Blabbermouth hole I mean OFF hole

Hey bigdog, That's one big nasty snag. Good for you to bring it in. Reminds me of a story a friend told me once about a guy who knew where a submerged bed spring was and every summer at low water he'd go out there and collect enough gear to fill his tackle box.
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bigdog said:
Get ahold of me and let me know what time frame you looking at being there for and I'll try to make sure I'm there.

If your talking about monday any time is good with me I can call you on sunday and we can discuss where to meet if thats cool with you.
kirkster said:
If your talking about monday any time is good with me I can call you on sunday and we can discuss where to meet if thats cool with you.

No was talking about this afternoon. What times you going to be out there today (saterday)?
okay ive seen too many fish caught there where is this OFF hole?
Hope this helps...easy to find.

Hope this helps...easy to find.

Originally Posted by FishFinger:

The "Off hole" folks are speaking about is right below Faraday dam, just east of Estacada. Look for the signs to West Hydro Project and park near where the southern guard rail ends. The trail will take you down to the river.
He Bigdog it was nice meeting you at the OFF hole yesterday. Im the one that was out there with my daughter. Too bad we did'nt stick around to see you catch your steelhead but we had things to do. we did'nt catch any steelies but we caught some nice rainbows which was nice for my daughter. if we get a chance we may be out there monday. If your there we will try to fish closer to you to get some pointers if thats OK with you.
Lovefishing said:
He Bigdog it was nice meeting you at the OFF hole yesterday. Im the one that was out there with my daughter. Too bad we did'nt stick around to see you catch your steelhead but we had things to do. we did'nt catch any steelies but we caught some nice rainbows which was nice for my daughter. if we get a chance we may be out there monday. If your there we will try to fish closer to you to get some pointers if thats OK with you.

That would be fine but come monday I'm going to be hunting the coho's this rain is changing the fishing game.
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fishgriller said:
okay ive seen too many fish caught there where is this OFF hole?

Just go out 224 to Estacada and follow the 'trash-line' down to the OFF can't miss it.
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Has anyone caught any coho at the OFF hole yet?
That snag ball has been my nemesis, glad you got it out. I had it hooked a few times, but it was elusive. I thought it was a fish more than once.
If you find a black/brass blade #3 blue fox in there its mine. Pretty sure I got snagged on that thing a couple times.
Anyfishisfine said:
That snag ball has been my nemesis, glad you got it out. I had it hooked a few times, but it was elusive. I thought it was a fish more than once.

With the mass that was on that no one was getting it out of there I walked out to it and got it by hand.
I Grade said:
Just go out 224 to Estacada and follow the 'trash-line' down to the OFF can't miss it.

Sorry them direction won't do you to much good on getting you there, the blabermouth group did some river side cleaning down there.

Look for the drifters floating in to the spinners.
I Grade said:
Just go out 224 to Estacada and follow the 'trash-line' down to the OFF can't miss it.

The OFF Hole paid off today

The OFF Hole paid off today

Good day fishing. I met two forum members that I hadn't met yet - Gunner & GDBrown. Poured down rain. Hooked one, got it to the bank but lost it. :(
At 10:30 along came this little hen. 12:30 soaking a$$ wet, about ready to give it up and bam, this big daddy native. :dance: The pic doesn't do it justice, but this fish was super bright chrome. Thanks to GDBrown for the help landing it.
Sorry about the quality of cell phone pics - I promise to have a real camera someday.
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That's a B-E-A-utiful fish. The mess out of the river reminds me of what crosses the eel in some places. Isn't it great when you can help others and still catch fish like that even at a place you want to call blabbermouth hole.
fishnquest said:
That's a B-E-A-utiful fish. The mess out of the river reminds me of what crosses the eel in some places. Isn't it great when you can help others and still catch fish like that even at a place you want to call blabbermouth hole.

I'm not to sure you are getting the joke behind the babermouth thing :lol:
Long hours in the Rain!!!

Long hours in the Rain!!!

It was fun watching kirkster catch fish today. I just wish I could figure out what a bite feels like. I was even using the same gear as kirkster because he gave most of it to me. After 8+ hours at the hole I finally degraded myself by using some leftover worms to catch a few trout for dinner. It wasn't quite as good as flowers for my wife but she won't make me sleep on the couch tonight now.

Oh yea, The bag of trash by the tree is in the garbage can now. We also drug more line from the river while we fished today. At least as much as we left in the river.
Bravo! Very nice Chromey. I hooked a nice native about a week ago on a Rootbeer fox.

Last time I was there, I picked up a ton of trash. I am going to drag an old garbage can down there. I hate that the place turned to highway.
If we each carried out just a little more than we take in each trip all our holes would be clean.

I am also a GeoCacher and we have a saying in that community;CITO. It means Cache In Trash Out!

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