McIver Park (Clackamas River)

Fishnbuck said:
this is not your thread, and your commentary is unwarranted.

Why don't you think that statement through to its logical conclusion.
Fishnbuck said:
Sorry Carp, and moderators I lied, one last response. That's just it, nobody asked you. Someone provided info, you gave them flack, merely because it was obvious to you. What clearly isn't sinking in, this is not your thread, and your commentary is unwarranted. Hijack over, have a nice day!

While nobody directly asked, Dr. T is not such a bad guy for what was posted. I suppose it perhaps could have been more delicately worded for the more sensitive, but I personally don't see such a need for internet daintiness and also don't think his posts were all that critical, but rather informative, if a bit circumspect.

He's essentially posted, "If you don't like crowds, don't flock to the meatholes." and, "I've caught way more winters in the afternoon than I have in the early morning. " Two good tidbits of information. Granted, newer fishing folks may not know these 'meatholes,' but through this discussion, now several of them have been mentioned. So now, we know that Dog Creek, Cedar Creek, NFN hatchery...and Mills Bridge are bound to be packed with crowds, and winter fishing is typically better late morning/mid-day/afternoon. Wisdom would then dictate that one need not get to the 'meatholes' early, but rather, find other nearby spots that are not crowded, even during late morning, and winter steelheading can be good.

For what it's worth, that's what I typically do.
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Thanks Chez, very diplomatic :thumb:
ChezJfrey said:
Hehehe....have at it! The more of you people out there chasing springers, the more freedom I have on the river to chase and catch my quarry. I always smile when this time rolls around and as I drive the 205 bridge, look down and see the armada stretched across the Willy/Clack mouth :)

Yup, winter steelhead fishing is over for the year, everyone should go chase springers ;)

DrTheopolis said:
For most species I target, I find this to be true.

The big exception being winter steelhead. I've always found them to be much more active once the water warms up during the day (which is often only a half-degree, but makes a difference). I've caught way more winters in the afternoon than I have in the early morning.

I agree, best bite for me seems to be between 10 and 2.
And Fishnbuck, don't be offended by the Doc, he just has a way with words :) That was in no way meant to be negative, just having a little fun.
hobster said:
And Fishnbuck, don't be offended by the Doc, he just has a way with words :) That was in no way meant to be negative, just having a little fun.

Copy that hobster, thanks.

And to Doc: My apologies, in review I came at you harsher than was warranted. Initially I too meant for it to be an off the cuff situation, but let it perpetuate into unnecessarily raised hackles. Maybe I should take care not to poke bears myself, since we aren't all that familiar with each other.
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DrTheopolis said: prove I'm not such a bad guy, anyone here is free to ask me about whether I think it will be crowded if they go to Dog Creek, Cedar Creek (Sandy), or the NF Nehalem on a weekend during the peak of a run, be it here or by PM.
If I ever have any burning questions about fishing, fishing holes, animal husbandry, women, or life itself I will ask this Dr. T, official board question answerer.
I have a question....Is the Force stronger in Dr. T or stronger in Mr. Google ?

ChezJfrey said:
What about Mills Bridge, Wilson? ;)

I don't think it is widely known. Two(*) of the last 3 times I fished there, I was just about the only guy there.

* Both times were a superbowl Sunday.
pinstriper said:
I don't think it is widely known. Two(*) of the last 3 times I fished there, I was just about the only guy there.

* Both times were a superbowl Sunday.
You can walk upstream, go under the bridge and keep going up a ways to get a little separation.
DirectDrive said:
You can walk upstream, go under the bridge and keep going up a ways to get a little separation.

Ahem, that is MY spot up there...shhhhh! LOL
DirectDrive said:
If I ever have any burning questions about fishing, fishing holes, animal husbandry, women, or life itself I will ask this Dr. T, official board question answerer.
I have a question....Is the Force stronger in Dr. T or stronger in Mr. Google ?

I won't respond to this obvious insult.

Wait... I just did... nevermind.

In fact, I know very little about animal husbandry, or life itself.

After a life spent fishing the northwest corner of Oregon, I can tell you a great deal about fishing holes... which I have, with much corroborating anectdotal evidence to back me up.

I can also address myriad questions about women, although I ask that this is done via PM, so as my rather offensive answers aren't publicly aired.

Although your post is insulting in nature -- if anyone asks a questions on a subject I'm familiar with, I'll happily answer to the best of my ability. If you ask about, say, offshore tuna fishing, I'll abstain, since I have no knowledge on the subject. If you ask me about steelheading the streams of NW Oregon, I'll likely have some insight, since I've been at it for quite a while. If anyone would like me to stop sharing tips from my decades of experience, just say the word.
^^Dr. T, is back. I've seen nothing over the line. While the N. Fork Nehalem is always packed, it doesn't have to be an invitation razz those whose who observe that. ^^
Just keep it PG guys.

In other news steelhead bite all day long. They're steelhead, they're stupid, they're not salmon.
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ChezJfrey said:
Ahem, that is MY spot up there...shhhhh! LOL

I've seen it!
Fishnbuck said:
And to Doc: My apologies, in review I came at you harsher than was warranted.

No worries.

I wasn't trying to be a jerk... but going to the most popular holes known to the entire state of Oregon, then complaining about crowds (which you personally didn't)... just left me shaking my head and doing a facepalm. Were you looking for solitude, or were you looking to floss a bunch of fish?

TIP: To anyone wanting to try their hand at springer fishing at the Oregon City Zoo -- if you go to the Garbage Hole, pleasepleasepleaseprettyplease don't complain about the crowds. Likewise, there might be a hogline at the mouth of the Clack. And you may not get the best parking spot at the Gleason Ramp on the C... see where this is going?
DrTheopolis said:
While the state, and particularly the Portland area are indeed much more populated than they were 20 years ago (by a large amount), the number of salmon/steelhead tags sold is about the same as it was 20 years ago... so much for the "a lot more people fishing these days" theory (which I've heard many times).

God bless the Internet for the privilege of being fact checked every post you make. I stand corrected. I'm left thinking that sometimes it's best just not to say anything at all. :worthy:
I actually didn't do any searching. Over my adult life, I've occasionally taken a gander at the numbers, and salmon/steelhead tags flatlined a long time ago, so I assumed that pattern still held (and with all the gripes about the fee increases I read on this very site, I didn't figure there was a sudden spike).

Although I fully believe (with no statistics to back it up, whatsoever), that certain fisheries are more crowded than they once were (like the Mills to Sollie drift, for example). Though I wouldn't be surprised if someone claimed the Clack gets less pressure than it once did (with the exception of the meatholes). Heck, I used to fish the poo out of the Nehalem before they stopped the hatchery plants (now, I leave the natives alone). And we'd often have the Nestucca to ourselves in winter. I think there's just been a shift in destinations.
DrTheopolis said:
TIP: To anyone wanting to try their hand at springer fishing at the Oregon City Zoo -- if you go to the Garbage Hole, pleasepleasepleaseprettyplease don't complain about the crowds. Likewise, there might be a hogline at the mouth of the Clack. And you may not get the best parking spot at the Gleason Ramp on the C...
Now thats what I'm talking about, easy advice.
and ya, the OC zoo sucks, unless you like losing springers to families fishing C&R for sturgeon and sea lions.
I am almost afraid to ask, but...Where is this OC Zoo you speak of? I did a post search, and I could not find a clear identification. Clackamette Park and surrounding area?
With warmer temps these past few weeks the fishing has been lights out from the first bit of light in the morning.

Here's my clients with a limit @ 8:30am yesterday.

As Dr. T stated, along with other members, it def doesn't have to be a first light gig for these fish. Especially when we are enduring frigid conditions.

good luck,
Fishnbuck said:
I am almost afraid to ask, but...Where is this OC Zoo you speak of? I did a post search, and I could not find a clear identification. Clackamette Park and surrounding area?

Pretty much.

Anywhere between about Meldrum and the I-205 Bridge (and above). During the peak of the run (April-ish) it's bumper boats, and there's a higher percentage of... we'll call them "unpleasant elements" than you'll find in just about any fishery.

I don't get out on the Willy that much for springers, but I'm more than happy to trade for less fish than to deal with that mess. And the tremendous lines at the boat ramps are a real treat, too. And with that part of the Willy being 2 boat ramps down (Clackamette and Milwaukie), it should be even more fun this year.
Fishnbuck said:
I am almost afraid to ask, but...Where is this OC Zoo you speak of? I did a post search, and I could not find a clear identification. Clackamette Park and surrounding area?
The legendary...
Wet Line
Cathedral Rock
Lake Line
Paper Mill
Garbage Hole
Black Top
Dahl Beach

There are convenient fist-fighting areas adjacent to each.

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