Anyone know of a book that details steelhead/salmon?!

HereFishy said:
Completely useless? Seeing as I didn't know anything about Steelhead, had never heard of a corky, had never heard of using yarn as an attractant, and knew nothing about drifting eggs. I'd say it was a little more than "useless". Useless is relative term. If you know more than those guys, don't read their books. Simple as that. The book helped me tremendously when I was first starting out. So don't crap on my advice. Especially if it wasn't intended for you.
I said " the run timing" was useless... Not the book.. This is why no one posts on this forum, no one absorbs or completely reads and comprehends anything..
Yup you got it brad even I quit posting. I just want to fish wit a few techniques and talk about fishing theres slot of drama on this site
Hey bigboy, been wondering where you went. Any recent updates?? ---Total hi-jack lol. But seriously whats new with your chrome quest
Apologies everyone... This thread is about someone asking for help. Not about me having a bad day. That was the first time I was pi**y with anyone on this forum and it will be the last. I would NEVER intentionally hijack a thread just to stand on a soap box for a few minutes. Sorry HHM. And sorry LivinItUpCO. I'm also wondering if you've had any luck.

Happy Fishing,
As a bystander that's mighty John Wayne of ya Fishy. It's pretty easy to loose context when non of our words or expressions are face to face. I try to keep that in mind when reading on any forum, or when contributing. I got YELLED AT a couple years ago because a thread I started got off track, then I posted (in my own thread), something slightly off topic, an was lampooned. I got an apology but it still left a bad taste.

I have never read any of the more technical books on specific runs, rivers, or anything about fish biology. I just accumulated several good picture heavy books over the years.(Amato publishing) I apply the portions of the books that translate to the rivers I fish. There are so many variables with fishing in general that you got to narrow it down. The people who catch fish are narrowing down all they know, to apply the variable that the days conditions require. So really, just get a bunch of books that appeal to you and read them all...over and you can easily narrow down what your doing and know why.
pfft my bad buddy didn't even see this post till now. Have gotten a couple books reading the second now.

Been going out every chance i have time, even if its a half hour after work. More time on the river more experience im getting at least i think im getting experience. I have learned to fish a few new techniques which is awesome.

As for the chrome quest as far as i know im still chasing ghosts but anymore i dont care. Today i wasn't stressed on what i was going to use or where to fish i said screw it, and me and the misses packed up headed out. i alternated between rigs every hr or so today.

as we walked up to the river ice covered rocks a blue heron flying overhead and not another person in sight. took in the beauty of the day and remembered I love to fish everything about it. lately been turning it into a math equation but today i didn't care i was just fishing. me my women and the river it was amazing.
the fish will come in time and now I believe I'll be ready for it
Well bigboy.....That's amazing! Do all of your women have rigs? ;) :peace:
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haahaha just had time to read that

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