Boats vs. the bank angler

agreed. Now I just need a new rod to go back out :( broke mine today.
You need what I like to call a bunker buster.
10oz or more of lead hurled directly at side of boat.

If you ever visit the South Santiam you'll know what Im talking about. :shock:
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broken rod?

broken rod?

what manufacturer? for the most part, they (rod manu.) will work with ya on replacing it.... however sometimes it is easier/cheaper to just eat the cost and buy a new one.

i consider my n x nw to be disposable, but my lami's are worth the cost of fixing/sending in.

a nicely written letter will go along way with customer service. have been able to have several items replaced at manu. expense minus shipping the items to them.

good luck
Great thread...

Great thread...

edit: sorry, I was outta zanax...:rolleyes:
Last edited:


Mike123 said:
You need what I like to call a bunker buster.
10oz or more of lead hurled directly at side of boat.

If you ever visit the South Santiam you'll know what Im talking about. :shock:

Fishin' waterloo a bit Mike?:cool: I've seen the bunker buster land guys jail time back when they used to have the hogline on the mouth of the clack. At the risk of sounding like a hippy perhaps we should leave the violence somewhere else. Sure the guys that do it ar rude but will it get you anywhere..they will probably just do it again.


Troutski said:
Lets all just take a moment and breath deep. There is always going to be some one that was raised by wolves and has no concept on what "etiquette" is let alone practice it. We are all people and each has a belief of what is right and what is wrong, what the person in the boat did was wrong.
Now lets get back to catching fish and helping each other be more successful on the water.


You are absolutely right,Chuck. We all have our own concepts of right and wrong. I was wrong to jump so hard on nointrntprts for expressing his/her opinion. For that, I am very sorry. I over-stepped my bounds and the apology is for everyone on the forum. I will work hard not to let personal issues cloud my judgement in the future. Be safe.
nointrntrprts said:
what manufacturer? for the most part, they (rod manu.) will work with ya on replacing it.... however sometimes it is easier/cheaper to just eat the cost and buy a new one.

i consider my n x nw to be disposable, but my lami's are worth the cost of fixing/sending in.

a nicely written letter will go along way with customer service. have been able to have several items replaced at manu. expense minus shipping the items to them.

good luck

It's nothing special, a shakespeare caterra 9 footer I bought 3 years ago for I think 70 bucks included a reel, but I wasn't fond of it and gave it to some kid that only had a baitcaster and was trying to throw spinners on the mckenzie. For a cheap rod it's ultra sensitive with enough backbone to take on anything in the salmonid family, but not strong enough to withstand a 9 foot fall onto rocks, I shoulda just let go but it would've likely gone into the river and I'd still be out a rod. I could perhaps try repairing it and using it as a trout rod, though it's unbearably long to be using as a trout rod...but I don't think I'd trust my repairs to take a heavy hard fighting fish. I will call the manufacturer tomorrow and see if they can do anything relatively inexpensive, but, I think I'm going to be better off just getting another cheap replacement as I'm going to be leaving oregon the end of the year and won't be doing any fishing for probably several years, so I don't think I want to invest a whole lot, but, within reason.
JeannaJigs said:
I'm going to be leaving oregon the end of the year and won't be doing any fishing for probably several years.

what? you're leaving, and you won't be fishing???? :shock::shock::shock:
ninja2010 said:
what? you're leaving, and you won't be fishing???? :shock::shock::shock:
Nope, well, maybe, but it won't be salmon or steelhead. It sucks, but it's what I've gotta do...Lost 60 pounds in the last 6 months, and have another 60 to go, and then I'm going into the navy to further my education, can't afford medical school on my own ya know, and that's what I want to do. So god only knows where I will end up. I will hope and pray to be stationed in washington or san diego, but the recruiter thinks that is unlikely if I'm going medical. Bah! I'll be coming back to Oregon ASAP though, this is home and the fishing is unlike anywhere else.
Hey Jenna- Wherever they station you, just go for it and find what there is to enjoy there. I've lived all over the country and traveled most of the world. Someday, you'll appreciate all of the perspective you gain from your travels.

JeannaJigs said:
Nope, well, maybe, but it won't be salmon or steelhead. It sucks, but it's what I've gotta do...Lost 60 pounds in the last 6 months, and have another 60 to go, and then I'm going into the navy to further my education, can't afford medical school on my own ya know, and that's what I want to do. So god only knows where I will end up. I will hope and pray to be stationed in washington or san diego, but the recruiter thinks that is unlikely if I'm going medical. Bah! I'll be coming back to Oregon ASAP though, this is home and the fishing is unlike anywhere else.

Good for you!! :clap::clap:
SDK said:
Hey Jenna- Wherever they station you, just go for it and find what there is to enjoy there. I've lived all over the country and traveled most of the world. Someday, you'll appreciate all of the perspective you gain from your travels.

I will for sure, I know that no matter where I end up, there is fishing of some kind, I will just have to adapt to different methods for different species than that which I'm used to. I'm excited to travel and gain a new perspective, but at the same time saddened to be leaving Oregon, it's my comfort zone lol. I know though that I will be back eventually.
GraphiteZen said:
Good for you!! :clap::clap:

:) thank ya. Already saddened though thinking that this is the last winter fishing I will be doing for some time...I was thinking about that driving home today...I still have the summer run up the McKenzie, but it's just not the same.
good luck

good luck

on your travels - just keep some pic of Oregon with you and you'll be aight!!

i have only been fishing once this winter - working in so. cal, kinda have to take whatever work is available with this economy right? helps to have a laptop and tons - heaps of pics of the northwest.

these have helped me anyhoo.....
JeannaJigs said:
Nope, well, maybe, but it won't be salmon or steelhead. It sucks, but it's what I've gotta do...Lost 60 pounds in the last 6 months, and have another 60 to go, and then I'm going into the navy to further my education, can't afford medical school on my own ya know, and that's what I want to do. So god only knows where I will end up. I will hope and pray to be stationed in washington or san diego, but the recruiter thinks that is unlikely if I'm going medical. Bah! I'll be coming back to Oregon ASAP though, this is home and the fishing is unlike anywhere else.

You will do Very Fine Sister Jeanna. I grew up as an Army brat, did fishin' all over our Great Country & some other countries.......................:D:D:D

Then as an adult i joined up with the US Navy. We did some hammerhead shark fishin',etc around the Hawaiian Islands, PI (phillippine islands), Guam, Vietnam (mekong river), Hong Kong, Yakosuka, Japan, etc.......................................:lol::lol::lol::lol:..............................:cool::cool::cool:

Have a Wonderful Day................:D


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