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Tacomasteelheader said:don't think its over yett i got chromers last year around march 28th up there i think the slaw is just a better February march run am i wrong?
Far from over, i'm just chompin at the bit.
Tacomasteelheader said:don't think its over yett i got chromers last year around march 28th up there i think the slaw is just a better February march run am i wrong?
GaryP1958 said:I noticed years past the Step folks updated the trap numbers but this year nothing since January? Will be running to Eugene in a day or 2 will fish Whitakker!
GaryP1958 said:With 100k smolts seems they are late or lost?
GaryP1958 said:They should allow fishing below the trap at Whittaker after the eggs are met for the year or move the trap to the entrance to the creek, it seems like a waste of hatchery fish being sent back down steam to mix with wild fish the idea is to catch the clipped ones right? Once you get your eggs for next year I don't see the point of just tossing them back unless you are trying to create hatchery wilds?
GaryP1958 said:They should allow fishing below the trap at Whittaker after the eggs are met for the year or move the trap to the entrance to the creek, it seems like a waste of hatchery fish being sent back down steam to mix with wild fish the idea is to catch the clipped ones right? Once you get your eggs for next year I don't see the point of just tossing them back unless you are trying to create hatchery wilds?
rogerdodger said:I think you might have overlooked something here, the spawning grounds are farther up Whitaker Creek, wild fish are passed on above the trap to spawn; our hatchery fish are never allowed to go above the trap. Remember also the fish we are spawning and raising are Siuslaw River steelhead, they are not some 'generic planter' fish from a hatchery hundreds of miles away...cheers, roger
Aton said:Well perhaps not "allowed" but...last year I was up there at high water levels 13'+ and watched MANY steelhead jump right over the gate. It appeared to sometimes take them a couple of tries. The thing is, I don't think any smaller fish had the power to make it up. So even if they intermingle on the gravel, seems like natural selection is still happening. A couple of times this year we had like water events.
On a side note, and I have not seen anyone mention it here. What about the new footbridge up there? Could drive a tank over it.
Aton said:Well perhaps not "allowed" but...last year I was up there at high water levels 13'+ and watched MANY steelhead jump right over the gate. It appeared to sometimes take them a couple of tries. The thing is, I don't think any smaller fish had the power to make it up. So even if they intermingle on the gravel, seems like natural selection is still happening. A couple of times this year we had like water events.
Understand now that I'm tired, been up with the baby awhile, but I'm not sure your estimates are right. My understanding is that they assume a !% calculation as a culmination of all run years, or rather all age classes, although it is difficult to know how many repeat spawners you'll get. Meaning the initial 1% of 60,000 is the correct number as it includes jacks, 2 year and 3+year fish.rogerdodger said:not sure about that so let's make some basic assumptions and see what we get...goal is 85K to be planted at Whitaker but that has not been met in all recent years (but double hatching eggs in Florence and Alsea hatcheries make it almost certain we will meet that going forward under CMP), Jan-Feb-March total 90 days, so that makes 45 two day periods. so if 60K smolts have been getting in recent years and resulted in 1% return, that means 600 back from each years planting, so let's double that to account for more than one years fish coming back (2salt-3salt fish), so 1200 should hit the trap, spread non-uniformly over the 45 two day periods, so on average that means 26.7 fish per 2 day period, and accounting for weather and such, let's say +/-50% scatter (13.4 fish) means we should expect between 13.3 and 40.1 fresh fish to arrive over any 2 day period.
and the data I found for 2 days in mid-Feb are that we had 30 fish hit the trap, 15 new, 15 recaps. cheers, prof. roger
Native Fisher said:Understand now that I'm tired, been up with the baby awhile, but I'm not sure your estimates are right. My understanding is that they assume a !% calculation as a culmination of all run years, or rather all age classes, although it is difficult to know how many repeat spawners you'll get. Meaning the initial 1% of 60,000 is the correct number as it includes jacks, 2 year and 3+year fish.