DontTaxMeBro said:Good Lord Troutdude. You think you are a detective or something. First things first, this is ALBANY, and we are talking about a shythole pond with diapers floating in it, in other words, small-town bs. The picks WERE taken at TimberLinn and I know the 15 lber was already you try to figure it out again. wile you are at it, investigate the pics to find the REAL cause of death...then lets us know what you come up with. A prankster, I am NOT> I have better things to do than try to keep people from showing up at a mud hole. ALBANY SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!
So, you back up your story by slamming someone's home town? And it's where you even live (anb obviously have fished). Now that's really smart. (NOT)
All I'm saying is that you haven't proved your point(s) yet. Can you show us anything undisputable?