Any Turtles in your area?

I saw a turtle in the south umpqua just across the streer from Douglas high last summer, in sort of a little still water cove, awesome bass fishing in there. Its my favorite spot all you need is a split shot and a nite crawler and almost every cast is a catch. Also some bluegill, tiny things but they fight hard.
mruglystick said:
I saw a turtle in the south umpqua just across the streer from Douglas high last summer, in sort of a little still water cove, awesome bass fishing in there. Its my favorite spot all you need is a split shot and a nite crawler and almost every cast is a catch. Also some bluegill, tiny things but they fight hard.

South Umpqua, are those smallmouth?
I've seen more snapping turtles in OR then any other kind.................................:D:D:D
mikeredding said:
South Umpqua, are those smallmouth?

thar are many smallmouth bass in the south Umpqua..................:D

thar are striped bass at the mouth of the Umpqua.........................:D
Hawk said:
thar are many smallmouth bass in the south Umpqua..................:D

thar are striped bass at the mouth of the Umpqua.........................:D

Yes I know that but was referring to this "little Cove" that mruglystick was talking about. I thought he may be saying that there are some Largemouth in there. After all he said there are Bluegill.
mikeredding said:
Yes I know that but was referring to this "little Cove" that mruglystick was talking about. I thought he may be saying that there are some Largemouth in there. After all he said there are Bluegill.

u never kno.........................thar mite be........................................:lol::lol::lol:...........................:cool::cool::cool:
I'm not sure about the ones in Canada but most turtles down here are Western Pond Turtles.
Hawk said:
Welcome to the Family Brother Mr Grey1.

Sometimes i see snapping turtles & others on the creeks when i'm looking fer crawdads. Two years ago a snapper lived in my basspond all summer. They eat quite a few fish. Quite a few bull frogs live by the pond also .........................:D

Snapping turtle are a non native species in Oregon. I recommend that you notify ODFW. They do not want them in Oregon as they will disrupt the natural balance of our ecosystem.
Snapping turtle are a non native species in Oregon. I recommend that you notify ODFW. They do not want them in Oregon as they will disrupt the natural balance of our ecosystem.
And the non-native bull frogs are doing the same. :(
How about the many many native salamanders ( rough-skinned newts ) ???..........................:)
Hawk said:
How about the many many native salamanders ( rough-skinned newts ) ???..........................:)
And they stink!:D YUK:shock:
mikeredding said:
And they stink!:D YUK:shock:

they are cute but they have multiplied GREATLY over the lustrums & poison comes through the pores of their skin. I've seen dead bullfrogs with a dead newt in its mouth.............
I See Beloved Children playing with salamanders (rough-skinned newts) along our waterways. Parents PLease ask your Young'Uns to wash their hands after handling these friendly critters. It is possible there could be a problem because they do secrete a toxic substance (oil) ? through their skin pores, which is their defense against predators.

I like them but the population has increased greatly over the years...........................:rolleyes::rolleyes:
You cannot be serious

You cannot be serious

TTFishon said:
Snapping turtle are a non native species in Oregon. I recommend that you notify ODFW. They do not want them in Oregon as they will disrupt the natural balance of our ecosystem.

Are you serious?! I played (very carefully) with snapping turtles 16" across and 12" high in the swamps of Hermiston more than 50 years ago. They were still there the last time I heard from my cousin who still lives there. They didn't just stay in the swamp,either. They were in most backyards. This is the same swamp we used to find crayfish longer than my eight year old arms. The females had thousands of eggs tucked under their tails. These things were as big as lobsters and agressive! We took them to school for show and tell and the teacher didn't bat an eye. Maybe it's time to take a trip back for a look around....Be safe.
Hawk said:
I See Beloved Children playing with salamanders (rough-skinned newts) along our waterways. Parents PLease ask your Young'Uns to wash their hands after handling these friendly critters. It is possible there could be a problem because they do secrete a toxic substance (oil) ? through their skin pores, which is their defense against predators.

I like them but the population has increased greatly over the years...........................:rolleyes::rolleyes:

Apparently the only predators they have are garter snakes.
Rough-skinned newt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Oregonchris said:
I almost want to buy it just to find out what the pleasure part is.:D

Man all this talk of pet turtles and friendly turtles man let me tell you my family is from the Ozarks and we had a very special treatment for any turtles that ate a hook on a trot line...not to get graphic but it involved corn meal and bacon grease.:lol::lol: Fried turtle and a six pack is fairly pleasurable.
As far as newts go, the orange ones are to be avoided. What they secrete out of their skin is a neurotoxin and it is poisonous. I was watching a show on the top deadliest poisons and the California Newt had a ranking.

The story they told was of a camper that went on a hiking trip in northern California. Sometime during the night a California Newt (the little orange ones) crawled into his coffee pot. He gets up in the morning makes coffee and boils the newt along with it by mistake... They found him dead having fallen backwards off the log he was sitting on after only a few sips. Not good. So don't let your kids play with them, period.

I can tell you they sure aren't afraid of bass and I have never caught a fish on anything orange that didn't closely resemble a crawdad fished along the bottom...
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I HEARD that there are some in Salish ponds. I've only seen some guys look at one but when i got there it swam away:(

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