Recent content by rogerdodger

  1. rogerdodger

    2024 Salmon Show OFF

    shiny! that's a familiar launch. lol
  2. rogerdodger

    Memorial Service for Patricia (Pat) Hendricks - Co-Owner of North Country Lures and Flies

    I was very sad to hear this Dean, she was an amazing person and the two of you have done so much good here in the Florence area. I still have a few spinners that I got to watch her make for me and one of them will be my first cast at Siltcoos later this morning. best regards, roger
  3. rogerdodger

    2024 Salmon Show OFF

    Some high quality coho in the Siuslaw this year, had a great "netting dance" with this hot 27" buck. Gravlox and poke are my plans for him. lol
  4. rogerdodger

    Wild coho retention opens on many central coast rivers/bays!

    woo hoo, Sept14 is finally here, wild coho retention has opened on these central coast rivers/bays: Siletz, Yaquina, Alsea, Siuslaw, Umpqua, Coos, and Coquille. Check the regs updates for exact details and closing date for each location, most are 1/day-3/season (I think the Alsea is 1/2 this...
  5. rogerdodger

    All ocean coho close on Sept15!

    you could see this coming based on fishing reports we have been seeing.... ----------------------------------- RECREATIONAL OCEAN SALMON ACTION NOTICE, September 11, 2024: The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) in consultation with the State of Oregon, the Pacific Fishery Management...
  6. rogerdodger

    Caught my first trout! Rock Creek in the NW zone!

    our Coastal Cutthroat can also have those white fin tips. all the spots make this look like a resident cutty, or perhaps just one that hasn't decided to visit the ocean yet.
  7. rogerdodger

    Caught my first trout! Rock Creek in the NW zone!

    also, that looks like a cutthroat, you can tell for sure by running your finger over the tongue- coastal cutthroats have little teeth on their tongue.
  8. rogerdodger

    Montanan seeking advice on trout in western Oregon

    Because every waterway on the coast connects to the giant food supply called the Pacific Ocean, it's all about anadromous fish, that's how nature is. And much of the year, the rivers are full of smolt growing and heading for the ocean. Many rivers are closed part of the year to protect those...
  9. rogerdodger

    Caught my first trout! Rock Creek in the NW zone!

    It's by county, 3 in the NW zone have exceptions: the one in Clatsop is way north, it closed as of today. The one in Lincoln county is open all year for trout under zone regs, open for steelhead part of the year and the one just north of Florence is in Lane county, closed to all fishing most of...
  10. rogerdodger

    Caught my first trout! Rock Creek in the NW zone!

    On the coast, NW & SW zones, they don't clip hatchery rainbows, no need in these zones. All hatchery steelhead and salmon smolt are clipped. Also, double check the regs for the Rock creeks in NW zone, 2 are closed to fishing during part of the year, probably to protect steelhead smolt.
  11. rogerdodger

    Still slow on the Slaw

    great news for them to be hanging in the ocean a bit longer due to good conditions/eats out there. once we get past Labor Day, I expect them to be coming in thick.
  12. rogerdodger

    Yachats River

    that, unfortunately, limits your ability to get lots of good fishing/clamming/crabbing info.
  13. rogerdodger

    Reg question

    I think it totally depends where you are fishing. "Since 1992, the Gardiner/Reedsport/Winchester Bay STEP has annually released nearly 200,000 Fall Chinook Salmon (Smolt) in Winchester Bay near the confluence of Winchester Creek. In three to five years these smolt return to Winchester Bay’s...
  14. rogerdodger

    Reg question

    I think this is a regs versus ethics question based on location. NW and SW zone, all waters open for chinook salmon or steelhead, are also open for hatchery steelhead, hatchery coho, pink, and sockeye as part of your 2 fish (salmon/steelhead) daily limit. retaining your sub-bag limit of 1...
  15. rogerdodger

    Surf fishing with a drone?

    yep, it's on page 17 of this years regs booklet- Unlawful activities: 4. Using drones/radio controlled boat/ or other unmanned vehicles when angling or to aid in angling.
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