Bass 2011 Show Off

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tomriker said:
damn those bass!! we threw em all up on the rocks to die

Kinda remember doin some dance around the back deck and chanting too.
Just wanted to say my son has not quit talkin about the fish he caught today had to get pics right away ,he really had a good time and so did I . some pics 4 ya 639.jpg636.jpg634.jpg633.jpg631.jpg afew mo646.jpg640.jpg649.jpg645.jpg648.jpg
Oh and a few for the stickleback man they worked again today ! 651.jpg652.jpg656.jpg
Nice fish,where do go to catch such nice bass?I haven't been bass fishing very long but want to get pretty serious into it since I started working for Cabela's.Any tips on what to look for or what areas to go to would be a great help.I am sick and tired of catching planters out of the Mckenzie.
Colby only catches dinks so dont listen to him :P
Nice Bronzeback

Nice Bronzeback

FOUR AND QUARTER ! A PB smallie for me put up a good fight was tail dancing, jumped atleast 7 times. We didn't catch a whole lot of fish but got some QUALITY fish.
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nice smallie.
Yeah, nice man!
vewy nice bro...:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Great Job.

fat one, that thing looks like it should have been dropping eggs then and there, that tail is mangled!.
Whats up boys and girls! Im new to the forum so I figured Id get this party started. Here is a 6lb. 3oz. I got on the 17th of May. Caught her on a 3/8 oz. jig with a plastic craw trailer up in the shallows off some willow bushes. Fished from 11a.m. to 4p.m. was the only fish I got but my budy I went with caught 4 fish between 1 & a half to 4 & a half pounds on a 5" senko. His 4.8 was the only fish that we caught that had a slightly rubbed tail. All fish were healthy & obese, saw several bass cruising the shallows but none sitting on beds. I didn't get up and poke around in the bushes but Im sure their was some bass getting their nasty on some where with the full moon and all. How romantic. I know this is all old news but its one of my last trips out so I figured Id fill ya in with all the juicy details better late than never.
jawjacker said:
Whats up boys and girls! Im new to the forum so I figured Id get this party started. Here is a 6lb. 3oz. I got on the 17th of May. Caught her on a 3/8 oz. jig with a plastic craw trailer up in the shallows off some willow bushes. Fished from 11a.m. to 4p.m. was the only fish I got but my budy I went with caught 4 fish between 1 & a half to 4 & a half pounds on a 5" senko. His 4.8 was the only fish that we caught that had a slightly rubbed tail. All fish were healthy & obese, saw several bass cruising the shallows but none sitting on beds. I didn't get up and poke around in the bushes but Im sure their was some bass getting their nasty on some where with the full moon and all. How romantic. I know this is all old news but its one of my last trips out so I figured Id fill ya in with all the juicy details better late than never.

Nice pig dude!!!
nice fish jawjacker. and welcome to the forum!
Slow bite at tenmile lake

Slow bite at tenmile lake

But I did manage to get into a couple along with this fat 5 pounder. Most fish were caught of docks and boathouses using a good ol jig with a grub on it
trying to find some bass....

trying to find some bass....

My bro and I are looking for some good public or even private ponds that we could walk in and fish for some bass. If someone could direct us on a couple places to go to catch some great bass, please.... we would greatly appreciate it! We live near Tigard...
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Decided i had better get in some warm up fishin time before the much anticipated trip to Selmac here ia couple days. Rolled straight out back and started poundin topwater with the bait of confidence . played with that for abot 20 min or so then decided time to give the ol Rage toad some game time. put in about 15 casts then moved to another spot . fired up the bait of confidence with no luck again for about 10 minutes when I thought back to the rage toad . Started makin long casts ,about the third one bam about a 2 lber comes up and hammers the frog.......pause and set the what fish gonenuthin there when the rod came back . Now with some action the casting starts with purpose fanning the area hittin every sweet hole and topwater retrieve back .half a dozen casts later and as soon as my toad hit the water massive blow up ......... and set the hook yeah baby more than a little sumthin sumthin there braid burnin drag as I reached way out horseing with everything I had to keep her out of the trees felt like a pro just flat had to put the winch to her or even with braid I knew I could have trouble.After one impressive fight I finally see her as she launches 3 ft in the air 7 ft off the bank and makes another run . One more pull and I get her in .Then i realize this is most likely as big a fish as I have caught all year and does not ring a bell from the witness relocation program, and I have no camera. looked her over good saw I had a perfect hook set hit the cast button on the curado and tossed her in ,wedged my rod in the weeds and jumped on the quad to go get the wife.Roll back up 7 min round trip rods good braid is tight in the water .Told my wife think she is still there picked up the rod and drew the line tight and wham minute she felt me she launches again "the wife was like o my god " and I fought her in again for a few quick photos before I kicked her loose.Hope this is a good Omen for Selmac she sure fought awesome! here is the pics....070.jpg069.jpg071.jpg Oh yeah she went 5lb 7 oz
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Satyed out reel late thurs night didn't get up until almost 6am fri . snuck off and caught my first two crankbait bass ever before breakfast here is the bigger of the two....014.jpg. After chow we rounded everyone up and headed to the most beautiful swimming hole I have ever found in oregon the wife and I had found it the day before, unfortunately we forgot the camera that day .It was on the illinois river which is breathtaking......010.jpg009.jpg We had the best time at the river what a way to beat the heat and the bugs during the middle of the day.Fished again fri eve as a slight cold front came in and pulled a few . after a long day we gave her up at 11 pm so we could take an early morning shot at it . Next morning headed out with DB crankbait /topwater bite had died . after talkin with another fisherman we decided to start changing up . finally got into them with grubs senkos and the good ol bait of confidence......017.jpg015.jpg018.jpg Once again thanks a million for the fishin and fun to DB, MEL and family will close with some random ones....065.jpg071.jpg040.jpg062.jpg
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The river has been pretty slow this year due to such a weird and wet spring I guess. The trout never started and the bass fishing has been slow as well. I've got 2 over 2lbs and got my buddy Jeff onto his first one here as well. Was fun but they have sure made me work for them so far. Hopefully things will pick up eventually around here.
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Hey all, new to the site.
I travel down to Oregon mult. times a year so i thought i would post my biggest from last trip

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rl206 said:
Hey all, new to the site.
I travel down to Oregon mult. times a year so i thought i would post my biggest from last trip


Dang!! That is a might hawg! Welcome aboard and thanks for the fish porn. Where abouts do you travel down from?
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