
Ask & be answered

Ask & be answered

ninja2010 said:
...and hop right out... from this thread. b4 someone kicks me off for hijacking.

Welcome to the worst kept secret on the web. OFF is the very finest in Sharing & Caring ALL information on fishing this state. Any questions you may have are okay with us. I'm sure you will have quite a few since fishing here is worlds away from San Diego. Don't overlook checking out the archives or doing a search for a particular topic. As far as AA is concerned, don't tell anyone but, I think he is part fish!
Have fun and be safe!
Raincatcher said:
I'm sure you will have quite a few since fishing here is worlds away from San Diego.

thanks, barb. you're so right on the mystery that is still eluding me. i'm used to lmb, in shore and off shore fishing, kelp forests, bays, etc. but i've been reading so much about the elusive steelhead, i just can't wait to land one.

i started throwing spinners last winter on the sandy river, but i suck at reading water so have no clue where to find fish. but after reading all the kudos on drift fishing from AA, i've just gone out and got myself set up to try that instead. and i think riverside park will be my new hunting ground.
You guys are crazy! I am a pieces, but that is the only fishy part of me! I just got a lot of practice in when i was a wee, and even now I manage to fish quite a bit. But the regular drift fishermen here are all pretty productive guys. I think, I just happen to post a lot about it is all. But I am more than willing to help out as needed, but the most you can do is fish, get your time in, "pay your dues" as some say. No dues need to be paid, just get out, and fish until you find strikes, and analyize what, when, why, how...You know the ins and outs of why that fish took your stuff right then, and there...Keeping a very detailed, concise fishing log has helped over the years, to find what works best for me, as it is going to be different for everyone. Welcome to the site, and maybe this year there could be an OFF slatwater slaying trip. There are a few members out there, who have the real know how. I can, and have managed a 33' Striper, and hooked a bunch of Tuna, but it might be cool to really get the decks bloody with a crew of members with the know-how. Tuna fishin gets out of control!
hellya! tuna is the shiznitz. but i'm needing to hook a steelie...

AA, i have no problem keeping a log, if and when i get into fish. so far the fishgods have not been smiling my way. i know i gotta put in my time. but i feel like if i'm not doing it right, i'm just wasting my time.

i missed out this weekend coz i had to make a trip up north, but next weekend, barring some catastrophe, i'm gonna be heading to riverside to drift some corkies and yarn, maybe some pink worm and/or shrimp.

(hopefully some OFFers could join me for some tutoring lessons on how it's done around here. :pray: bleeding/gutting that is, so we stay on track in this thread... ;))
How we have grown...

How we have grown...

Sounds like the perfect MEMBER WORKSHOPopportunity to me. Anyone want to put one on? Any takers on attending one? This is what I meant when I suggested them.
AA, that was meant as a compliment. I remember when you first signed on here. I thought you were a bright,albiet brash,capable,but overly confident young'n who was so enthusiastic you just couldn't help but share with all of us. You have more than proven your talent as well as your skill. I,for one am damn glad you are here. But no more than I am for Troutski,Specreck,Irishrover,FishSchooler,18406ej,Kokiak and the other 800+ members. I just also know you are more willing and patient enough to "school" a lot of us on "fishing 101" if we ask, whine or otherwise bitch. Thanks.

Hi Ninga, welcome to our little corner of the virtual world.

You have a keen eye, both AA & Osmo are amazing resources. Having had the pleasure to know them personally, I have come to deeply respect their knowledge and enjoy their comerodery.

Discovering them is akin to hitting the mother lode of solid gold info without needing a jack hammer to extract it.
FishFinger said:
Hi Ninga, welcome to our little corner of the virtual world.

You have a keen eye, both AA & Osmo are amazing resources. Having had the pleasure to know them personally, I have come to deeply respect their knowledge and enjoy their comerodery.

Discovering them is akin to hitting the mother lode of solid gold info without needing a jack hammer to extract it.

thanks, ff. definitely loving this corner... more open and casual.

i have gleaned quite some gems from aa and osmo already... and i think you rank up there too. well... anyone ranks "up there" compared to me, i think. :think:

that's how i've learned to fish all my life, hooking up with those who know and are willing to share info.
Want to start by saying Welcome to OFF ninja nice to have you with us. There is plenty of knowledge to get from this site and the people that are here. Don't give to much praise to AA and Os don't want them to have to go buy new hats:lol:
As far as for this weekend I know I'll be heading down to the riverside to try to get a fish or two to bleed out so if you want to meet up let me know what time your going to be there. I'm always looking to meet up with someone on the water always better when you have company. What about you FF you going to hit the water this weekend and how about you AA come on all lets get it going.

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