Catch and Release...

Catch and Release...

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Some species don't do well with catch and release. Most trout species are quick to die, even when released, whereas bass, walleye (unless taken from extreme depths), and most panfish show little harm after catch and release.

Washington enforces a daily bag limit on trout, even when Catch-and-release fishing. You catch five and release five, your done. That would be worth exploring.
cavdad45 said:
Some species don't do well with catch and release. Most trout species are quick to die, even when released, whereas bass, walleye (unless taken from extreme depths), and most panfish show little harm after catch and release.

Washington enforces a daily bag limit on trout, even when Catch-and-release fishing. You catch five and release five, your done. That would be worth exploring.

Hey cavdad, thanks for the bit on Washington. I gotta laugh though because unless someone turns you in or there is a WFW agent spying on you from a tree taking notes, C&R would be hard to enforce.
OnTheFly said:
Hey cavdad, thanks for the bit on Washington. I gotta laugh though because unless someone turns you in or there is a WFW agent spying on you from a tree taking notes, C&R would be hard to enforce.

That's how any game law is enforced! I know you've seen, as well as I have, game violators and poachers get away with just about everything. It's tipsters and direct witnessing by OSP that gets people caught. They only catch one in a thousand fishing violations.
cavdad45 said:
That's how any game law is enforced! I know you've seen, as well as I have, game violators and poachers get away with just about everything. It's tipsters and direct witnessing by OSP that gets people caught. They only catch one in a thousand fishing violations.

Strange though about a catch and release limit. I can only think that the reason is due to fish mortality due to improper release practices. What do you think?
The camera and telephoto lens has cost many poacher their licenses boats and poles, I wouldn't push it..... this subject should be governed by science and biology..... pellet heads were born raised and released to feed the urge and appetite of the masses, releasing one is futile since they are already ridiculously weak with a carry-over rate that has a . first in the percentage, native rainbows are extremely strong but that doesn't mean they can handle major pressure well. Bass are bass... and the only good one is a dead one, but about 5.5 million americans do not agree with me on this, so the point is it can't be left to the people, cause I care less about bass and panfish, you could care less about trout and salmon guys could care less about anything... so the biologist we pay see fit to say no at this point, so I must trust their unbiased decisions, based in science.... could you imagine a marriage license that for some mens convienence allowed extra marital excursions..... great for that perticular person.... but horrible for everything else in his enviroment.
I keep (maybe) 1 out of every 20 fish I catch, I am a picky pooper when it comes to fillets in the smoker.

for me its all about the fishing (strategies and tactics)
I realized I dont like Eating Fish Either, Just a Few says a go, I released a 16 Inch Smallie?!

I Was very Curiouse why? Smallmouth used to be my Favorite fish to eat but now they just dont get me.???


If catch and release is so bad on fish then why does ODFW allow catch and release fishing in blue ribbon Trout streams and rivers? I admit I do catch and release most fish I catch and the ones I do release do return to the water in good enough condition to be caught again and again; how do I know this - because based on the condition of the fish when I catch it (funny color on its side, wound on back from a bird of pray, other markings on the fish in question) I have caught it again at a later time and the fish is no worse for ware. I believe fish are much more robust than most anglers believe, the fish in my home waters are stocked when they are fingerlings and grow into very healthy fish. If the fish were dieing off in the numbers forecasted by the previous post then the ODFW wouldn't allow catch and release at any time or in any water. Salmon and Steelhead are caught and released every day by anglers that catch the wrong species and have to release them by law. These fish still make it to the spawning grounds and some return to the sea and run the gauntlet of anglers and nets again and again. I see no reason why this wouldn't work.

fishing all year

fishing all year

I mostly c&r anyway.Fishing can be had all year round If you do your homework!
cavdad45 said:
Some species don't do well with catch and release. Most trout species are quick to die, even when released, whereas bass, walleye (unless taken from extreme depths), and most panfish show little harm after catch and release.

Washington enforces a daily bag limit on trout, even when Catch-and-release fishing. You catch five and release five, your done. That would be worth exploring.

Not QUITE true about WA. The "catch-and-release 5 -you're done" applies ONLY IF you are using bait.

And I would disagree with your first statement- in most cases. Fishing in warm summer surface water seems to be the most detrimental to releasing trout unharmed. You can't mess with them much at all- turn the hook with pliers and get them on their way. Some of the smaller ones seem to die at the drop of a hat anyway. In cold water they swim off just fine. I don't think trout are "unhardy" at all.

The dead fish I see in the water- IMO- are bait caught fish that weren't big enough for the person who caught/ released it, or just roughly handled by bait fishermen (sorry-but I've seen this many times.)

I've caught and released multitudes of trout and never left a trail of dead fish in my wake. Done it at the mouth of small streams in a boat where you could see them if they just sank and died- it just doesn't happen. Lures and even flies catch 99% of fish in an easily removable place in their mouth. Can think of only one in the last two years that "kind of" inhaled a fly- still it was easily removed.

As for the poll- it would be nice to have C&R fishing all year round- but just as now where some places have strict rules (like selective gear rules in WA)- it's ALL about enforcement- my observations in these type places say that greater than 80% of the people I see fishing are ignoring ALL THE RULES- i.e. -using bait and treble hooks where they are NOT ALLOWED. I think most just choose not to read the rules so they can play ignorant, others don't read the rules because they don't care, others have a boat full of kids and want to catch fish- rules don't matter, others are from another country and rules don't seem to matter, others know the rules and fish there with bait because they know it's easy picking, others know enforcement is slim and none so they're not likely to get caught. They are all reprehensible and disgusting sportsmen. They are why your wish Chuck can never happen- too many scumbags screw it up for the rest of us.

Jim- and in case you haven't noticed- I AM bitter about it!
Any why such a backlash against C&R fishing- many posts in this thread? So what if a few fish do die despite the best efforts to release them unharmed? The meathunter fisher people KILL 100% OF WHAT THEY CATCH! No ifs, ands, or buts- just dead dead dead- everytime- to the limit whenever possible.

If I were to guess what Chuck really wants (only because I do mostly C&R myself) is a place to fish and C&R some larger fish without the next guy coming along, defending his legal right to take fish home everytime- right up to the day when there are NO MORE FISH TO CATCH! SHEESH!

The feeshes need a break during certain times of the year. I don't see how c&r can really be enforced also with a paper thin trooper presence as it is, unable to enforce the problems with poaching already present. I think it's a good concept for a lot of people, but there are too many people that would abuse it.
Waterbody Specific

Waterbody Specific

Being in the Upper Valley there are year round opportunities I enjoy & value. The vast majority of fishing I do is C&R anyway. I've caught the same fish on many occasions over many years of angling. PLEEEEEZE Don't lift fish out of the water by the line. When I'm bait fishing if I can't see the hook in the front of the mouth the line gets cut & re-tied. I buy the cheap little 20 in a box for $.95 #4 octopus at Wallyworld. One of the ways I know I catch the same fish a couple weeks later is the telltale stub of line before the hook "dissolves". Now I do believe that each waterbody needs individual regs based on pressure, # of fish, run seasons etc. so for a blind statewide C&R policy I would say no.
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