Carp are definitely not intelligent!

I have caught plenty of trout, salmon, steelhead, and carp (disclaimer, all on the fly) and I spend 90 percent of my fishing time chasing carp. Carp take more line than anything else I have ever caught and I have broken 7 fly rods in the last 4 years fishing for them. I certainly don't mean to argue, just to give a differing opinion. I will say that tiny 3-4 lb carp in ponds are basically a year old. Don't expect them to fight. Catching carp on bait can be challenging but they do feed primarily by scent. Try catching them on an artificial fly, it can be very tough!

Regardless, they sure are pretty!

Thats a big carp! Nice
Please please!!!! Don't post pictures like that! People are eating!
onthefly said:
please please!!!! Don't post pictures like that! People are eating!

Drew9870 said:
It doesn't take much of a challenge to catch any fish that are "swimming all over the place". Kinda like Bluegill.

Let's see you pull one out of Clackamette Lake :lol:, being that they aren't intelligent, in fact, let's see you pull one out of most every body of water, I know of ponds and lakes that take serious knowledge to even know they hold Carp, let alone get one to sniff your bait.

Lol, obviously I was just being called into this thread. Yesterday was my day, 7 Carp and 3 Ducks -(the most unintelligent/greedy creature to exist, and count as fair game if they eat my bait.)

Fishing for hatchery fish isn't so intelligent, it's like hunting in a field stocked with farm raised Deer :wall: :lol:.

A couple of gentlemen from Europe used to come around this site, full of knowledge and tactics that people from this site would think are from the future, Rigs that hook the fish before it even gets a chance to exhale the bait, Rigs that would slay the Trout in the Hatchery puddles. But people drove them out of the forum by showing more hate than respect for the fish, and it's pretty obvious no one really has any interest in these fish. Why do you think I have never posted a report on this site? I would never give up the location of where I caught my 35lb PB, or even where I caught seven 8-10lbers yesterday, or especially the rigs and methods I use, otherwise, I would probably see fish laying on shore in the areas I fish. I've pulled Steelhead between 24-35 inches on shore like they were Bass, using 10lb Spiderwire Stealth braid, I use 15lb PowerPro for Leader and 50lb PowerPro for Mainline (many purposes for this ''ocean setup'') for Carp and never even pulled a 7lber up like a log, a Steelhead would be nothing more than a stick on this setup.

most people in oregon appreciate salmon,steelhead and trout,,,thats what this state is known for.....NOT CARP...thats alabama fishin
Nice fish John, I saw your report on the ''other forum'', nice job.

If Carp are so unintelligent, then let's see those who think so go out and hook a few on a fly rod (in the mouth), until I see a report with a fly hanging out of their mouth, your the unintelligent ones for having that thought run across your mind, either ignorant or hardheaded (Ignorance is the state of being unaware, remember that), since obviously you don't understand the fish, or your too hardheaded (stubborn) to take the time to understand them. One single body of water will not allow you to fully understand these fish.

I am only 19 years old, I don't understand how some people decades older have been fishing their whole life and don't even have as much of a clue as I do, most of the knowledge I have learned in the past couple of years. By having that said, I am not saying I am better than anyone, but stating that maybe they should move on and try something different once in a while, maybe you'll learn a thing or two about something different.

Bigsteel, I appreciate most every fish, but I appreciate a challenge and using natural baits, not tossing metal and rubber contraptions at fish hoping to get a reaction strike, I like to know the fish actually favored the ingredients in my bait enough to seek it out. I could not care any less about what our state is about, because obviously I am not one who goes ''by the book''.

Did the author of this thread run out of things to say?
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Drew9870 said:
Nice fish John, I saw your report on the ''other forum'', nice job.

If Carp are so unintelligent, then let's see those who think so go out and hook a few on a fly rod (in the mouth), until I see a report with a fly hanging out of their mouth, your the unintelligent ones for having that thought run across your mind, either ignorant or hardheaded (Ignorance is the state of being unaware, remember that), since obviously you don't understand the fish, or your too hardheaded (stubborn) to take the time to understand them. One single body of water will not allow you to fully understand these fish.

I am only 19 years old, I don't understand how some people decades older have been fishing their whole life and don't even have as much of a clue as I do, most of the knowledge I have learned in the past couple of years. By having that said, I am not saying I am better than anyone, but stating that maybe they should move on and try something different once in a while, maybe you'll learn a thing or two about something different.

I fly fish but for redsides and rainbows and browns,,,,a little steelhead,,,but not carp,,,hence i never post a carp report....if i wanted i could catch a carp but they dont interest me in the least bit......not with the beautiful fish we have here in oregon
Carp are a beautiful fish to me, Trout and everything else are just your everyday fish, nothing new about them, everyone goes for them. Trout are very simple fish, and I like a challenge, but if I wasn't Carp fishing, I would be catching myself some rainbow dinner from the S. Santiam.
Drew9870 said:
Carp are a beautiful fish to me, Trout and everything else are just your everyday fish, nothing new about them, everyone goes for them. Trout are very simple fish, and I like a challenge, but if I wasn't Carp fishing, I would be catching myself some rainbow dinner from the S. Santiam.
they are everyday fish cause they belong here.........
19!! It all makes sense now. Look, fish for whatever yer gonna fish for. Calling people names(with the definition next to the name??:rolleyes:) is totally uncalled for. Catch your carp, have fun doing it and come here and post your report. There are plenty of peeps that are into what yer into, it`s all good.
19. I should`ve known when you pointed out that Chimaira is the lightest thing you listen to. No one really cares about that little fact either, but hey have fun!!:D
Well guess what, Carp are here, and here to stay. ODFW takes no action to eradicate them, so obviously they aren't too harmful.

Obviously my interest in one fish makes me not welcome, considering Carp fishing is Alabama fishing, I don't go poking my head into your steelhead threads and start talking crap.

Everyone just loves to talk as much crap about these fish as they can, and most of the time it's obviously directed towards me, being that I am 1 of 2 Carp fishermen who still frequent this board. Just because you see an oppurtunity to talk crap about someones interest, doesn't mean you have to take it. This applies to a lot of people.

I refuse to post a report on this entire forum, it would turn out like every other thread involving Carp.
K. Have fun!!
Drew9870 said:
Well guess what, Carp are here, and here to stay. ODFW takes no action to eradicate them, so obviously they aren't too harmful.

Obviously my interest in one fish makes me not welcome, considering Carp fishing is Alabama fishing, I don't go poking my head into your steelhead threads and start talking crap.

Everyone just loves to talk as much crap about these fish as they can, and most of the time it's obviously directed towards me, being that I am 1 of 2 Carp fishermen who still frequent this board. Just because you see an oppurtunity to talk crap about someones interest, doesn't mean you have to take it. This applies to a lot of people.

I refuse to post a report on this entire forum, it would turn out like every other thread involving Carp.

your the one calling people names and acting like everyone directs their crap at you,,,well look in the mirror.......
The only two names I have mentioned were Hardheaded and Ignorant.

I don't act like people direct crap toward me, look at the name of this thread for cryin out loud, whoever said Carp were intelligent, not me right? ;)
Drew9870 said:
Nice fish John, I saw your report on the ''other forum'', nice job.

If Carp are so unintelligent, then let's see those who think so go out and hook a few on a fly rod (in the mouth), until I see a report with a fly hanging out of their mouth, your the unintelligent ones for having that thought run across your mind, either ignorant or hardheaded (Ignorance is the state of being unaware, remember that), since obviously you don't understand the fish, or your too hardheaded (stubborn) to take the time to understand them. One single body of water will not allow you to fully understand these fish.

I probably couldn't catch a carp on a fly rod not because they are too intelligent but because I don't know how to tie a bread ball pattern. I would assume weight would need to be added to keep it on the bottom. lol

Look Drew, no one here is trying to discredit your knowledge of carp fishing or any other way you choose to fish. There are a lot of diverse fisherpeople on this forum and that's what makes it interesting. You are more than welcome here but if you like that 'other forum' better then use it. But please don't insinuate to people that they're the unintelligent ones because they don't share your deep feelings for carp.:cool:
When I say ''other forum'' I do not mean Ifi**, I am talking about a worldwide Carp specific forum.
I remember one time at hornings hideout where we could catch tons of trout with bare hooks, or hook and weight, i used a twig and caught one. That doesn't seem smart to me...
Carp have always had a bad rap around here ,about the time I started fishin the carp jokes surfaced . will tell you one thing though ,after not so accidentally snagging about a 15 lb model theyve gotten my attention !Did it on my bass spinnin rod with 8lb p line I didn't stand a chance !!!!! thing snapped me off real quick not very fancy fighters but make no mistake they will bulldog ya ! Try not to take any of this stuff here to seriously drew there are many here that think of them in other terms than trash fish! can't lie though wont be dining on any now or in the future , but hey wont eat LM bass either !
First of all Drew, nobody is picking you out to specifically bash you for being a carp fisherman. I haven't seen it here. I doubt anyone has in the past. I don't see why anyone would unless they were provoked. The only thing I saw here was you expressing irritation towards the posters within this thread, and in pretty hefty doses, for insulting your chosen game. This thread was not insulting towards carp anglers. You seem to be equating insults towards the intelligence of carp as insults on your own intelligence at which point you demand they prove their own intelligence as being valid. This is a waste of time and not rational. Let's take a breath here everyone and try not to feed the fire! ;)

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