A thought on drift fishing

vw_Brian said:
ya i know better nowadays than to even talk to anyone there... i just go in, get my stuff and get out. I loved the fishing report board the other day it read "umpqua : should be decent" really should be decent? what the hell kind of a report is that? lol
Haha I saw that too, I was in there on monday. I think it said something about the Siuslaw a few weeks ago, that said "good fishing"

The idiots always ask me if I need any help, and one of these days, I'm just gonna say ya, and ask them something they don't know, to make them realize they know nothing, and then I will walk away.
vw_Brian said:
ya i know better nowadays than to even talk to anyone there... i just go in, get my stuff and get out. I loved the fishing report board the other day it read "umpqua : should be decent" really should be decent? what the hell kind of a report is that? lol

That's because they got rid of the G.I. It stood for Good Information.:lol::D
Slinky or split shot...

Slinky or split shot...

In the spirit of a good hearted debate, I object to the whole "lead gets down faster than a slinky", and the whole profile thing. You can get slinky lead in ANY size shot, and the same goes for the parachute cord that it gets stuffed in. Aside from using split shot in low flows, I havent needed to use just lead. And I have never found a flow that could "float" my slinky. (And no, my slinky's are not 4-6 inches long:lol:)
Have you ever taken lead and tapped it on something hard? doesn't make much noise... But ya slinkies or surgical tubing filled with lead shot and about 2-3cm of surgical tubing over hanging so that the tubing hits bottom. No noise... if your worried about that sort of thing. :cool: ya never know? Noise sometimes it could actually provoke a strike???
Also you can take hollow core lead and slip a little piece of tubing on the bottom of the lead that hits the bottom. This should quiet things up. ;)
so how come slinky not outstead lead and ...how many people you see using slinky and how many you see using lead....i donno how to explain but sink both things and see which one goes faster...and probably then you can see how profile makes a difference..and lol...slinky won't float...ontop of watr if thats it..but a lighter slinky will defeat the purpose and will just go with the current...leaving your bait on the side along it...well..i really donno how to explain but surface area effects the dynamics of an object..lkead being more condensed..has more density and is more likely to go down faster than a slinky weighing same ( basically of same mass and proportion ).

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luv2fish said:
so how come slinky not outstead lead and ...how many people you see using slinky and how many you see using lead....i donno how to explain but sink both things and see which one goes faster...and probably then you can see how profile makes a difference..and lol...slinky won't float...ontop of watr if thats it..but a lighter slinky will defeat the purpose and will just go with the current...leaving your bait on the side along it...well..i really donno how to explain but surface area effects the dynamics of an object..lkead being more condensed..has more density and is more likely to go down faster than a slinky weighing same ( basically of same mass and proportion ).


Mike123 said:
No noise... if your worried about that sort of thing. :cool: ya never know? Noise sometimes it could actually provoke a strike???

:think:Ive thought of this too...the vibration of the lead hitting rock traveling down the line to bait, making a wounded prey sound type thing?? Buuut....:confused:most fish targeted while drifting arent actively on the hunt for wounded prey....

:DC'mon...everyone knows lead doesn't just float:lol:. If the flow is high enough, or the weight is light enough, everything just "floats" down the river...right:)? And we're dang near always talking less than a 1/4 oz when drifting, and more often than not 4 grams or less, so could the profile difference really be that much? Time to break out the micrometer and the triple beam scale:lol:...
I got the micrometer got one from work. lol
I think what is being argued is this:

Slinkys are composed of lead balls stacked on top of each other within a nylon sleeve.

Lead tubing is just lead.

If you cut a piece of lead that was the same diameter and length as a given slinky, the slinky will be lighter as there is a large amount of open area inside the sleeve (the areas directly to the left and right of the point where each ball of shot contacts the other), and the entire outside area is what is being pushed by the current.

So, the point I would make is that a slinky which is the same size as a cut piece of lead would be more susceptible to current, but perhaps not a slinky of the same weight.

But different strokes for different folks. I don't use slinkies myself but I can certainly see that they probably would be less likely to snag being so flexible.
mikeredding said:
What about Slinkies? I have been away from the Salmon Steelhead scene for a while but I used to use them quite a bit.

Look at what I started here!:lol::D
"So, the point I would make is that a slinky which is the same size as a cut piece of lead would be more susceptible to current, but perhaps not a slinky of the same weight."

Ok...were all same page there. 5x5. Anytime you take away mass from an object, that object loses weight too. 6th grade Science, Mr. Schulmrich.;)

The only argument from my end, is that it would not be a significant enough amount to not be in the fish anymore...or, if you take a 1/8 oz pencil lead, and a slinky of the same length and diameter, the only difference in your drift will be 1-2 taps on the rocks...

On the other hand, I find pencil lead to be stickier, or it kinda grabs some spots in the drift. I find it handy when the flows are high and fast, and I need to slow my junk down, for this reason only.
Fishtopher said:
"So, the point I would make is that a slinky which is the same size as a cut piece of lead would be more susceptible to current, but perhaps not a slinky of the same weight."

Well that point is "profile" or the shape..and there's no perhaps in science...either it is or its not

Ok...were all same page there. 5x5. Anytime you take away mass from an object, that object loses weight too. 6th grade Science, Mr. Schulmrich.;)

really...wow....i never thought that...:lol: man how come the world was able to keep that secret from me..:lol:

The only argument from my end, is that it would not be a significant enough amount to not be in the fish anymore...or, if you take a 1/8 oz pencil lead, and a slinky of the same length and diameter, the only difference in your drift will be 1-2 taps on the rocks...

No ...its not the only difference...where the time factor gonna go...remember what we are talkin here...the time to go down faster because of profile...

On the other hand, I find pencil lead to be stickier, or it kinda grabs some spots in the drift. I find it handy when the flows are high and fast, and I need to slow my junk down, for this reason only.

Thats true..had that not been the case there was no need to invent slinky..
Broken record.

Broken record.

The only argument from my end, is that it would not be a significant enough amount to not be in the fish anymore...or, if you take a 1/8 oz pencil lead, and a slinky of the same length and diameter, the only difference in your drift will be 1-2 taps on the rocks...

No ...its not the only difference...where the time factor gonna go...remember what we are talkin here...the time to go down faster because of profile...

Your not fishing a 50 ft deep drift man! The only argument from my end, is that it would not be a significant enough amount to not be in the fish anymore... Is this CD skipping, or am I trippin' out??

Ok...were all same page there. 5x5. Anytime you take away mass from an object, that object loses weight too. 6th grade Science, Mr. Schulmrich.

really...wow....i never thought that... man how come the world was able to keep that secret from me..

Just tryin to help ya out man, woops!

On the other hand, I find pencil lead to be stickier, or it kinda grabs some spots in the drift. I find it handy when the flows are high and fast, and I need to slow my junk down, for this reason only.

Thats true..had that not been the case there was no need to invent slinky..

;)Wrongo:naughty:...the need to invent a slinky came from hanging up so much in rocky river beds. rocky river beds. rocky river beds. rocky river beds. Dangit someone change the disc...:rolleyes:
What if you used the wrong type of material for the sleeve? The other day I was told that some brands of nylon are more buoyant than others.
GraphiteZen said:
What if you used the wrong type of material for the sleeve? The other day I was told that some brands of nylon are more buoyant than others.

Just as the fire starts to burn out he dumps on more fuel!:lol::lol::lol:
:D It's all about preference. If you don't trust what you're using you probably won't try hard enough to catch fish. :cool:
*high octane*

*high octane*

GraphiteZen said:
What if you used the wrong type of material for the sleeve? The other day I was told that some brands of nylon are more buoyant than others.

:shock:Man, if you use the nylon/silk/hemp hybrid cord you are golden! Anything else, and not only are you not fishing,:naughty: but youll never sink fast enough!:whistle:
Fishtopher said:
nylon/silk/hemp hybrid cord

You're killin' me!:lol:
Are you guys for real? :rolleyes:
I often use lead because I'm too lazy to make slinkies.
When I guided, I only used slinkies. In a divided container I would have 3 shot, 4 shot, 5 shot and 6 shot slinkies (I used a fairly heavy shot). I would be able to change them out for my clients as I watched them fish depending on how their gear was bouncing. Try that with lead. :confused: If your going to one spot and fishing it all day, lead is great. If you're moving and fishing different water all day, it's a different story.

a lot of people actually like the feel of pencil lead. Some feel like slinkies are too mushy and think that they are able to detect soft takes with lead better. I tend to agree a little. But I lift my rod tip every time my lead or slinkie stops. Some pencil lead guys swear by the tinking feel of lead and set when it stops without that feel. To each their own.

To all the folks trying to overcomplicate sink rates of slinkies, if 4 shots isn't doing it, put on a 5 shot. Hard huh?

Oh and slinkies don't hang up half as much if that. But when they do, you'll lose your whole rig. Oh well. I usually replace the whole thing that often anyway.

Have fun!!
Also, as to how many times your gear hits/taps each cast...

The colder the water, the slower steelhead move. Therefore, I like to keep presentations slow in cold water. Sometimes real slow like dragging bottom slow. Sometimes when the water is really off color, I do the same to give fish a chance at seeing it.

Ah but what the hell do I know anyway? I just use regular ol parachute cord for my slinkies. :lol:
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