Bowling alley hole

thats all anyone else that fishes there uses fishy4. go give it a shot, watch what everyone else is doing and join in the rotation.
Let the downstream guy cast before you, and cast at the same or similar angle he does so that you guys can have a headache free time.
I Grade said:
Give it a rest @$$.... any hole you can see from a state highway isn't a secret.

I Grade said:
Give it a rest @$$.... any hole you can see from a state highway isn't a secret.

Are you for real?
osmosis said:
thats all anyone else that fishes there uses fishy4. go give it a shot, watch what everyone else is doing and join in the rotation.
Let the downstream guy cast before you, and cast at the same or similar angle he does so that you guys can have a headache free time.

Believe it or not one of the time I was there saw some guys tossing eggs and they were getting more hook up then the rest. Not saying that that would be what you would want to try there but seemed to be doing them good that day.
Thank you Osmosis. is there any time othe day when i wont have to stand shoulder to shoulder/ and what should my rigging look like? i havent drifted steelhead before nor salmon. thank you.
After 830-9 it thins out a lot. But so do the fish. Thats why everyone bails early. Fish push up in the am, and if the tide is rising at the same time, the "bite" will be really good.

If you get there early, you can fish where you will be 5-10 away from people, unless its a busy day.
Fishtopher said:
After 830-9 it thins out a lot. But so do the fish. Thats why everyone bails early. Fish push up in the am, and if the tide is rising at the same time, the "bite" will be really good.

If you get there early, you can fish where you will be 5-10 away from people, unless its a busy day.

5-10 what inches :lol:
do i still have good chances of catchong anything in the afternoon?
fishy4 said:
do i still have good chances of catchong anything in the afternoon?

Not as good of a chance but some are landed in the afternoon and in the evening push.
I meant if you get down past the root wad, towards the bridge. You can find space down there. Maybe less fish, but more space.

I honestly dont know. If Im there for more than 35 minutes, and no one is catching fish, I split and head up river. And that 35 usually happens around 830. So I dont know. I hardly ever see fish on the bank when I stop by in the afternoon. That will change a lot when the river starts to rise.
what kind of setup shuld i use? like do i need lead? or do i just pitch the corkie out there? thnx
yep it's a busy spot so always expect some company while the fish are running.

first light in the morning, and then incoming/high tide are your best bets down there. there is sometimes a small "last light" bite in the evening.

rigging = your mainline to a swivel, and on the other end of the swivel a 24" leader (most of the guys down there use MUCH longer than that), to a hook tied on with an egg loop knot to the leader material. you slide the corkie down the leader above the hook and put a piece of yarn into the loop created by the knot.
when you tie the leader to the swivel, do NOT cut off the extra inch or two of line from making the knot (the tag end). attach your lead, either pencil lead or split shot to that tag end.
that way when you snag up the lead slides off and instead of having to re rig the whole thing, you just need more lead.

a lot of the guys down there will have all kinds of different rigging methods all accomplishing the same thing. some will have their weight on a slider, some will be drifting essentially a plunking rig with super short dropper, ect. there are as many way to rig up as there are people fishing. Just watch what the guys that are catching fish are doing and try to mimic what they do.
Anywhere from 3/4oz to 1-1/2oz depending on water level and what stretch youre fishing on. When I fish there I use little bank sinkers, or 1oz cannon balls.

When you get down there, check out everyones leaders. Youll see anywhere from 1-1/2 feet...all the way to 7-8 feet. Just use what you feel comfortable fishing with. Me, when I fish there, I grab the end of my leader, hold the spool of line in front of me, and pull out to the end of my reach. About 3ft before knots.
How long do I have to stand there doing the same thinf as everyone else before I get a fish. I'm starting to get old now and I only have so many hours in a day to stand there!
GDBrown said:
How long do I have to stand there doing the same thinf as everyone else before I get a fish. I'm starting to get old now and I only have so many hours in a day to stand there!

Haha it's fishing man there ain't no gaurantees you'll get one, or how long it will take:D
alright im going there today actually leaving a little late. so we shall see thnx for everyones help
If you don't have the patience to stand around for days on days of possibly nothing, salmon and steelhead fishing might not be your thing. There's always safeway...costs a bit but you are going to go home with a fish.
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GDBrown said:
How long do I have to stand there doing the same thinf as everyone else before I get a fish. I'm starting to get old now and I only have so many hours in a day to stand there!

I hear you! The funny thing about fishing is that sometimes it's all luck or a lack thereof... There are days when the only one who is catching fish is you. However, there are many more days when everybody else is catching but you. At least, this is what it feels like.
so mi just got back and like everyones saying everyone but me caught a fish. saw some hogs caught today while i was using the sme equipment. my question now is what area should i have been at? i was down on the same bank but away from the crowd. is there more fish in the part where the run begins?
Anyone know if the fishing was good at the bowling alley today? The weather looked good for fishing.

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