Alton Baker trout fishing

Alton Baker Trout

Alton Baker Trout

All I use is a black nymph, size 12 or 14 with an indicator. I use the same fly in for trout in any of ponds.
I C&R a couple limits today at JC Pond.
I love that place for a nice evening fish after work its just a stones throw away for me it just nice to sit and relax regardless if i catch anything.I like the clear bobber with that black nymph with some float em catch the hell out of the bluegill in the ponds with that fly too.
headin out tot eh pond this evening... anyone else goin? :D
i was out there, down by the dump tube. Landed about a 2lbs bass and a little trout:dance:
Hi Everyone ~

So I've lived in Springfield for about three years and finally made it out to the canoe canal / pond the other day for the first time. Put in the canoe and fished until dusk - mostly at the pond. Heron stood guard most of the time, which was pretty amazing. Caught three trout - two good sized, one lil' guy. I was using advice that I read here previously - a small, silver spoon with a tiny powerbait "maggot" on the end.

I'm not sure where the "dump tube" is - I've been putting in at the Autzen canoe landing and heading away from the chute. Can someone key me in?
Welcome aboard

Welcome aboard

Stoods said:
Hi Everyone ~

So I've lived in Springfield for about three years and finally made it out to the canoe canal / pond the other day for the first time. Put in the canoe and fished until dusk - mostly at the pond. Heron stood guard most of the time, which was pretty amazing. Caught three trout - two good sized, one lil' guy. I was using advice that I read here previously - a small, silver spoon with a tiny powerbait "maggot" on the end.

I'm not sure where the "dump tube" is - I've been putting in at the Autzen canoe landing and heading away from the chute. Can someone key me in?

Welcome to OFF,you already know your way around and that we don't hesitate to help each other. Make yourself at home and enjoy. I can't OFFer any advice or information on the "dump tube",but I'm sure someone will.
Be safe.
were you there yesterday?...if so i definitely saw you...
If you saw some guy fishing in a red canoe, it was me :D
The "Dump Tube" is across from Kowloon the chinese restaurant.
How's the wading in the pond/canal? I am horribly out of practise to flyfish with all the brush on the banks of the pond and I've relegated myself to mostly baitcasting around in there.. I live directly on the other side of the river from the pond and canals though so I should be over there every darn night! :confused:
Went to the Alton Baker pond this evening around 6ish, fished with a bobber eggs and powerbait for a couple hours until a pretty heavy showing of bugs came out (sorry couldn't identify them, they were dark and had big dark wings) and the fish that were still in the pond started jumping a tad.

As the sun set farther there were a few more fish jumping and I suspect that if I'd've stayed to dark they would have been jumping around pretty often.

One other person fishing in a yellow pontoon boat, using spinners it looked like. He took off about 30-45 minutes before the fish started getting frisky but neither of us caught anything while I was there tonight. Had a good time though.
Leaburg Hatchery will be stocking today, I think it was 750 and 175, respectively. Call them yourself if you want more specifics. :D
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No Luck

No Luck

I have gone out to the canal the last few days, went once tuesday and twice wednesday and had no luck.

I was using power eggs for a while then I switched to a thomas lure and still didn't even get a bite.

Any advice?
a_fishing_duck said:
I have gone out to the canal the last few days, went once tuesday and twice wednesday and had no luck.

I was using power eggs for a while then I switched to a thomas lure and still didn't even get a bite.

Any advice?

I never catch anything there either, i think you have to be there when they stock. I did manage to hook a tiny fish on a single pautzke egg. I think it was a baby shad...not really sure, was about two inches long. I have tried everything there, kastmasters, thomas, blue fox, eggs, and powerbait. Funny, I catch fish everywhere else on ALL those things but nothing at Alton Baker.
Hooked on fishin' said:
I never catch anything there either, i think you have to be there when they stock. I did manage to hook a tiny fish on a single pautzke egg. I think it was a baby shad...not really sure, was about two inches long. I have tried everything there, kastmasters, thomas, blue fox, eggs, and powerbait. Funny, I catch fish everywhere else on ALL those things but nothing at Alton Baker.

I don't know what the deal is, I went the day they stocked and I went again last night and this morning, all with no luck.

It is weird because I caught 12 fish total after 3 straight days of fishing there off powerbait.
a_fishing_duck said:
I don't know what the deal is, I went the day they stocked and I went again last night and this morning, all with no luck.

It is weird because I caught 12 fish total after 3 straight days of fishing there off powerbait.

that is weird, powerbait usually ALWAYS works. I keep telling myself I am not going to fish there anymore, but I always end up going because its sooo close, especially when I am low on gas!:)
decided to see if I could kill the Alton Baker skunk... no dice... kastmaster, panther martin, power eggs and power bait= no bites. No one else fishin was seeing any action either. I saw one fish jump that is all. I got there by 6:30 am and fished until nine or so, figured two and a half hours of nothing at all was enough!
I dropped OFF scottishsmokedsalmon around noon today , he says there stocking today.. have to pick him up soon :pray:
he was by kowloons at the pipe he got a nibble no takers and he got asked by a cop for his fishing license says he snuck up on him..
I said there like that...:rolleyes: but he said others that was there got some and they was using shrimp flavored power bait :think:
story of our life's....
Calling all Skunk Slayers!!

Calling all Skunk Slayers!!

:doh: I'm tellin' ya,there's a herd of them thar stinkers roaming the lakes,rivers,creeks,ponds and mud puddles in these here parts! :wall: Time to round up the Skunk Slayers in your area and slay the dirt bags! :mad: Now,get out there and slay those skunks!!! :protest:

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