2012 fishes

Well went out Wednesday afternoon with the fly rod and landed around 10 nice bows between 20-23 inches. I was about ready to pack it up since it was almost dark, and then... SOLID hook up! then a nice steady zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz into the backing on my 6wt. with a 10lb steelhead leader and... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz as I watched more backing peel off as I palmed the reel for all it was worth and my pole doubled over. I could NOT stop that thing for the life of me as it got to the end of my backing (I was on bank and unable to follow). Finally reached the end of my backing and... nothing. Reeled in and my size 6 hook was straightened. So any ideas on what size bow that may have been? Biggest I've landed on my fly rod is around 26-27 inches and this felt ALLOT different. Don't know what else I could have done lol (and no I can't swim after it even though I contemplated this lol).
I would of contemplated swimming after it to. I can guess have big, but sounds like a monster! I would love to get into some action like that
Damn dude. I admire your catches! I've been looking at those bows for the past ten minutes and im still in ahh... I've heard and read about the fishery there. Glad to see its no joke. My buddy lives in Kfalls and wants me to come down the 10th of May..I think I may have made my decision. Keep up the good work...
Well I hope you have a productive trip when you come down. I wouldn't count on hitting the Klamath River in the very near future though since they have been letting out a S#!% ton of water for the last month. If you can get out on the Klamath Lake, Wood River or parts of the Sprague River (which is still pretty high) you should have some fun. Let me know how it goes.
fishfry said:
Well I hope you have a productive trip when you come down. I wouldn't count on hitting the Klamath River in the very near future though since they have been letting out a S#!% ton of water for the last month. If you can get out on the Klamath Lake, Wood River or parts of the Sprague River (which is still pretty high) you should have some fun. Let me know how it goes.

Yeah, I was just looking at the levels the other night. Bummer! Maybe i will get out to the Lake..
High lakes

High lakes

Hey all, been busy lately but have still gotten a few fishing trips under my belt. Since the warm weather has made the river practically unfishable I've been making my way up to the lakes for some good eaters. In the last three trips i've ended up landing over 200 fish so I decided it was time to get my daughter up there with me for the day. My daughter is 6yrs old and likes to fish but has never been out in the boat and I was worried she would get bored being out all day, I was wrong lol. Got her up at 0530 and practically had to carry her from bed to the truck where she slept the whole way to the lake. We got on the water a little before 0800 and started off trolling with a worm and split shot (I prefer simple) and she had two fish on withing the first 3 minutes and landed her first on her own a minute later. She was having a blast. We had a handfull of doubles throughout the day and then ended up catching the same fish at the same time with both our hooks in its mouth lol. We alternated between trolling worms and trolling power bait all day and ended up landing 71 fish (she landed at least 20 on her own :D). We headed for home around 0400pm after a GREAT day together. She can't wait till the next time we go and slept like a champ all the way back home lol.
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Great report!!
Fish on!!

Fish on!!

Well my brother called me up yesterday while I was working on my house (working like mad to get it ready to move into before winter) and said he had a job for me. One of our friends (an older gentleman) needed a fish for the smoker. I haven't been able to fish for a couple months because I've been so busy, but I figured it's about time I make it to the water again, so I decided to try for a bit just before dark. I got to my spot about 40 min before dark and made my way down to my favorite hole. The water in the Sprague is about the lowest I've seen it so my expectations were not high. On the third cast I tossed my J-7 black and silver rapala up into the shallow riffles and brought it down through a pocket of water and my lure STOPPED. Pole doubled, line peeled and a giant tale came out of the water. Man it felt good to be on the water again :) :) HELLO FALL! How I have missed you.
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That's a big ass trout! Nice one! It'll smoke up fine :D
Very nice fish! I have been wondering were you have been
On the fly again

On the fly again

Went down to my spot again on Friday and MADE myself use my flypole instead of my rapalas. Boy was I glad I did. On my fourth cast with the fly swing a black wooly bugger through the upper hole I hooked up solid. After a very nice fight and some extensive acrobatics I landed the 22 incher in the net. After releasing him I figured I was about done since this hole usually only produces one at a time since it's not real big. Two cast later as I drifted my fly down to the end of the hole I felt pressure, lifted my rod and game on. After an even better battle I landed this 25 incher. I was giddy as a school girl.
Yesterday I made it out again and landed a nice 23 incher on my rapala. So far It's turning out to be a decent fall run despite the low water levels.
doesn't matter what rod your still killing it over there
Personal best on the fly rod

Personal best on the fly rod

Well I set my personal best for a native bow on my fly rod yesterday evening. Had a nice fish on right after getting to my spot and it came off. I cussed my luck and figured that was it for the day but kept stubbornly drifting my fly anyway. On my what was to be one of my last casts of the day I let my fly drift down even further than usual. As I started stripping it in I felt a tap like a dink had tried to eat it. After another tap I pulled and lifted and got a huge suprise as my line burnt my fingers and my reel said ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!.... ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. After many a blistering (yes it actual burnt my fingers) run I finally netted (only half of him fit in the net) this hog. Totally made up for my many days of missed fishing due to work this month. What a day :D
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Crunch time

Crunch time

Well we finally got moved into our house so I've gotten a tiny bit more time to fish the last few days. Barely made it out on Friday night before dark and nailed this beautiful 27 inch on a free floating worm. Saturday I lost a big one and landed a real nice 24 inch on the fly rod, which is ALWAYS a blast. Sportmanlio came out Sat and hit the river with me, we found some new spots and hit some old ones. Always fun to have someone to fish with.
20 rainbows and 18" was the smallest!? I gotta move...
just stumbled on these pics. WOW nice feesh
You need to get yourself a rubber C&R net! Still slayin em I see though...
Any of those beautiful fish lately fishfry?
Ya I got a few this fall. Guess I better post some pics. Been pretty busy this summer, and it still hasn't slowed down much.
Stand by for pictures.
Fall 2013 fishedesing

Fall 2013 fishedesing

Here are some quick picks of the few times I made it out this fall. Most were around 24-26 inches with a couple in the 28 inch range. The perch in the picture are 14 1/2 down to 11 inches, caught about 20 that day. Hope you enjoy.

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