Carp fising

Halberdier said:
…I am new at posting (I normally peruse), I am curious. In the 2009 OR Regs under “Harvest Method” on page 9 it seems to show “Snag Hook” as a legal method of obtaining Carp. I also read through the pamphlet in search of weight/hook regulations. I bring this up to ask if the following method is legal to attach to a Carp:
…In “Another State” I used to tie a half ounce swivel weight to the end of the line, search my tackle box for the biggest treble hook I had and attach it about two feet up the line from the weight. I would then toss the rig out into the water and wait for an unsuspecting big Carp to pass over the line (I kept it at tension). When the happy occurrence of the Ugly Fish came by, I would raise the rod tip sharply, and an epic fight was on! I normally used 6 lb line on a light spinning rod. I let them go as this was for sport, by the way.

When I was a kid we'd snag carp for hours below Fern Ridge Dam.
…My original post portrayed a method to catch Carp! As previous posts had indicated the use of such fish as good for fertilizer, having a strange smell, etc, it had never occurred to me that snagging a trash species as a “sporting” violation. A carp has a very tender mouth, but has a scaly armor-like body.
….The snagging method I used was a reaction to having Grass Carp the size of small cars destroying good Bass fishing areas. A grass carp does not eat worms, etc. The only way to get them was gaff hook, bow and arrow or explosives.
…I usually use a Fly Rod to present false appetizer hopes to trout; I use barbless hooks and do not touch the fish as I gently let them go. But you have not lived until you snag a 25 lb carp in the side using 6 lb tackle and line. If it is a large pond or slough, you may lose your entire reel-full of line!
Was that out by fernridge where you were shootin em cuz we still do that
I used to catch carp at brownlee too. nowadays there is getting less and less. but multnomah channel is a good spot, so is some places on the willamette.
It is not sporting to snag fish, especially snag and release a fish that you just purposely put a hole in. People probably think "oh they're just carp" or "trash fish". Trash fish to me is a fish that comes from the hatchery. Carp help clean up rivers along with suckers, catfish, and sturgeon, and the reason why they are overlooked is because when a pond or lake goes to crap (loses oxygen, food sources) the carp is the last fish standing (swimming) because they can tolerate a lot more than most fish, and when this happens, people blame the carp. Yes maybe carp go around uprooting plants and stirring up mud, but that doesn't harm a lake or river as much as a dead rotten fish or five just sitting on the bottom introducing diseases and fungus.

People probably snag these fish because they are too much of a challenge to catch on bait. The three hardest things about carp fishing are seeing the bite, knowing when to set the hook, and hooking the fish.

PS Halberdier, Grass Carp like Corn. If you are talking Devils Lake, it is illegal to fish for Grass Carp.
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Sloughs on the Willamette usually provide a lot of carp action. While carp are spawning a red and white crappie jig works really well. In a lot of ponds chumming the water with some white corn soaked with some garlic powder then casting your hook in with some of the same corn on it works well.
Drew9870 said:
It is not sporting to snag fish, especially snag and release a fish that you just purposely put a hole in. People probably think "oh they're just carp" or "trash fish". Trash fish to me is a fish that comes from the hatchery. Carp help clean up rivers along with suckers, catfish, and sturgeon, and the reason why they are overlooked is because when a pond or lake goes to crap (loses oxygen, food sources) the carp is the last fish standing (swimming) because they can tolerate a lot more than most fish, and when this happens, people blame the carp. Yes maybe carp go around uprooting plants and stirring up mud, but that doesn't harm a lake or river as much as a dead rotten fish or five just sitting on the bottom introducing diseases and fungus.

People probably snag these fish because they are too much of a challenge to catch on bait. The three hardest things about carp fishing are seeing the bite, knowing when to set the hook, and hooking the fish.

PS Halberdier, Grass Carp like Corn. If you are talking Devils Lake, it is illegal to fish for Grass Carp.
Trust me, hes right. Its not easy. My friends russian!
We were out steelhead fishing today at Barton and my brother landed a small carp (14 inches or so) while drift fishing.

His 'fishing' camera battery died so all I have is a phone pic.
mgdguy said:
We were out steelhead fishing today at Barton and my brother landed a small carp (14 inches or so) while drift fishing.

His 'fishing' camera battery died so all I have is a phone pic.

It's hard to tell but it looks like a sucker to me.
TTFishon said:
It's hard to tell but it looks like a sucker to me.

Isn't a carp a type of sucker? Or am I confused? (it's very possible lol)
mgdguy said:
Isn't a carp a type of sucker? Or am I confused? (it's very possible lol)

Yes. Did that fish have wiskers and big scales?
TTFishon said:
Yes. Did that fish have wiskers and big scales?

Well it didn't have BIG scales for it's body...but it wasn't a big fish either. As for whiskers...I don't think so. My bro has a higher res pic on his phone. I'll have to look again.
Ok after some further Internet research I don't think it was a carp - some other kind of sucker. I should know better :rolleyes: since I caught a carp (first time) on the John day last December.
mgdguy said:
Well it didn't have BIG scales for it's body...but it wasn't a big fish either. As for whiskers...I don't think so. My bro has a higher res pic on his phone. I'll have to look again.

A carp will have a whisker on each side of it's mouth.
mgdguy said:
Ok after some further Internet research I don't think it was a carp - some other kind of sucker. I should know better :rolleyes: since I caught a carp (first time) on the John day last December.

Well at least you caught something. It must've created a little bit of excitement for a second or two.
TTFishon said:
Well at least you caught something. It must've created a little bit of excitement for a second or two.

It was :dance: :clap: :D followed by :confused: :( :rolleyes: LOL
mgdguy said:
It was :dance: :clap: :D followed by :confused: :( :rolleyes: LOL

That's funny. Suckers sure aren't the best fish to catch are they?
Carp will eat your poop.
Troutcatcher said:
Carp will eat your poop.

Do you have any scientific facts to prove this?

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