A little sadistic but a question

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I am baffled...... lives were lost in a natural disaster...... jokes now? pretty discusting
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I see nothing funny about what's going on in japan...
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I would quit fishing for the rest of my life if just one of those parents could have their child back.. or if everyone who is cold and thirsty right now could have a blanket and a pint of water.. just another example of salmon season bringing out the worst in people.. I agree with maddog, you definitely shouldn't go.. mabe you should go catch goverment fish out of the old cooling ponds at trojan-
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halibuthitman said:
I would quit fishing for the rest of my life if just one of those parents could have their child back.. or if everyone who is cold and thirsty right now could have a blanket and a pint of water..

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i been waiting for someone to fill the void...of my speechless voice......
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I wasn't trying to make a mockery out of it. For some us poor folk can't do anything to help over there where those whom have wealth can donate 50 dollars to thousands so ya it might be a bit conceited to think of how this disaster is going to effect me and my family but i was in fact asking about it in a general way...until someone made a comment about all the toxins dumped in our oceans...The fact remains if one species is hurt beyond repair from this tragedy it could effect the entire world not just one country. now let us look at it in the seriousness I was first trying to point out. How could this effect the spring run...and not just is it going to be safe to eat....like is this going to kill off hundreds or even thousands of natural spawning salmon? now we have the radiation leakage its a very serious matter a little bit more than the average yearly toxins dumped into the ocean... a little bit more severe than an oil spillage. I feel bad for their loss but it is in fact a part of life. What I really find interesting is if more than 100 people die at once in one location its a natural disaster but the thousands who die each year in our own country because our government spends our money on other people and not their own (I.E. homeless people who become such because they lost their jobs and the economy sucks) I guess after what I have gone through and seen in this world it has made me a bit sadistic in a sense.
silent prayer is free.. someone already paid for you-
Only time would be able to answer that question..... we in fact don`t know how bad the spill is/going to be....we in fact are not yet at the peak of the spring run....... we in fact are lucky to be typing..... the big picture is a bit broader than our spring chinook run for 2011.....
Jesus! Have you seen what those poor people are up against and your cracking jokes man alive thats F'ed up. Imagen for one second having your whole world washed away, the whole dam thing environment and all buried under feet of debris. I don't think you need to worry about your fish. I can understand your question but good god man.
I'm sure dams do more harm than a natural event like this and the radiation will dissipate and dilute before we have to worry about it from what I understand.
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halibuthitman said:
silent prayer is free.. someone already paid for you-

Sry bud but I dont pray I dont have much of a faith anymore either, a group of people can truly ruin something special... Its hard to believe in something that the majority of the followers dont even truly believe in or follow their religion. I am sad at the loss in Japan I really am I am sad when I hear about one person dying or 10,000 life is special and at times many of us take it for granted and thats why I get so upset and angry. I truly meant no disrespect with this posting I was just wondering if anyone knew, its like if all the bumblebees die then the world will soon follow type of thought I had but with the ocean as a whole.
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todd_brooks said:
Jesus! Have you seen what those poor people are up against and your cracking jokes man alive thats F'ed up. Imagen for one second having your whole world washed away, the whole dam thing environment and all buried under feet of debris. I don't think you need to worry about your fish. I can understand your question but good god man.
I'm sure dams do more harm than a natural event like this and the radiation will dissipate and dilute before we have to worry about it from what I understand.

Lol actually ya I do know what its like... I been through natural disasters before in fact one just a few years ago in 08 90% of my family lost their homes and their way of life due to the mississippi flood in Iowa/Illinois and guess what Fema said..."Sry but you didn't have flood insurance We know the Dam broke but you should prepare for the worst and since you lived 9' feet under the waterline the dam was holding back you should have bought insurance."
halibuthitman said:
just another example of salmon season bringing out the worst in people


I'm embarrassed that this post even exists. And please tell me you're kidding about the Japanese getting back at us for WWII. If you're joking then I can accept it as an ill timed joke and in poor taste, but if you're serious...wow.
yes it was a joke a paranoia joke bad taste and ill timed i grant that.
If the radiation is in the salmon it is also in the air I wouldnt worry about it. Might as well stop breathing and eating all together if your that worried about it. Maybe send your springers over to japan Im sure they would like to have it right now.
All I wanted to know if how the disaster would effect the ecosystem and if that would effect the spring run. I simply worded it wrong but I do love how people get so offensive when a disaster happens they are high gunned to help but then they sit on their tushes when there are major problems and economical disaster right here in our backyard.
Outdoor_Myers said:
All I wanted to know if how the disaster would effect the ecosystem and if that would effect the spring run. I simply worded it wrong but I do love how people get so offensive when a disaster happens they are high gunned to help but then they sit on their tushes when there are major problems and economical disaster right here in our backyard.

just drop this thread man,theres more to worry about then a fish run.
Shame on me. I wasn't the one who typed " they are still trying to get back at us for world war II" If that comment whether joking or not wasn't typed then I am sure everybody would have just answered his question.
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Kodiak said:
Glad to see the same old stuff hasn't changed, conspiracy theroies and all. Fortunatley they are getting the reactors under controll and this will be mute point in just a few weeks. Realistically the radioactive particles could potentially end up in the ocean in large quantities. The ocean currents travel north into the bearing, and yes could carry radioactive particles in that direction. At worst it would kill off plankton and zooplankton creating a gap in the food chain, potentially leading to a lower return of fish. Fish by some miracle of grand design or evolution or whatever you believe, seam to rid themselves of radiation rather quickly, as it doesn't deposit in them like it does us. Must be all the seafood they eat or something.
So no, it probably wont affect our fish returns, or our abilty to enjoy the sweet taste of springer flesh while we watch the 6:00 pm news and get bent out of shape and attack a guy with a legit question.

For all of you that wanted this thread to go away, a simple answer to the guy's question would have made this whole thing stop. He has fears about how he and the rest of the west coast are going to be affected, while maybe poorly worded, at some point I'm sure most of you have had similar fears, if not you really wearn't paying attention. Yes the tragedy in Japan is just that, a tragedy, God save us all from such a day. The bigger tragedy is all of you who attack him for being open about his fears and searching for answers. Shame on you!

Sorry but anyone asking about a fish run without the hint of care for the lives lost in japan is completly offense cosidering the amount of people I know and care about living in japan.
The attacks did not happen before the WWII comment,which was the third comment on the post,which then came the attacks. Like I said before if not for that comment, I believe there would have been no such attacks.
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