Recent content by Fishpdx

  1. F

    Snake river fishing and camping

    Hello , I'm trying to plan a trip to camp and fish at snake river oregon side . Crappie and catfish is what I'll mostly target . Is there any good camping spots on river ? I'm thinking going next weekends! Ps I've never been at snake river so kinda going there with no idea.
  2. F

    Sockeye catch

    Probably snagged
  3. F

    Brown/brook trout

    I think this winter I'll buy myself a fly fishing rod for trout and start learning to fly fish . Seems like everyone says brook love flies
  4. F

    Brown/brook trout

    Seems like the road is closed there due to fires.
  5. F

    Brown/brook trout

    That was my next spot to try . Maybe next weekend I'll have time to hit it .
  6. F

    Brown/brook trout

    Hello everyone, I've been trying to find brook or brown trout around mt hood lakes , with no luck , I've catch and released bunch of rainbows but not yet seemed to find a brook or brown . Is there specific bait or lures to use for them ? I fished clear lake, timothy , frog lake, trillium lake...
  7. F

    Eating carp

    Right on , I caught carp in clean clear water and they taste absolutely amazing. For smaller carp u can make small slices on the back to not feel the bones
  8. F

    Admin in Ukraine?

    Seems like all that vodka is gonna go back to Russia, they will just drink more of it 🤣
  9. F

    Admin in Ukraine?

    Most people are okay down there and currently evacuating to Poland, I have family there . Russia is mostly targeting military facilities and telling locals to stand down and they won't be touched. Money and gasoline is the biggest issue they have due to banks shut down and gas stations...
  10. F

    First spoon steelhead

    Water not too cold ?
  11. F

    The new normal? (no fish?)

    Every time I fish the sandy I get skunked, and everyone else I see same , won't matter if ur on boat or bank , seems like there's no fish in the river or they just don't bite .
  12. F

    The school fish bite was OFF...but...

    Looks like fish tacos 🌮
  13. F

    The new normal? (no fish?)

    I've fished it this Monday, only saw 2 fish caught by the same person bank fishing, no one on boats had any bites or fish either , seems like there's no fish
  14. F

    Salmon 2021 Show OFF

    Went out trying to catch winter steelhead , hooked into this guy on #4 bluefox . Not really sure whether it's a Chinook or chum . Anyways atleast I didn't get skunked.
  15. F

    Fall spawning rainbows

    I've caught rainbows that were spawning in January while ice fishing . It caught me by surprise
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