Salmon 2021 Show OFF

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I think this hot weather is going to end my springer season. The upriver bronze action was always good and at times great. Took a few clients out for limits but spent most days by myself learning a new technique that was fire and definitely will be my go to from now on. I only wish I had learned it sooner.

I've been seeing a lot of darker fish so time to let them be. I don't think to take pics often enough but here are a few.
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Is it a a "secret" technique?
Yeah, you have to fish with me to learn it.
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As long as it isn't snagging.
Nets and explosives are good tho, right?

It's really similar to a very common technique but a slight tweak keeps the offering right in the fish.
jamisonace said:
It's really similar to a very common technique but a slight tweak keeps the offering right in the fish.
Me thinks you meant OFFering. LOL

But did I not know that you are guiding???
I stand corrected. LOL

I don't guide, I take my advertising clients fishing.
Aha! Like the dude on the radio used to say...

"now we know...the rest of the story". "Good day."
Thought I was done but since the sled is in the shop and I saw some salmon numbers that looked good I figured I might as well venture out. We managed 4 keepers and one bruiser wild hen. She didn't get a photo op but she absolutely destroyed me during the fight. My arm was on fire and I could barely row after she was done with me.

Friday morning I fished alone. Put my line in the water at 4:32 a.m. and got bit at 4:33. It greased me without getting hooked at all so I rebaited and let the line out to the exact same spot and immediately hooked up. Fished the same spot for another 30 minutes before I moved to the next hole. 10 minutes there and I had my limit. I had to take a picture of my fish (in the bag) so I could wake up a few friends with a text of my early limit.

Saturday I took a couple friends and it took a lot longer to get two fish but we lost more than we kept and didn't connect on at least 4 plug take downs.

Fish cut great and I'm looking forward to celebrating the independence of the greatest country that ever existed on God's earth with some grilled spring salmon.
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Even the smokers aren't too bad.
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She wasn't pretty and she didn't go home with him but she was his first and that's always something special.

Until this day, my boss had gone fishing two times. Both times were with me for bass on the Umpqua. He caught dozens of fish each time and thoroughly enjoyed it but I always wanted to get him a salmon.

Unfortunately, on this day the fishing was tough. We had one bite before this that didn't stick. User error for sure but it was his first salmon bite ever so I couldn't be too hard on him. Second bite stuck from the start and he did a great job playing it to the boat. It's amazing how it works out when you have that rare person who actually follows directions.

We got a quick pic and sent her on her way.
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Well done Jedi Master!
That's great you always remember the first one. I took my youngest daughter to the Coos yesterday and she caught her first salmon.
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I hear the coos is fishing well right now. My sled has been down for 4 months so I haven't done any trolling this year.
I was in Astoria on social security beach on October 3rd . Casted spinners from bank , ended up with 1 hatchery coho, fished from 8am till 10 caught it as soon as I came 3rd cast and then had no luck . Weather got more rough later so decided to head to seaside and catch some flounder . Caught a few on worms and decided to head home . Stopped by a river saw bunch of salmon jumping threw few rigs with no luck and headed home . Overall pretty good day with decent fish taken home . I was wondering when does the season end on social security beach ?
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Went out last week chasing coho , went with a friend . Both caught our limits , caught 1 Chinook and rest were coho , 4 adults and 3 juvenile. It was my first time hooking fish on corkie and yarn with eggs. For the longest time I only used spinners or bobber and eggs but this time I decided to stick with drift fishing and it turned out very well . I had few fish foul hooked but they came off before it got to shore . Definitely cheaper than spinners . Overall great day I wasn't expecting fish at all . Here's the only pic I got due to my phone dieing

Awesome. I just started side drifting for coho last year and now it's my go to technique. Very fun.
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Went out trying to catch winter steelhead , hooked into this guy on #4 bluefox . Not really sure whether it's a Chinook or chum . Anyways atleast I didn't get skunked.

Chinook or chum
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That’s a nice bright December chinook! Chum have no spots on the back or tail or very small ones. It would also be very uncommon for a buck chum to be in fresh water without some sort of coloration. They mature very quickly, sometimes before entering fresh water.
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