Catch and Release...

Catch and Release...

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What would you think of a special angling license that allowed you to fish all year long for any species in the State Of Oregon; as long as it was totally catch and release. No exceptions; even if you knew the fish may die you still had to release it "it has a 100% better chance of survival on the bottom of the lake than it does in the bottom of your boat/pickup/cooler. Just think it over and see how you feel, not saying it is for every one. But there are some of us that would truly benefit from this 12 month a year for angling. Just curious...
I am adding a poll for voting - think about it and read the other post and then vote.

troutski I voted no, but only for the open spectrum the poll allows, if you had named individual species I would have voted yes to some of them. The most dangerous and harmful thing to anyliving organism is stress.. and constant pressure, some fisheries need a break just for the fish and the enviroment they live in, I feel all woods and lakes, streams and so forth should have a "quiet time" for the benefit of everything involved... there are many year round lakes that are stocked for the benefit of the people, now sturgeon, halibut, bass and a few other fish seem to suffer very little from catch and release and constant pressure... so go at it, but most salmon and trout varieties are actually very suseptable to poor handling, so I think a catch and release license for them should have a class and a test similar to bow hunting and muzzleloading... but I also hate so much goverment control so I wouldn't mind if things just stayed the way they are. ( fishing hat creek 2 weeks ago I saw 5 trout dead in tailouts that most likely died from poor catch and release practices... but Im not a trout csi so I could be falsly blaming...
I agree, give the fishies a break, especially if protecting a spawn. I've observed that many anglers handle released catches too roughly - if possible a fish should not be manhandled out of the water or allowed to thrash on solid ground - in the water hook removals with pliers/forceps works fine for me. I also favor no bait allowed single hook only for particularly fragile species & locations.
People will take advantage of this and maybe try to avoid the law, and keep a few.
I've always wished there was a special license just for this. I vote yes.
HELL NO! like others said, the fish need a break. It would not matter that much when it comes to the returning oceanic fish like salmon etc. They only here, in numbers, at peak times of the year. But fish need a chance. Sure pellet heads are farmed and released throughout the year, but the fish still need to grow. Humans are not the only animals that predate on fish. If some one threw a hook at you half the year, and every time you turned around, a bird/bear/vermin took a bite at you, and the bigger fish tried to eat you. Hells bells! You would want a hole to crawl into.
Catch n Release sometimes isn't the Best option. And Imagine having to release ALL of your fish.
To begin with, releasing fish unharmed is something not all people know how to do correctly. One needs to read up on it and get educated and then be able to execute it. How many of you have seen someone handle a fish bare handed while ripping a swallowed hook out of it's gut? Or, imagine a fish out of water for several minutes while a barbed treble hook is removed. Even if the 'licence' requierd single barbless hooks, I still vote no.
Troutier Bassier said:
Catch n Release sometimes isn't the Best option. And Imagine having to release ALL of your fish.

Humans weren't meant to eat fish, so C/R technically the worst humans could do to the fish... but many people bend that rule. :D
FishSchooler said:
Humans weren't meant to eat fish, so C/R technically the worst humans could do to the fish... but many people bend that rule. :D
um....... Im gonna need you to show your work on this one..:think::think::think:
Humans have flat teeth, which all herbivores do. All the carnivores/omnivores have mostly sharp/long teeth. But us humans figured out what a barbecue was. :lol:
I think you can easily find an answer on google.
FishSchooler said:
Humans have flat teeth, which all herbivores do. All the carnivores/omnivores have mostly sharp/long teeth. But us humans figured out what a barbecue was. :lol:
I think you can easily find an answer on google.

You might want to check that again; our dental work clearly suggests omnivore while our digestive track points to a bias in the carnivore direction.

As for the poll I think it's a great idea but like all great ideas once you start picking through the details there doesn't end up being much left, so I voted no.

Maybe the next thought to mull over would be a warm water only angling license for a reduced rate and opens the option for soft plastics in more places than otherwise allowed.
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well then why didn't jesus feed the people caesar salads and tofu???? so whos right here..... your google, or my mom??? I really shouldn't drink after dinner..
Why Not?

Why Not?

We like to C&R because the little lady hates fish due to the fact as a little girl she lived on a commercial salmon boat out of Morro Bay, Ca. As for taking the boy fishing,the best fishing for Cutts on the Little Nestucca is the 3 months prior to the river opening for them. After that it is generally super low flow with tiny fish. So in my opinion a C&R tag would be great for those of us who live to fish by prefer to eat BBQ'd cow. In the last 10 years 99% of all the wild trout I have caught have been lip hooked and easily released, unlike pellet heads. Bent barbs, and grab the lure with pliers (no touchie fish) and gently release into water is the method of success for me. Just my thoughts though. Yes vote for me.
FishSchooler said:
Humans weren't meant to eat fish, so C/R technically the worst humans could do to the fish... but many people bend that rule. :D


Who fed you that? I, too, would like to see your research on that one. Npw that just sense no make all at. Im callin "SHENANIGANS!"
I vote yes, it doesn't hurt anyone to give other people a choice, and plus the license should be cheaper than a regular license for sure, because I doubt anybody would buy it if it was more than or equal to the price of a regular angling license.

People who purchase the tag, should educate themselves on how to release a fish unharmed. Because every little bit of slime you have on your hands after handling a fish, is a higher chance the fish is going to get a disease and die, also, putting your fingers in the gills, like somebody mentioned before, how would you like it if someone put their fingers in your lungs and held you up (RIIIIP).
Check the poll..

Check the poll..

Very interesting poll results so far, to me anyway.

Let's all go back to halibuthitman's post #2 and review.
and also....

and also....

Another reason for season closures is enforcement, while many people think odf uses timing against us as hunter/fishers its actually to the benefit of enforcement. Elk, deer, trout season, birding.. all are offset in manners that allow the troopers and fish and game to focus enforcement on the current pressure season, officers who work the central part of the state are brought to the coast for elk season.... and yadda yadda yadda... these officers are frequently outnumbered by the law breakers they encounter and need each other for safety, it is a crap job and at a little scary. Remember claude Dallas? as sportsmen most of us have better weapons and sometimes more practice than these men, and we know what are intentions are... they must guess, so we should not spread these fellas too thin, not many people can handle this job.
My current license allows me to C&R at my descretion, many would buy this license just to pay less and then retain anyway when no one is looking. I also believe that when we have salmon,trout, even dare I say it ...bass are on thier reds...never mind squish the bass....the extra stress can lead to higher mortality rates in an already stressful situation. I also believe the upper end of most systems in the spawning grounds should notjust be closed during prime spawn times, but more of a "no Tresspassing in the fishes bedroom "type of deal.

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