Big Momma

Here's a picture of another nice bass I caught last spring. Hope to be posting some '09 bass soon...
fisherwilly said:
But I think they recently excluded private ponds from the record books (I might be wrong).
The rule is "Fish must be caught in Oregon waters, or boundary waters, open to the public by legal methods by only one person." That doesn't exclude private ponds as long as they are open to the public. The current LM record was caught in Ballenger Pond, which is private but also open to the public.
Private but open to the public??? Like dead but still alive? Dirty but clean? Lawyers would have a field day with that one.
GPS included...

GPS included...

GraphiteZen said:
Nice fish! I think I might know where that pond is at... :whistle::whistle:

Looks like it's time to get out there and start slinging some plastic eh!?!

Heh,heh. Reminds me of a story about two young boys with fishing rods coming out of the bushes...sound familiar? :lol: :lol: Be safe.
Johnny Southpaw said:
Private but open to the public??? Like dead but still alive? Dirty but clean? Lawyers would have a field day with that one.

I don't find it to be that complex an idea. It's simply that the land is under private ownership but the owner has given permission for the public to use it. Another example besides Ballenger Pond in Springfield is Lost Lake in Clatsop County. It's on Longview Fiber land but is also stocked by ODFW and open to the public. However if people were to abuse that privilege it would soon become just another piece of Private Land - No Trespassing!
yeah that makes sense. thanks webwader
Local ponds...

Local ponds...

Webwader said:
I don't find it to be that complex an idea. It's simply that the land is under private ownership but the owner has given permission for the public to use it. Another example besides Ballenger Pond in Springfield is Lost Lake in Clatsop County. It's on Longview Fiber land but is also stocked by ODFW and open to the public. However if people were to abuse that privilege it would soon become just another piece of Private Land - No Trespassing!

To start off welcome to the site, and what a first post. With pictures...:cool: we love pictures. As far as private ponds go, my son and I were lucky enough to find that pond (Ballenger's) by accident when we first started fishing...about a half mile from home.. Needless to say my son and his best friend spent far to many hours there and not doing homework, although it did pay off down the road. They help me learn that series of ponds (3 plus a feeder creek) and have over the years caught plenty of warm water and even a few Trout from that system. Very cool when a private owner allows the public access to the water, very sticky situation for the land owner. Hats off to all land owners that have that spirit...:clap:. As far as I know Ballengers is still open to the public...
Now back to your picture....sweet fish, I know an angler that caught one like that out of the Delta ponds last year, with a full grown rat hanging out of its wonder they call them "Bucket Mouths". Any way thanks for the pictures, you have ignited all of us that Spring time is just around the corner.
Welcome to the site...

state dinner!

state dinner!

Nice fish! you should have weighed it!
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Johnny Southpaw said:
Hey all you Bass-aholics check out this BIG MOMMA I caught at a private pond just outside Corvallis a bit...didn't think I could find any BIG GIRLS in Oregon but I was wrong.

I'm new to the site but love to fish and am looking forward to interacting with all you other fish-finding-fiends!
-johnny southpaw

Nice girl, how big was she?
I'm guessing somewhere between 8-10 lbs. my weapon was a jig and pig (jig and chunk to be technically accurate). It was a hell of a fight too. I'd like to thank all the OFF members who've welcomed me to the site; I look forward to more correspondence and seeing some PICTURES!!!
11 lbs?

11 lbs?

G-morning southpaw ( u a lefty?) I posted on here last nite but edited it becouse It seemed a little abrasive, and thats not what I was intending, But using a program for measuring deer and elk racks from pictures and then using the length-girth system your fish was around eleven pounds, we could be wrong though, so if the sunglasses you are wearing in the photo are 6.5 inches across, its about 11 lbs! my brother and I looked at it 3 times and kept coming to that. you still got those glasses and a tape? - He's still out there!

"most my money I spent on beer boats and trucks, the rest of it I wasted"
Johny, Nice fish!! There are plenty more like that here in Oregon just not a lot of angler targeting it seems. Lots of great bassing opportunities here around Eugene. I'm sure it's sounding old to the guys out there but Fern Ridge believe it or not has some great bass in it. The Delta ponds in eugene also hold lots of great bass as we will all find out in our up coming meet and great bass tourney. Welcome to our site!! I plan on getting out this after noon to either Deltas or Fern Ridge...I just noticed that the Resivoir is filling up time to get my boat in and fish those deep structures I've been eying when the water was low.
Morning Halibuthitman. Yeah, I'm a lefty, throw a hell of a curve ball too. Thanks for estimating the weight of Big Momma; I don't have my sunglasses handy at the moment, but I think 6.5 inches is close, however I'll measure them later today. Need to go get a scale so there's no guessing with the next one. thanks again man. j.southpaw
Thanks for the info. I've yet to fish anywhere around Eugene, but sounds like it might be worth the drive. I know of only a couple ponds near Corvallis that hold decent sized bass, and they're both private and closed to the public so I'm only able to fish them on occasion (when my friend wants to fish). I need to go ahead and introduce myself to the landowners and see if they'll grant permission. How was your day on the water?
i to bass fish corvallis and i think i know to !!!:clap::clap::clap::D
i know were that is i seen that bank behind you a million times good work soldier
Man, that is a nice bass..
Welcome to the site..
that bass been fisting off lots of predators...look at that bloody tail. nice fish
specreck said:
Johny, Nice fish!! There are plenty more like that here in Oregon just not a lot of angler targeting it seems. Lots of great bassing opportunities here around Eugene. I'm sure it's sounding old to the guys out there but Fern Ridge believe it or not has some great bass in it. The Delta ponds in eugene also hold lots of great bass as we will all find out in our up coming meet and great bass tourney. Welcome to our site!! I plan on getting out this after noon to either Deltas or Fern Ridge...I just noticed that the Resivoir is filling up time to get my boat in and fish those deep structures I've been eying when the water was low.
whats the best spots in firnn ridge?????????? and i heard about the delta ponds and c them all the time but some buddy awhile back said they went to a pond around there and got kicked out i wonder what pond that was
what's the name of those ponds it's a park by barger i use to live down the street srom there last year and I shouldnt be sayen this but ya gotta spread the love somtimes lol,I seen this ki pull out atleast a 5 pounder and i seen big bass jumoen in this one spot and I keep coming back to that spot and one day a kid cuaght that five pounder bass,so ive been wanting to fish it last year but they were doen construction but they're done this year, i'm gona chek it out for as soon as it get warmer

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