Recent content by 305to503fishermen

  1. 305to503fishermen

    Blue Lingcod

    I need some lingcod too, hopefully the jetties are good to me this year.
  2. 305to503fishermen

    I can't believe ODFW wont use this!!

    I think we are over looking the impact of climate change and ocean conditions. Think about how much warmer the ocean and rivers are running. If there were no hatchery program there would be no more fish. If you think there are any Native fish at this point you are fooling yourself. Hatchery by...
  3. 305to503fishermen

    Fish kill at Green Peter Reservoir

    Agreed Roger, the was court ordered. The Corp had no choice but to do the drawdown. Maybe there should be more research on what will happen to the native fish population at these lakes.
  4. 305to503fishermen

    Clackamas Coho?

    I have been trying my luck too, at the mouth. The only success i have seen are the flosser. Anyone trying to actually fish has not caught a fish. I have gone 3 times now. I wish i had some advice but Coho are notoriously lock jawed on the clack.
  5. 305to503fishermen

    Hagg Lake fishing

    It was his first time fishing with me. He enjoyed him self very much.
  6. 305to503fishermen

    Hagg Lake fishing

    I went out to Hagg lake yesterday 04/12/2023. It started out with a bang, rods out and within minutes i was getting bites. 3 short bites later finally one sticks for me to take the rod out of the holder. Start bringing it in and lose it. It felt like a good one too. Put it back out few min...
  7. 305to503fishermen

    Any luck at Hagg lake?

    I went almost a month ago and only caught 4 and a few more miss bites. By no means was it hot fishing. I was in sain creek no wake zone.
  8. 305to503fishermen

    Kokanee this coming weekend

    Green Peter has so many Kokanee that the average size is about 8", so need to wait for them to grow (they will not). There is also land lock chinook in there that you have a chance to catch those too. Like stated Detroit does have some kokanees but much hard to find. Good news is that there are...
  9. 305to503fishermen

    What are the good and bad things about living in Oregon?

    I am one of those transplants that you guys are talking about. I have lived in Miami, Florida my whole life outside of my time in the Navy. I have only lived here for about 5 years now. I would say that Oregon has unmatched beauty compared to any other State. You can be in a dense forest and an...
  10. 305to503fishermen

    Hagg Lake species

    Maybe i am mistaken, i don't know my catfish that well.
  11. 305to503fishermen

    Hagg Lake species

    I have caught a channel cat a few times at Hagg. This came from trolling around for rainbows.
  12. 305to503fishermen

    New to Portland area. Not sure where to start.

    You could always go to Hagg Lake if you are in the Beaverton area. People use a float tube in summer on it all the time but not sure how enjoyable it would be in winter. The sandy and Clack are both close rivers but trout fishing in the lower river is pretty much non existent. You could try all...
  13. 305to503fishermen

    Favorite steelhead/salmon reel

    Penn Fierce or Battle II
  14. 305to503fishermen

    Drift boat transducer mount

    They make a scotty mount transducer mount or they make a glued on transducer block that you can drill into without having to penetrate your transom.
  15. 305to503fishermen

    Caught some coastal cutthroats on the fly.

    @GaryP1958 do you walk from the campground or Holman Vista when you fish Sutton Creek?
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