Bank fisherman makes death threats.......your thoughts?

Actually I did that a few years back, took a picture of a guy blatantly poaching and posted it. It backfired because later in the season I had a severe altercation with said person who was furious and very threatening about said picture. Apparently someone told him about it as he was never a member. In the end he backed off when he saw the visible .45 I was wearing and the phone ready to dial in my hand. Obviously pointing a gun at someone is illegal and a common sense "no-no" but visibly wearing one on your person usually makes people think twice. I know it has a few times for me when I've had some problems with drunks and some tweakers. No shortage of either on the local rivers. Yay lane county!
There are a few concerning responses here IMO. The fact that bank fishing, or even fishing in general, renders the topic of shooting someone or throwing a firearm around like it's nothing is silly--It's fishing. There are too many egos involved in a few of these stories, and sometimes it's OK to take the highroad, drive by the store and grab a slab to cook up if you're honey hole is taken by some a$$hole. So many tough guys with guns it cracks me up. If you really want to be known as the guy that killed someone over fish that's your right, but for me I'd prefer to pack it up and find my own little piece of bank away from the crazies.

So, to the OP my advice would be to either:
a) File a police report as others have said, and print it out to bring along to show the LEO's if they do happen appear
b) Find a new hole it's not worth it
c) Give up fishing
We are not talking about being aggressive with a fire arm but to simply ward off an attack by a raging human or animal. Yes, it's a sad reality that you may face some day especially if there is no where to retreat. This is the first in 66 years for me.

I do like the idea of going to the fish market and just leave the hole.
r_dawg1021 said:
There are a few concerning responses here IMO.

Hey, I said beat him up and throw his knife in the river.

Your post has too many acronyms It confused me.

It may have been a good hole.

SIDE NOTE: all in jest
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troutmasta said:
Hey, I said beat him up and throw his knife in the river.

Your post has too many acronyms It confused me.

It may have been a good hole.

SIDE NOTE: all in jest

That's the old-fashioned way things should be handled.

Let it be clear, this encounter escalated to a life/death situation as soon as this clown went for a knife. The claim that one should not escalate the matter to an act of defense (be it lethal or non lethal) over a fish is not valid at all. He went for a knife, after an irrational argument over a fish. That is the situation. Not a person "irrationally" considering lethal defense over an argument about a fish.

If someone like this reached for a knife with the clear intent to assault me, were I unarmed, I would pick up the nearest heaviest rock and hit them in the head with it. THEN call the sheriff. Were I armed, I wold draw my weapon, order him to back down, and if he charged he would get shot and probably die before EMTs arrived. His mistake, not mine.

I will not be stabbed to death over a fish.
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GraphiteZen said:
If someone like this reached for a knife with the clear intent to assault me, were I unarmed, I would pick up the nearest heaviest rock and hit them in the head with it. THEN call the sheriff.

I will not be stabbed to death over a fish.

It slips my mind sometimes that the rod I'm holding can actually become a weapon. All this reminds me of a time when a friend of mine was confronted by some kids at the Canby pond years ago. In the end, he ended up given them a whoopin' with his rod and chucking them in the pond. I'd suspect a good smack across the ole' choppers with a rod would at least stun someone long enough to plot your next move.

Man, this is almost a quote worth stashing away

GraphiteZen said:
I will not be stabbed to death over a fish.
r_dawg1021 said:
It slips my mind sometimes that the rod I'm holding can actually become a weapon. All this reminds me of a time when a friend of mine was confronted by some kids at the Canby pond years ago. In the end, he ended up given them a whoopin' with his rod and chucking them in the pond. I'd suspect a good smack across the ole' choppers with a rod would at least stun someone long enough to plot your next move.

Man, this is almost a quote worth stashing away

Some people might be stunned after being hit in the face with a fishing rod, some wouldn't be. You can never tell reliably. I box, and it would take a lot more than a fishing rod to "stun" me, and I'm probably the biggest dork you will ever meet. ;) So, excessive defense is the rule, walk softly and carry a big ****ing stick when assholes try to kill you over a bank hole.
GraphiteZen said:
He went for a knife, after an irrational argument over a fish.

OK, solders, hold your fire. :D How can you decide that a person is reaching a bucket for a knife and not for... pills?

GraphiteZen said:
That is the situation.

That is not. That is an assumption. IMHO
Anatoliy said:
OK, solders, hold your fire. :D How can you decide that a person is reaching a bucket for a knife and not for... pills?

That is not. That is an assumption. IMHO

Fair enough, but if I see a weapon, or see someone clearly reaching for a weapon, they get the stone shampoo. At that moment you have to decide, and if you genuinely feel your life is in danger, the law says you can defend yourself with violent force. Of course there will be a trial amongst your peers where your justification will be determined legally, but I'll say again, you go for a knife, I'm going to do everything in my power to put you down before you have a change to use it. The courts will sort it all out later, and that is just fine with me. :)
GraphiteZen said:
Fair enough, but if I see a weapon, or see someone clearly reaching for a weapon...

Well, that's totally different story. Than you have you right to turn into Chuck Norris. ;)
Anatoliy said:
OK, solders, hold your fire. :D How can you decide that a person is reaching a bucket for a knife and not for... pills?

I think given the context of the situation it'd be safe to assume, in most cases, that someone would be reaching into their clothes to grab something to harm you. Obviously, knife, pills,'ve got plenty of time to react to what they are pulling out. If it's a gun you're pretty much screwed.

I'm in the process of finding a little revolver to take with me fishing, but it's more in the spirit of fighting off rabid animals and meth heads than fellow fishermen. I'm attracted to fishing because it's peaceful, and allows me time away from the house with little worries. The last thing I want to do is go somewhere that is overloaded with stresses, and takes away from the reason behind why I'm even out there. I really could care less about packing a fish him that's kinda secondary to why I head out to the rivers.
r_dawg1021 said:
I think given the context of the situation it'd be safe to assume, in most cases, that someone would be reaching into their clothes to grab something to harm you. Obviously, knife, pills,'ve got plenty of time to react to what they are pulling out. If it's a gun you're pretty much .

Actually a knife is faster and more dangerous weapon when the distance between the two is like 21 feet or less something like that. Also a knife won't ever jam or run out of ammo...
Back to the OP. I would have walked away and found another place to fish. Let someone else be the one who has to stand their ground for a fish. I have a family and a life that is sacred to me. There is a lot of water out there to fish. I can find another spot where I can enjoy the day without looking over my shoulder.
You are a wise man. I had a chance to walk away but after I said, "You don't own the bank", he went into a rage. My big mouth seems to get me into trouble. At this time, the sloping bank was wet, and slipery with cobble rocks, so I couldn't back up. He could have stabbed me if my quick hands failed...............yikes. A little pistol in the pocket is not a bad idea. I have a little auto 22 that will travel with me from not on. A good loud crack of a warning shot, makes most wood be assailants to walk off.

With all the bums walking around and out of work, we may see fishing bank robberies. What a good spot to rob. Pick a single fisherman with all the expensive gear, and take his wallet, along with the $700 pole, reel, and fishing vest. Maybe even steal the new SUV to run to the shop for repainting and new serial numbers and leave him.

Anyway a while ago, I ran into him again so I apologized for my part of the confrontation and gave him a new compartment lure box. We are friendly and saw him again yesterday.
Take a trip to Cancun...catch some fish & chase some Senoritas, on the beach...:D:D:D:yikes::yikes:
I would say, that it takes two to tango. Oregon is a big place with a ton of fish and great places to fish from. His world on the other hand seems to be a small sad view and I would let him keep it.
Sounds like the best outcome! I'm glad it didn't escalate to anything more.

NOT worth it.


gmcnair said:
Anyway a while ago, I ran into him again so I apologized for my part of the confrontation and gave him a new compartment lure box. We are friendly and saw him again yesterday.
Hawk, you have the right idea!

I just booked my tickets to Cancun and the reservations in Playa!

I don't fish to catch fish. I fish to enjoy the outdoors and peaceful time. Sorry to hear about your day. Find a new spot and don't fish for fish but fish for serenity.

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