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Fall salmon on the Umpqua is 1 a day 5 a year for wild fish.
When I get a wild fish I figure I'm done and go home.
Fishing next to a nice guy this morning and he got one. As he's bleeding it he says he's half way to his limit. I told him it's a 1 fish limit. He didn't realize that and said he would keep fishing for a hatchery fish.
I told him I didn't think that was right but I also told him I didn't know for sure.
He took my word for it and left.
What do you think? Keep fishing or go home?
When I get a wild fish I figure I'm done and go home.
Fishing next to a nice guy this morning and he got one. As he's bleeding it he says he's half way to his limit. I told him it's a 1 fish limit. He didn't realize that and said he would keep fishing for a hatchery fish.
I told him I didn't think that was right but I also told him I didn't know for sure.
He took my word for it and left.
What do you think? Keep fishing or go home?