicken liver as my go-to bait, but any bloody meat that will stay on the hook will work. Worms work too, but not as well in my experience. Don't leave it in the sun to dry out and start to spoil either. Keep it in the cooler until you are ready to bait your hook.

I bottom fish either with an inline egg sinker, or a dropper that silides. Both work well. After casting out I remove the slack and place the rod in the rod holder with the bail open. Catfish like to mouth the bait a bit. Let them do it. Then, when you see them taking out the line, set the hook.
anyone know any good spots on the willamette to catch cats?:think:
tnffishman said:
anyone know any good spots on the willamette to catch cats?:think:

Ive caught small (tiny) channels under the I-5 bridge in Oregon City at night, probably 10 years ago. Oregon has cats, just not in plus sizes from what I've seen, but I haven't been to the reservoirs that are supposed to hold the big ones. You would think the big rivers would have monsters, but not as far as I can tell.
ODFW has stocked a pond named Bond Butte about 10-15? miles N of eugene with channel can see the pond fron I 5.I have seen more than a few huge fish pulled out of it.chicken liver was used quite a bit...
I just got back from Riverfront park on the Willamette, I always go to where pringle creek dumps in and catch a bunch of squawfish and Peamouths, fillet them, and use them for cut bait on the dock. I usaully use a 1 inch by 1/2 inch piece of meat on a #2 hook with a slide sinker, swivel, and a foot and a half of 12lb leader (just in case I hook a baby sturgeon, which I have witnessed being caught on the dock).

I caught one fat mud cat (12 inches) and got a few other bites on cut bait, just make sure the hook point is showing, hook it once to where its barely hanging off the hook, or hook it twice, threading it up the hook.

I also believe (and read) that catfish and sturgeon like fresh bait over rotten.
Ive spent alotta nights (and early mornings) catfishin our local waters. Ive used every bait you could think of. Nothing has worked better for me than chicken liver. Perch, squaw, craws, peamouths, carp and suckers just plain dont catch as many fish as chicken liver. Now, if you were to use live bait, I think that might up the odds a bit. Gotta be VERY carefull when using the fish as bait though! IF a stater or odfw guy sees you fishing for catfish with a barbed hook and fillet of perch tied on in certain areas, he's for sure going to think you are sturgeon fishing, and its kinda hard to change their mind, Ive tried....

Rotten foods will get you nowhere! Thats a for shore!

Biggest Channel Cat i've caught around here was 20". But I saw a guy on the same dock as me land a solid 25"er. The guy had his shoes and socks off, and was flicking his line with his toes as he reclined in his chair(he said the fish could feel the vibration through the line and would think the bait is an injured fish). Line went slack, he reeled like crazy to catch up to it, and when he did, the fish was pretty much at the dock. Instead of playing it out for a few, he horsed it up, leaned over the dock, and thumbed it like it was a bass:shock:! Next thing I know, the guy is hootin' and hollerin' because the cat had locked its jaw on this guys thumb and started THRASHIN!!!! I ran over and opened its mouth with my knife, guy pulled out his thumb and was bleeding profusely!! So watch your fingers.
"and thumbed it like it was a bass!"

You do that so you won't get poked by his spine :D
Maybe with the wee kitty's...but if you can fit your other four fingers in there, its wayy easier to control a ragin floppin catfish!
I'd be kind of interested where you are getting decent cats. It's been a long time since I spent a summer night in my lawn chair waiting for the bite. Like I said the only place I've been had babies.
Its pretty far, but the Snake River is full of Channels. When my Grandpa would take me there, we would just use bass plugs/crankbaits and catch tons of 24 inch cats. We usually looked for the catfish to be jumping (probably for minnows) around a steep rock bank.

This was done around 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Maybe even try St. Louis ponds for the rare giant channels (I don't remember which pond(s) .)
I was looking at Brownlee today, what a massive body of water that is. But at 6 1/2 hours away, I'll have to wait.
Im tellin ya, there are channel catfish 20"+ in the Willamette River, St. Louis, the John Day Pool of the Columbia, and a few other close to (my) home spots. They sound like a mix between a drunken sailor and a bullfrog when you get them outta the water.
I'm going to try again. They are fun to catch.
can anyone enlighten me as to this location tht Hawk speaks about? The CA Aquaduct concrete canal. Just curious thanks yall
the_intimidator03 said:
can anyone enlighten me as to this location tht Hawk speaks about? The CA Aquaduct concrete canal. Just curious thanks yall

It begins at the California Delta by Tracy & runs to southern CA, a good part of the way along I-5

The Delta/Mendota concrete canal begins at the Delta by Tracy & runs south to Firebaugh/Mendota CA. The last time i fished there was 1989. Back then you could drive along the canal & camp along it. I don't know about the laws now down there..............................:D
ah i see. thanks for letting me know
Fishtopher said:
I fish the heck out of Will. Park in west linn at night for channel cats. ive only caught two outta there but ive caught hundreds of bullheads!!
Chicken liver tied on with stretchy string KILLS em!

Hey Fishtopher,

I read your post about Will. Park this evening and my buddy and I headed out there shortly thereafter. We were out there from approx. 11-1 and had several bites, only managed to bring in one squawfish and a bullhead. Still a moderately successful night.

When we went to buy bait this evening, we were unable to get chicken liver so I bought some shrimp at the grocery store. I think we are heading back out tomorrow night with some chicken liver. Have you been out to this spot yet this year?

Also, where do you typically buy chicken liver? The butcher section of the grocery store?


Ya, chicken liver in the little Foster Farms bucket in the meat department.
I havent been to that spot this year yet. Ive been fishin up river a little, on the other side of the river.
That spot at Willamette, the water is a little cooler with the water pouring in from the Tualitin River. There's some frog water up river a bit, and down river for that matter, thats a little warmer, and produces more fish this time of year. But there should still be fish there anyways. Those cats probably get their fill of Steelhead and Salmon smolt this time of year. So the catchin could be slow.

If you go with someone, try one bait in close to the dock, and toss one out a bit, and see where the fish are. With that light up top by the table, it will draw cats up kinda close to the bank to feed at night.

Good luck, and watch for the slack line.
I picked up some of that foster farms chicken liver this evening and headed back out there with my buddy. Much better night tonight, 9 bullheads and many pike minnows. No channel cats yet! But I am not giving up!


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