Give him a break guys; he's a kid. You rip on him, for not posting pics. Then when he does post pics, you rip on him for "improper" fish handling. These are the very reasons that we have lost many good fisherpeeps, from this forum.
Instead...why not let him know that there better/safer ways to handle a fish, for release, instead of just raking him over the coals? Then, tell him how to correctly handle a fish--that will greatly improve it's chances to survive. We know those things; but he doesn't.
Well, now you know JD. You did a GOOD thing, to release it. But putting your hands/fingers into it's gills, greatly DIMINISHES it's chances to survive after the release. If you want it to have a chance to live: tail it with one hand, and rest your palm under it's belly with the other (behind and below the gills). Snap the pic quickly, and then revive the fish in the water before releasing it's tail.
Good luck on your next outing. Hopefully, you'll still be willing to post your reports and pics.