Car body hole on the Alsea

How do you know there is a lot of steelhead in there?
5rivers is salmon cut off. rivers pluged with steelhead allmost walk acrost there backs
back bounce a pink worm off 5river bridge its deadly!
when are you going out
i fish everday. its what i do
alseaalumaweld said:
can't salmon fish past 5 river. what are you asking?

Fall Creek is the cut off not 5 Rivers isn't it?

Regs say:

"Mainstream including tidewater upstream to Fall Creek: Open for Chinook Salmon Aug.1 - Dec. 31"
Even will take this a step further.

Salmon and
In the aggregate:
2 adult salmon or
steelhead per day,
20 per year. 5 jack
salmon per day,
2 daily jack limits
in possession.

• See exceptions to the Chinook salmon catch limit under Nehalem,
Nestucca and Tillamook bays and tributaries, and Yachats River.
• Adipose fin-clipped coho salmon, pink salmon and sockeye salmon
may be retained as part of the adult and jack salmon daily bag limit
in all waters that are currently open to angling for Chinook salmon or
steelhead, except as specified in Special Regulations.
• Hatchery releases of coho salmon occur in the Trask River, North
Fork Nehalem River, Big Creek, Klaskanine River and Youngs Bay.
• Closed to chum salmon (including jacks) angling unless noted under
Special Regulations.
• Note: Changes to salmon regulations for the ocean, bays, coastal
rivers and the Columbia River system (page 94-97) are printed in
May and are available at ODFW offices or from license agents.
Check for new regulations before you fish.

• See Special Regulations in NW Zone to determine where harvest
of any Chinook salmon is allowed. Harvest of nonadipose fin-clipped
steelhead and nonadipose fin-clipped coho salmon is prohibited in
the NW Zone except as allowed under Special Regulations for
Siltcoos and Tahkenitch lakes. There is no annual limit on adipose
or otherwise fin-clipped salmon or adipose fin-clipped steelhead
as long as the appropriate number of Hatchery Harvest Tags have
been purchased to record the catch.
• Angling restricted to artificial flies and lures in streams above tidewater
May 28-Aug. 31. See exceptions under Special Regulations where
use of bait is allowed.
same **** difernt day. allways the same. salmon fishing is over anyways
anyone left yet to get the hatchery hole?
Well if there is a lot of steelies in there im going to give it a go tomorrow. good luck to you.
i got my tent ready leaveing here soon to hold down the hatchy hole!
I've never fished the hatchery because I've heard it's always crowded.
haha I'm going to beat you there!jk
guess it could be a race!
I guess so if i was going there but i have a few holes i always fish other places.
well if you want to get together and fish in the next couple weeks hit me up. Im graduating and moving back to clackamas in a week so hit me up.
flytrekker1007 said:
well if you want to get together and fish in the next couple weeks hit me up. Im graduating and moving back to clackamas in a week so hit me up.

I can't let that pass without comment- contrats on your graduation!, hope your move goes well, also your fishing.
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Hey thanks. Steelhead are few and far between in the Alsea. Alseaalumaweld I don't know what you are talking about but I guess your saying that the fish are in there thick you are obviously referring to all the dark, nasty, spawned out salmon....because there was a lot. I fished most of my holes today, and fished many different ways and no strikes.
flytrekker1007 said:
I'm talking about the car body whole that you get to when you park on the road and walk through the christmas tree farm. Are you being sarcastic when you say they are in there thick?

Yes I was being sarcastic, sorry no pun intended. Never heard of that hole before and just trying to have some fun. I would think there would be a couple around, not anything to wright home about though.

PS I was talking about steel.
how was fishing?

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